Who did it? Who designed my blog?

Yup… you probably know him from around the bloggy world. Mr. Don. AKA: Adeline’s Daddy. I would like to take a moment of my time to brag about him. He’s so talented and I’m very happy with my blog! So Don is:
– Patient: I may or may not be a crazy indecisive customer that cannot make up her mind…. hee.
– VERY talented. I mean really… look around my blog!
– Ummm… he also fixed some things on my blog that I ruined after his lovely blog design… heh heh… whoops! 
– He knows all that html/css blahbity hoo blah. I only understand the basics of html and couldn’t take my designing skills past a banner and button. 
– His kid is adorable. 
– His wife is super sweet. 
– He’s pretty nice too.

Examples of  his amazing work:

{Adeline’s Daddy}

{Local Honey Baby}

AND…. of course my blog. Have a look around! Make yourself at home. Grab a glass of wine.
So, please: send Don an email if you’re interested in some blog design! AND, if you feel like his whole design package is a little out of your price range for the moment… he can work out a smaller package for you. OR, a la carte options. ๐Ÿ™‚ Check him out!
And…. another little reminder: Get your PNW Blogger Meetup tickets now before they sell out! Check out more details right here: PNW Blogger Meetup.


Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Ruari makes a new friend.

{So…. what’s up with grumpy kid? This is what happens every time she meets another new baby… after time she warms up… but, look at that grump face! Ha! Ruari and I met up with Fiona and Elle at the fair. It was super hot, but Ruari LOVED it! She about poo’d herself in the bunny room. Seriously. She loves animals!!!}

{Ruari, Me, Fiona, and Elle!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}

{OH! And, just a little reminder: if you’re in the PNW and want to meet up with other lovely/awesome bloggers like yourself? Well…. come to our meetup! Details are here: PNW Blogger Meetup.}


Categories: Uncategorized

Friends with benefits…

Nooooo! Not those kind of friends (you have a dirty mind)!!! I’m talking friends with kids. I love how many of Mike’s and my friends have kids now. It’s nice for people to sort of… understand, you know? Cancelling last minute because of sickness: understand. We can’t keep baby out past 7 pm: understand. Whoa… I can’t keep my eyes open past 10: understand. 
Of course my other babyless friends are totally amazing and understanding and so pretty ::yes, I’m sucking up. ;D:: But, even though they get it… they don’t “get it” until there’s a kid involved. The friends in the photos above totally get it. <3 them and their little girl. ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

My Chihuahua is trying to kill himself.

 Angus, my Chihuahua, often tries to kill himself. He does things that are obviously lame. For example:
– One time, after getting loose from his leash, he ran up to a bull mastiff and barked and nipped at this dog’s face. Luckily this dog didn’t give two poo’s about him.
– Trying to swallow an uncooked whole beet… without chewing… it was bigger than his mouth. He choked. A lot.
– He continuously eats possibly poisonous mushrooms whenever he sees them on our walks. Eating them faster than I can stop him. This results in LOTS of barf and wondrous diarrhea.
– He was wrestling with my mom’s larger dog and managed to get his eyelid hooked on the loop of my mom’s dog’s name tag. Piercing it. What? He’s awesome.
– He manages to find a way into the leftover BBQ charcoal every time. Eating it. Resulting in bloody poo and diarrhea. AND, a trip to the vet EVERY time.
– For WHATEVER reason… every once in a while Mr. Angus decides to chew on his feet nonstop until they bleed and his little furry toes are bald. What up with that?
– So…. Angus has these anal glands. AND, they rupture. What? Yes. They do. And, then he needs to have emergency surgery. He is so neat.
– We have to monitor how much food we give him… if we left it up to him: he would gorge himself and eat WAY too much. When he does find his way into some food stash… he eats until he can’t fit anymore and sits in the corner whimpering in pain with a massive belly.
– One of the worst things he’s done: while I was heavily medicated from the intense birth surgery I had…. I accidentally dropped one of my 600mg ibuprofen without even knowing it (still on morphine)… and, Mr. Awesome, AKA Angus, swooped it up and ate it. About an hour later… I realized I had never taken my ibuprofen. We figured out Angus had eaten the pill and later barfed it up. The next day he was extremely sick… we took him to the vet and they were worried his body would shut down and he would die. LUCKILY Angus made it… all because he barfed the pill up shortly after he had taken it. I guess large dogs often die from swallowing pain killers and he was so lucky. That was a TERRIBLE day. I was so worried for my puppy. ๐Ÿ™
– Most recently he ate another round of charcoal. Ugh.
Making this LONG story short… he’s pretty smart… neat and gets into way too much trouble. BUT, we love him and could never and would never replace his stinky anal gland ruptured bum.
โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Sunday Challengin’

Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Old and New

Something old… made new again.

Night Photography
 Yeah…. I pulled this photo from the archives. I just didn’t manage a night photo this week! ๐Ÿ˜€

Shoes are music to my ears.


My little ray of sunshine…. she was so ready for bed. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Steppin Out! I’m on a boat.

My outfit:
Earrings: F21
Dress: Anthropologie
Shoes: Sam and Libby

Mandy (Harper’s Happenings) and I stepped out earlier this week on a boat! A while ago Mandy had mentioned something about a Girl Power Hour event on a boat in Seattle… and, it just happened to land on a date I was already going to be in the area visiting family. Perfect.
What’s this Girl Power Hour? Well, it’s “stylish networking for women”. Pretty much a bunch of fabulous and talented and super awesome women get together to meet and greet… and, well: network! I have a business (my blog and Etsy shop) and thought I could really benefit from this. I met some super fabulous women (including these blogger’s that I spent most of the evening with The Blozulfog, Jenny On the Spot, and Mama’s Losin’ It!) and the lovely Dianne from Dianne’s Delights. She owns her own little sweets and treats business in Seattle… and specializes in Balls…. Cake Balls that is. FYI: she is awesome and I think she ships! The cake balls were delicious.

{These ladies are awesome Jenny On the Spot, The Blozulfog, Me, Mandy, and Mama’s Losin’ It!}

โ™ก Chelsey

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