Shop update!!!

Say hi to my most recent finished custom drawing! This was created for Melissa from Hi, Baby. She wanted a thumbprint tree for her upcoming wedding… Don’t know what a thumbprint tree is? Well… instead of your wedding guests signing a guestbook… they all mark their thumbs around the tree branches to create leaves! Please, check out my shop if you’re interested!

Some banner creations:

The first banner is for Ruthanne of Eclectic Whatnot, followed by Sarah of Little Citizens of the World, Mummarazzi, and Brianna from Unexpectedly Expecting baby. I’d LOVE to work with you! Check out my shop if you need a blog banner!

AND… a photo edit:

You can get your photos edited by me in my shop too. πŸ˜€ Check it out!

AND… check out a little Monday’s are Awesome interview by Mandey at Mama and the Dudes! Funny questions. πŸ™‚

AND… can I get a vote for my blog? β™‘
Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: paper mama shop

Sunday Challengin’

Scavenger Hunt Sunday:


Pulling from the archives today! This was Ruari’s eye when she was like 4 or 5 months old. πŸ™‚ I took it with my point and shoot. I still love it.


I like to paint in Photoshop.

Leaf Veins

I swear if you got a LOT closer to the leaves on those flowers you’d see veins. πŸ˜€ ;D πŸ˜€

Faceless Portrait

Steppin’ Out Saturday:

This Saturday we stepped out to my buddy Kelsey’s house for her son Braedon’s 5th birthday! I had so much fun. And, I swear Ruari did too… after I stopped making her pose for a steppin’ out photo. πŸ˜€

Scavenger Hunt SundayMM3

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! πŸ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Favorite of June

June 25th
This weeks challenge: Favorite photo from June.
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). Just pick your favorite photo from this past month. πŸ˜€

My favorite photo of June: 

Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:

Remember: my photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.
There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. πŸ™‚ Click on this link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on June 30th…   
Winners so far this month:
– Self Portrait: … Snappin’ Candy
– Family: … Mama and the Dudes
– Green: … RSVP Ink
– Parenthood: … no one yet …  

The Paper Mama

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! πŸ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of the "Parenthood" photo challenge is…

June 18th
This weeks challenge: Parenthood
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) with a parent/grandparent. 

{Mick and Jess}

Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Mom Tried It}

{Life by the Creak}


{Photos By Shyann}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

f you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

Winners so far this month:
– Self Portrait: … Snappin’ Candy
– Family: … Mama and the Dudes
– Green: … RSVP Ink
– Parenthood: … Mick and Jess … 

And, if you all get a moment….
I’d LOVE a vote! πŸ˜€

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

You are 18 months old.

Hello my baby girl!
You are officially 18 months old… well, you were on the 18th. BUT, I didn’t make it on the date… as usual. No matter! Here we are. I now have a one and a half year old baby. NO… toddler! I mean… you aren’t really a baby anymore.

I can’t even count how many words you are saying. The doctor asked me at your wellness check… and I told her over a million. Because… you say and know so many words! Sometimes it surprises me when you see something and you say what it is! How do you know? You’re so little! You can name most of your body parts… But, you absolutely refuse to call your toes “toes”. I say “toes” you repeat “tootsies”! Ha! I blame Coral (via Kelsey) for that one! It’s cute. πŸ™‚

You’ve renamed your stuffed dog, Bernie, “Buh-bee”. <3 . You love your cats! Angus is just there… you love him, but he wont let you slap him like that cats do (they’re sick and they love being slapped). You’ve recently decided that you love to watch Dora (yay! that gives mommy some time to get stuff done! :D). I like to put hats and other accessories on you and tell you to go look in the mirror or show your daddy… you smile and walk slowly (making sure not to drop what I put on you) to look at yourself or show Mike! Ha!

Well… you’re even MORE addicted to your pacifier… I’m starting to worry that you wont ever want to give it up… especially since you’ve been walking around patting it like a baby and “shushing” it. Oh man. You absolutely love animals of all kind… except for Chickens. You were actually shaking when you saw your cousin’s chickens. You would point at them and say, “No no no no no no.” That’s not going to work so well since I plan on getting chickens next year! πŸ˜€

I could go ON and On and ON ON ON about everything your doing… but, I wont. It’s all been documented on this here blog… bwa ha ha ha! πŸ™‚

I love you SO much. Happy 1.5 year! Next up: Potty training? Hmmm….


Vote for our blog for Ruari’s 1.5 year birthday? πŸ˜€
Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Father’s Day 2011

{β€œAny man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad.”}

Soooo…. can you guess which one of us wasn’t very happy about the family photo above? ;D Mike’s 2nd father’s day was a lovely relaxing one. We spent the day out at my uncles house where I managed to eat 5 gallons of jalapeno popper dip that Mike made… not even joking… it was probably 5 pounds. I’ll have to share the recipe… so freakin’ yummy. I wish I had some right now… enough about that yummy dip… lets talk about my Living Healthy!

A quick update on my 30 Day Shred (which is more like my Every Day Shred since I’ve been doing it since the beginning of May. :D). I did actually put myself on a scale and found out I lost 5 pounds. BUT, it’s not a weight loss thing for me. It’s seriously how my clothes are fitting. And, they are fitting better! I’m so much more comfortable in my old clothes! Yay!
I’ve just moved onto Level 3 of the shred! Yes… it took me that long to get to it! I actually have to modify the workouts so I’m not jumping on my bad knees… Even though level 3 is WAY more difficult… I think I like it best of all the other levels! Maybe because it seems like it goes by faster? Hmmm… Ok, that’s my update! If you’re shredding… or, you’d like to shred… click the button below to link up with Naptime Momtog!

NapTime MomTog

Photo challenges:
ShutterLoveTuesdaysQuotography at {My}PerspectiveLive Every Moment
PhotobucketBlogging from Boliviatexture thursdayGive me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotobucketTake my other button :)

AND… can I get a vote for my blog? β™‘
Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: family

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Reminders!

the long road

{Happy Wednesday everyone! I just wanted to throw out a couple of reminders for all of you! SOOOoooo many things goin on right now…. }

{First: FRIDAY is the LAST day to enter your photo for the Your Best Shot photo challenge! Wow! Time is flying… Click the image below to check out all the entries and enter your own!!!}

{Next…. don’t forget about the Pacific Northwest Blogger’s Meetup! Click on the button below for some more info…. we’re still in the planning stages… more details soon. :D}

{Again… don’t forget tomorrow is the last day to get two weeks free when you sign up to advertise on my blog before June 23rd. Yay! Click here to get more info…}

{AND… I may start to sound like a broken record… but, please check out my Sponsor Me for BlogHer page! Click here… or the button below… seriously so many opportunities to get your blog and/or business exposed! Seriously! I will pimp you out! ;D}

{ONE more thing… a vote? πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :D}
Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}

β™‘ Chelsey

Categories: announcement