50 DIY days: 12 Days of Christmas Scrapbook Page


Day 1: Hello friends! I crafted this fun little idea about 4 years ago… BUT, I never actually did anything with it. I think it’s because I didn’t have my daughter and it just wasn’t as important to me as it is today. Say hello to my 12 Days of Christmas Scrapbook Page!

It’s a super simple idea. I created 12 different holiday themed activities that I really wanted to do this season… and then I would choose ONE photo that truly represents each day and paste it behind one of the doors on this page.

Another idea would be to print your instagram photos from each of your outings to paste on your page.

Below are some activities I will be doing this year…. adjust and revise this list to fit your life and have fun with your loved ones!

12 Days of Christmas List:

1. Pick out a tree.

2. Ornament shopping.

3. Decorate our home!

4. Meet Santa!

5. Sleigh ride with the family.

6. Hot cocoa.

7. Make gifts for the grandparents.

8. Make an ornament with Ruari.

9. Make a gingerbread home.

10. Watch Elf.

11. Make cookies for santa!

12. Christmas day!


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Categories: 50 DIY Days

I found a milestones list.

I completely forgot that I had this list! It’s a list of milestones from the first few months of Ruari’s life. I had the plan to transfer all of these items to her baby book… hmmm, weird how that didn’t happen! ๐Ÿ˜‰
They’ll make it into a baby book eventually… ๐Ÿ˜€ BUT, for now… I’ll share them here.
December 18th: Ruari’s birthday.
– January 20th: Lots of cooing.
– February 19th: Ruari figured out how to get her hand in her mouth.
– February: First giggle while we watched the Office.
– March: Rubs her hands on her eyes when sleepy.
– April 1st: Real big laugh after a bath when mama and baby rubbed noses.
– April 25th: Rolled over from belly to back.
– April: Repeated the word, “Okay” twice.
– May 10th: Grabbed left foot on her own.
– May 18th: Grabbed right foot on her own!
– May 22nd: Managed to get her feet in her mouth… and LOVED it.
– June: Says, “Bababababbabababab” non stop.
– July 19th: Rolled over from belly to back for the 2nd time and scared herself.
– August 7th: Rolled over from back to belly. AND: started to cry. ๐Ÿ™‚
– August: FIRST WORD: “Anduh” or Angus. Our chihuahua’s name. 
– August: Said, “Da da.”
– September: Started to crawl.
– September: Pulled herself up on furniture.
– September: Says, “Mama.”
– January: 13 months old and you walk.
It’s so fun to have this list! This blog ‘o mine has definitely turned into a sort of baby book for my girl. So, I’m happy to have added these little bits. <3


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Steppin Out Saturday… on Friday.

My outfit: top//thrifted, necklace//gift, pants//f21, shoes//h&m. Ruari’s outfit: sweater//thrifted, pants//gift, shoes//target, bunny//gift.
I did my steppin out on Friday this week. Nothing fancy. The family and I went and had some pizza… then, hubs and R went to bed while I wandered and had a drink with my girlfriends. A lovely Friday evening! ๐Ÿ™‚


Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Face

This weeks challenge: Face
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty)
. Focus on the face!

My example of “Face”:

At the pumpkin patch.

  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

The Paper Mama


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