Get to Know a Mama! Ask Inessa from Diaper Style Memoirs anything!

Do you want to know more about Inessa, from Diaper Style Memoirs

Please post any questions you have for her below in the comments section (before this Wednesday 6/15/2011. I hope to get the questions to her by then!) So, let’s see those questions!!! Ask her ANYthing. She may just answer it….

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Seattle. And… and, I’m still accepting BlogHer sponsors!


{โ€œA friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself.โ€ – Jim Morrison}

{Beautiful blogging friends: Amanda, Melissa, Mandy, Amy, Lauren, Stephanie, Mandy, ME, and Fiona.}

{This last weekend I headed to Seattle (again, I know. :D) to hang with a few of my fave PNW bloggers. We wandered Seattle… hit the town… got feathers in the hair… and more.}
{I can’t even BEGIN to tell you guys how much fun I had! These ladies are crazy! Crazy. But, totally awesome and fun! I’m pretty sure I will now be even more obsessed with all of them… well… that sounded creepy. ๐Ÿ™‚ There was so much laughing… I am smiling while I type this. Thanks ladies for the fabulous weekend! Next time: everyone comes to Portland. ;D}

{CRAZY photo challengin’ today!}
ShutterLoveTuesdaysSweet Shot DayQuotography at {My}PerspectiveLive Every Moment
the long roadPhotobucketBlogging from Boliviatexture thursdayGive me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotobucketTake my other button :)

{You may or may not notice my new “Sponsor Me” banner for BlogHer’ 11 at the bottom of my posts. I started freakin’ out just a couple of days ago… worrying that I wouldn’t be able to afford my trip to BlogHer. OR… that I shouldn’t be spending money to do that. SOOOooo… I’ve added and changed a few things to my “Sponsor Me” page.}

{I’ve been embarrassed and/or shy to ask for sponsors these past few months… only mentioning sponsoring me once… BUT, with the little surprise butt surgery thing with Angus (ruptured anal gland. fun!) and a few other things… I’m just a little worried about the future of my trip. SO, I know some companies read this blog (I get your emails ::waving::). I’d love for you to click on my “Sponsor Me” button below to see what I can do for you if you can help me get to BlogHer 2011. Thanks!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

This Before That 2011

Who remembers this list? This one right here? Well… I had made my original list in June 2010.  Now… here we are… almost a year later! There were only 4 things I didn’t finish. Yay! So… hopefully with this year’s list I’ll finish everything! ;D

The idea is to create a list of items that you want to do this year. Do you want to join me? Please do! I’m hoping to get all this stuff done before June 2012. I recommend mixing in some easy/cheap things. Don’t stress yourself out! I’m making my list 29 items long. Because I turn 29 next February. If you’re making a list I’m going to open up a linky below for you to link it up! It will be open for a year! ๐Ÿ˜€

My This Before That list for 2011:

1. Get Mike to help me finish those planter boxes!!!
2. Keep my garden alive this summer. {DONE}
3. Sell at Crafty Wonderland this December. (an indie handmade sale) {Didn’t Happen}
4. Potty train Ruari. Or, at least start the process.
5. Clean up/reorganize my blog. {DONE}
6. New blog button. {DONE}
7. Organize garage. AGAIN! Ugh. {Sort of DONE}
8. Make our backyard more Ruari friendly. Less spider friendly? {Sort of DONE}
9. Start a yoga routine. {Started… but, did not continue. ;D}
10. Keep telling Mike we need Chickens next year. Eventually he’ll think it’s his idea. ๐Ÿ˜€ {He now wants chickens}
11. Spray paint my urn planter. Canary yellow! {DONE}
12. Get a quote for replacing siding on the house. Boo! {Almost DONE}
13. Finish my bookshelf project. {NOPE}
14. Tear out the dying cherry tree in the front yard. With help of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰ {TOO EXPENSIVE}
15. Bake a pie. {DONE}
16. Either plan or help plan a PNW Bloggy Gettogether. <—– seriously. {DONE}
17. Go to BlogHer. ๐Ÿ˜‰ {DONE}
18. Continue to work out and stay healthy. {Sort of DONE}
19. Buy a shutter release for my camera. {DONE}
20. Have many date nights with my hubby. {DONE}
21. Take an inexpensive family trip. {DONE}
22. Keep researching surrogacy and adoption. {Still working on this}
23. Take a photo everyday! {Sort of DONE}
24. Buy some sort of upgrade for my camera… depending on cost. {Putting this off. Spendy.}
25. Finish my drawing project before this Fall? If not this fall… before next Spring. {DONE}
26. Draw some doodles and diddies for an online magazine. {NOPE}
27. Tell my baby I love her EVERY day. {DONE}
28. 90% of my holiday purchases will be handmade or thrifted. {DONE DONE DONE!}
29. Set up a compost pile. {Sort of DONE}

Please feel free to grab my little “This Before That” image to put on your post.
Here’s the image URL if you’d like:

If you do start a list I’d LOVE to see it! You are welcome to link up the direct link to your This Before That list post below.

โ™ก Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

This Before That 2011

Who remembers this list? This one right here? Well… I had made my original list in June 2010.ย  Now… here we are… almost a year later! There were only 4 things I didn’t finish. Yay! So… hopefully with this year’s list I’ll finish everything! ;D

The idea is to create a list of items that you want to do this year. Do you want to join me? Please do! I’m hoping to get all this stuff done before June 2012. I recommend mixing in some easy/cheap things. Don’t stress yourself out! I’m making my list 29 items long. Because I turn 29 next February. If you’re making a list I’m going to open up a linky below for you to link it up! It will be open for a year! ๐Ÿ˜€

My This Before That list for 2011:

1. Get Mike to help me finish those planter boxes!!! {Didn’t happen}
2. Keep my garden alive this summer. {Didn’t happen}
3. Sell at Crafty Wonderland this December. (an indie handmade sale) {Didn’t happen}
4. Potty train Ruari. Or, at least start the process. {Didn’t happen}
5. Clean up/reorganize my blog. {Did it… always doing this}
6. New blog button. {Did it}
7. Organize garage. AGAIN! Ugh. {Didn’t happen}
8. Make our backyard more Ruari friendly. Less spider friendly? {Didn’t happen}
9. Start a yoga routine. {Didn’t happen}
10. Keep telling Mike we need Chickens next year. Eventually he’ll think it’s his idea. ๐Ÿ˜€ {Did it}
11. Spray paint my urn planter. Canary yellow!{Did it}
12. Get a quote for replacing siding on the house. Boo!{Did it}
13. Finish my bookshelf project.{Did it}
14. Tear out the dying cherry tree in the front yard. With help of course. ๐Ÿ˜‰ {Didn’t happen}
15. Bake a pie.{Did it}
16. Either plan or help plan a PNW Bloggy Gettogether. <—– seriously.{Did it}
17. Go to BlogHer. {Did it}
18. Continue to work out and stay healthy. {Did it}
19. Buy a shutter release for my camera.{Did it}
20. Have many date nights with my hubby.{Did it}
21. Take an inexpensive family trip.{Did it}
22. Keep researching surrogacy and adoption.{Did it}
23. Take a photo everyday!{Did it}
24. Buy some sort of upgrade for my camera… depending on cost. {Didn’t happen}
25. Finish my drawing project before this Fall? If not this fall… before next Spring. {Didn’t happen}
26. Draw some doodles and diddies for an online magazine. {Didn’t happen}
27. Tell my baby I love her EVERY day.{Did it}
28. 90% of my holiday purchases will be handmade or thrifted.{Did it}
29. Set up a compost pile.{Did it}

Please feel free to grab my little “This Before That” image to put on your post.
Here’s the image URL if you’d like:

If you do start a list I’d LOVE to see it! You are welcome to link up the direct link to your This Before That list post below.

โ™ก Chelsey


Categories: Uncategorized

Photo Competition: Your Best Shot!

It’s time for another photo competition! Yay! I LOVE doing these! They’re so much fun (My last 2 competitions: The Holiday Card Challenge and the Valentine’s Photo Challenge).

So… what’s up with this competition? Just enter your favorite photo YOU have taken of a child! Or, pet. I will accept photo entries of your sweet little furry (or scaly?) children too. ๐Ÿ˜€ Just link up your image below… before June 24th, 2011!

I know it will be SO hard to find your BEST shot out of the many (for me… thousands) of photos you’ve taken… But, you can do it! Only one photo entered per person. Have fun! And, good luck… please check out the talented judges below… along with the prizes you could win (oh, and those boring rules are down there too ;D)! Yay!

My best shot… I love this one of Ruari in the snow. LOVE it.

{Ramblings and Photos}

{The Bonnie 5}

{Mamahood, Among Other Things}

{Life with Kaishon}

{I Should Be Folding Laundry}

{April Newman Photography}

{My Perspective}

{Group 1: Ketti: $100 to the Ketti Shop}

{Group 1: Jo Totes: A Jo Totes Camera Bag}

{Group 2: Totally Rad: Action or Preset of your Choice.}

{Group 2: Just Stuff: $20 to spend in the Just Stuff shop.}

{Group 2: Barely Measured: A custom camera strap cover.}

{Group 3: Twenty Five Designs: Choice of Headband or Hair Clip}

{Group 3: Hanamik: The lens cap holder pictured above.}


  • The photo entry MUST be taken and edited by you (you don’t have to edit it, but if you do… the edit needs to be done by you).
  • One entry per person.
  • PG please. Maybe PG-13… Let’s keep it kid friendly.
  • I do have the right to delete or disqualify any entrant if I feel it doesn’t follow the rules.
  • You can link up your photo through June 24th, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 
  • Top 30 winners will be chosen by a panel of judges (see above to find out more about the judges) and me… then the top 10 will be chosen by the voting of all of you (Voting starts on June 27th, 2011 and ends on June 29th, 2011 11:59 PM Pacific Time). From there the judges and I will pick the first and second place winners out of the top 10 from the voting!
  • Your photo MUST link directly to a blog post containing the photo you entered, or a direct URL to the image. I can’t view the image unless you do that. ๐Ÿ˜€ If I can’t find the image easily the photo may be disqualified. Linking to Facebook has not been working that well… try Flickr or some other photo share site.
  • All blog post entries should link back to this Your Best Shot post. You can grab the button below. Thanks! 

P.S.: If you link up your entry wrong: no worries! You can go ahead and link up the correct entry again. I’ll figure out which entry is the one you meant to enter. ๐Ÿ˜€

P.S.S.: Please make sure to link to a direct link to either your competition post entry or to the photo URL. The judges and I need to be able to find the image easily. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

The Paper Mama

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized