Last call for October ad space!

Hellllllooooooo! I’m just throwing out the last call for sponsors for the month of October! I try to make the last day to buy an ad spot the 28th of each month… SO, if you would love to advertise… I would LOVE to have you!

The Extra Large spot is sold AND I only have 2 Large spots left. SO, if you’re interested let me know… I do have medium and small available too. ๐Ÿ˜€

You can check out my pricing and blog stats here if you’re interested!


Categories: Uncategorized

Steppin Out Saturday: On Wednesday.

My outfit: hair//sock bun, earrings//f21, sweater//target?, blouse//Anthropologie, jeans//f21, wedges//from my seester.
This week I stepped out on a Wednesday! Oh yes I did! ;D My girlfriends and I decided it would be lovely to have a night without the childrens. AND: it was. There are about 4 girls missing from that photo below… but, those are my girls. We’ve all been friends since around 16 and now I’m 40. Ok, not 40… 28. But, I feel 40 today! <3

Linking up with Mandy from Harper’s Happenings!


Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Friends

September 24th
This weeks challenge: Friends
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty). Friends.

My example of “Friends”:

Keira and Ruari.

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.
Favorite photo from September.

The Paper Mama

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of the "Red" photo challenge is…

This weeks challenge was: Red!

{Marcella Grace}
Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Loves of Life}


{Les Cadeaux}

{The Photog Nazi}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{Back to the Basics}
{Works of Anselm}

{Nurse Loves Farmer}

{Our Precious Jas}

{The Enlightened Bug}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .


โ™ก Chelsey

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