50 DIY Days with Adeline’s Daddy: Vintage Style Silhouette

Day 26: Don AKA Adeline’s Daddy here, and today we are going to make some vintage style silhouettes… with a holiday twist. I’m going to lay out how this can be made by hand and on a computer… AND I am including a link to download art files that you can use to help create your own.
1) You are going to want to pick a subject. It can be you husband, wife, cat, dog, or even favorite pair of shoes (I know you ladies), however, I’m going to guess that many of you are going to want to go the route that I did which is you child. I have chosen my Daughter Adeline as my willing participant (did I say willing?) Grab a camera and try to get an area that is backlit (a window with a curtain works well).  Try to get some help (thanks wifey), because getting a photo of a kids profile is not as easy as it would seem. Snap that photo and let the fun begin… 
2) Import the photo to your computer and do some simple editing (if you can, if not, you can skip right to printing out, see next step). I suggest upping the contrast and trying to get rid of some of the midtones. You can also zoom and erase and draw in areas to get the right shape. *** For digital version, you will need to fully clean the file and I suggest finishing in illustrator (if you can). 
3) Size appropriately and print out. If you use the frame that I created, I would suggest going no wider than 4″ and no taller than 5″.  You can take your printout and make any adjustments with a marker. I added some eyelashes, reshaped the curve at the bottom, and tightened up her cute curling baby mullet. 
4) Adhere your printout to a black piece of construction paper. I used some masking tape around the edges so nothing would mess up the paper where the image is. I would suggest cutting the paper down first so there isn’t a lot of wiggle room. 

5) Cut that precious little honey out and admire what you’ve created (in more ways than one). 

6) Print out the frame and extra embellishment files that I have created just for you (see downloads)… and repeat steps to cut out (color paper can be a nice touch) and mix and match…. Should she be Addy the Red Nosed Cutiedear?… 

 hmmmm… get some glue, make some decisions… I’m going with… 
…or if you are working digitally, you can end up with something like this… 
I have added a page over at my blog where you can download the art files to create these, along with some extras (preview below). You can also add your own touches with watercolors, markers, etc.
What do you think Addy Claus, did we have fun?


Thank you SO much to Don from Adeline’s Daddy! What a LOVELY guest post. I am SO doing this! Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days, photoshop

Handmade Cyber Sunday sales!

 Handmade love:

1. Out of Alabaster custom silhouettes buy one get one free! Code: Buy1Get1FiftyOff

2. Beautiful Blendings lovely hair accessories discount code: BIGSURPRISE

3. Gingerlilly prints 10% off with code: INDIE

4. SusannahBeanHandmade: 20% off code: BLACKFRIDAY1

5. Little Gray Pixel: 40% off code: HOLIDAY11

6. This Enchanted Pixie: 30% off code: BLACKFRIDAY30

7. Pamplemousse1983 free international shipping code: CYBERMONDAY

8. rewritten.: 20% off code: HOLIDAY

9. La Belle Vie.: 20% off code: cybermonday20

10: iviebaby: 30% off code: cybermondayiviebaby

11. The Dedication Co.:15% off code: HOLIDAY

12. alana in love: 40% off code: CYBERMONDAY

13. Folding Chair Designs: free shipping with code: HOLIDAY

14. Dragonflight Apparel: 20% off code: TDAY2011

15. Ravenna Girls Vintage: 15% off code: RGHOLIDAY2011

16. Twenty Five Design: 15% off code: cybermonday

17. Sew Chatty: 15% off code: CYBERMONDAY

18. Modern Bird Studios: 25% off code: CYBERMONDAY2011

19: Craftzilla Conquers the World: 25% off code: CYBERMONDAY

20. Donna’s Decembers: 25% off code: CYBER25

21. Adair Designs: 20% off code: deckthehalls

22. Mama Mandolin: 30% off code: blackfriday30 

23. Hello Lovelies: 10% off code: CROSBIECREW10

AND, I am offering 25% off in EVERYTHING in my little shop: The Paper Mama Shop (Yes, that includes the drawings ;D)… the code: SHOPHANDMADE2011

And, it’s not a handmade shop… but…

– This is the day I ALWAYS stock up on BabyLegs for Ruari. Great Cyber Monday prices!

signaturealt design banner

Categories: Uncategorized

Turkey style

Ruari’s outfit: shirt//gift, dress//thrift, leggings//babylegs. Mike’s outfit: shirt//macy’s?, pants//no idea, socks//old. My outfit: cardigan//Old Navy, blouse//thrift, pants//f21, feet//i was born with them.
For Thanksgiving this year… the fam and I wandered up to Bellingham, WA to visit the hubs family and eat lots of food with a bit of wine (ok, a lot of wine). I love it when hubby, Ruari, and I get some time to all be together… longer than just a weekend. So relaxing. AND, fun. 
How did you spend your turkey do da day?


Categories: Uncategorized

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Smile

This weeks challenge: Smiles!
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty)
. Lets see those big ‘ol grins!

My example of “Smile”:
This is a super old photo of R. We’ve just had such a busy weekend I haven’t been able to take a new one. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.
Favorite from November

The Paper Mama


Categories: Uncategorized

AND, the winner of the "Family" photo challenge is…

This weeks challenge was: Family

{Moments and Impressions}
Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

{Jenny Rain}

{Meagan Musing}

{My attempt at motherhood}

{Watch Us Grow}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama


My favorites (in no particular order):

{Gatorette and Me}
{Tonight, we dine on milk}

{Curls, Spunk, and Monkey Chunk}
{His honey and her mommy}
{Olive Observer}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama

 . 2010 winners . 2011 winners .


โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY Days with Pamplemousse 1983: Easy Peasy Wrapping Paper!

Day 25: Hi friends! My name is Maryam and I blog over at Pamplemousse1983.  Today I’m going to show you how to make some easy peasy cheap wrapping paper.
Here’s what you’ll need…
  • Paint (Tempera is perfect, especially if you’re doing this with a child.  I used cheap-o Crayola)
  • A Potato
  • Paper (I used brown packing paper but newspaper would also work, as would butcher paper)
  • An Exact-O or knife
  • A brush
  • Metallic ink pads or Metallic sharpies
  • Optional: a pencil

Start by cutting your potato in half and cutting out a design.  Geometric shapes with straight lines are easiest but hey, go crazy!

When you’re done cutting your shapes out, blot them with tissue or a paper towel to get them nice and dry.

Use your brush to add paint to your stamp.  You don’t want too much paint or else it’ll slide and smoosh and be generally unpretty.

Stamp away!  You can stamp randomly on your paper or in lines.  I chose lines.  I like the way the patterns looked.

Use your stamp pad to add designs. You can use a small finger on the stamp pad to make smooshy shapes or the rubber eraser on the back of a pencil for nice round shapes.

You can also use the sharpies to add designs if you’d like.

And voila!  There you have it…pretty one of a kind wrapping paper!


Thank you SO much to Maryam from Pamplemousse 1983! What a LOVELY guest post. So simple! I have to try it! Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days

Links to LOVE this week!

The importance of a self portrait on your blog.

Love this sweet way to make disposable cameras cute for a party!

AND, because it’s Black Friday… here are some online deals for you today! Enjoy! Have FUN!


30% off at Mandy’s shop using this code: blackfriday30

20% off to Twenty Five Designs with this code: BLACKFRIDAY

20% off ALL prints at Adair Designs with this code: deckthehalls

20% off at Mode De Vie Vintage with code: BLACKFRIDAY

HELLO: 40% off Adeline’s Daddy shop with this code: heartmyfam

Holiday discounts page for Peggy Ann Design 

20% of the Scathingly Brilliant shop, Flapperdoodle with code: CATSMEOW

Modern Bird Studios… 20% off through the weekend! Code: HOLIDAYS2011

Moorea Seal jewelry 25% off through the weekend with code: BLACKFRIDAY

Acute Designs hair goodies are 25% off with the code: FRIDAY25

Other not so handmade shops:

SERIOUSLY: Amazing deal for all you photogs out there! Totally Rad product 25%-30% off TODAY ONLY!!! Plus…. use this coupon code for 15% off on top of that discount for HUGE savings. WOW: 1105BLACKFRIDAY

Super great deals for Black Friday at LuLu’s!

Need to order your Christmas Cards? 20% off a $75 order at Pear Tree Greetings today – Monday code: BLACK20

15% off regular price at Ruche code: BFSALE15

My children’s goodies sponsor has free shipping after spending $175!

There’s quite a few great deals on some BabyLegs today… more on Monday!

AND, random… But, I know you’re all buying gift for Christmas today… We’re selling our very nice Canon HD camera on Ebay and the bidding ends today! Wonderful price. ๐Ÿ™‚

As of Thursday while I type this…. I’m only $75 away from my goal! Click here to get a super discount on ad space or blog banners! ๐Ÿ˜€


Categories: Uncategorized