The “Family” Photo Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Heart!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!





Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Links to loooove this week.

I’ve been trying my best to sloooooow down. Enjoy each moment. The internet can move so darn fast that I get caught up in it and I forget to stop and just hang out. Enjoy some tea. I’ve been collecting teapots and tea cups since I was little… so, instead of using my giant to-go mug each morning for tea… I make a pot of tea. I’ve really been enjoying it. And, Ruari uses her toy teapot and plays right next to me. <3 P.S. my favorite teas are: Green and Earl Grey from Tazo.

For any mama that had difficulties breast feeding… this is nice to read: What Lactavists Need to Stop Saying.

We’ve all been cat crazy for years! Even in the 1870’s.

Speaking about animal crazy… how ’bout cute pups! These underwater dog photos are hilarious!

Have you checked out my sponsor: Flighted Crimson’s jewelry? Very lovely.

I’d really like to try screen printing sometime. That would be fun! <3

Pretty macaroons to make.

We are in the process of building a pantry in our nook…. seriously you guys… we have only one closet that came with our 950 sq. ft. home. We’ve added one in the living room… and, now a pantry to the kitchen nook is in process. Hopefully. Anywho, this corner pantry is inspiring.

Yes! I pretty much love anything guacamole related.

Thank you so much to youyou, and you for helping me raise money for BlogHer!

Pretty cute. A DIY boxy makeup bag.

I think I can get my kid to eat this… just need to blend in some spinach… all sneaky like.

This Quinoa Granola Bar recipe looks tasty. I’ve been looking for a nice quinoa bar recipe… maybe this is it?

I have the perfect dress for this. Hmm…. which color to dye it?

You still have a chance to donate $5 towards March for Babies to win a custom drawing from me!

Yeeees…. you still have a chance to win $75 towards some Tumbleweeds sunglasses froooom me. Yeah!

One more thing. It’s ad space time! I’m having a sale on ad space to raise money for BlogHer!!!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you enjoyed all my favorite links this week. <3

{A sweet favorite thrifted mug. Sharing with High On Thrifting}

You’re a Peach! Freebie printable.

Today I’m sharing a little fun cupcake stand DIY and freebie cupcake topper printable over at Pamplemousse! PLUS, today on my blog I’m sharing a freebie printable to go with your little treat! You’re A Peach!

Download your freebie print here (right-click + save)!

P.S. As usual…. this freebie is for personal use only. <3

Happy Thursday and don’t forget to check out my guest post!

{Related Posts://Valentine’s Printables//I Love Us Freebie//Paper Terrarium//}

This episode is brought to you by, F@#% Yeah Candy!

If you hadn’t noticed…. I took a little week off blogging to spend some time with the family. That will explain why I’m sharing Easter photos a week and a half later. Ha! It was a lovely lovely vacation you guys. Some time off I really needed. I still worked on orders for custom drawings… and, answered emails…. but, mostly I stayed away from blogging. It was hard! But, I did it and enjoyed my free time.

We wandered up to Bellingham, WA to hang out with the husband’s family during the Easter weekend. Lots of fun, candy, wine, and holy moly toddler meltdowns (see yesterday’s post). BUT, I’m pretty sure the highlight of the weekend for Miss R was… the candy. Oh yes. We rarely give it to her because… well, she doesn’t need it and never asks for it. So, we just pretend it doesn’t exist most of the time. When it comes to Easter… apparently there was no way around the no-candy deal. I was fine with this for one day… but, the kiddo seriously ate zero real food that day! She only ate candy… and, when I hid it from her: some sucker (ahem husband) gave in to her sad-no-candy face… and, gave her more. Ha! Oh well. We ended the evening with thee most amazingly terrible toddler melt down to date. It was AWFUL. Wow. Still scarred from that.

But, all in all it was an amazing week! I even managed to catch one photo of the ever elusive husband. The settings were all perfect… he was distracted by his family…. playing an egg toss…. there was beer… and, I got a photo! Hee.

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!

{Related Posts: //Ruari’s 2nd Easter//On Vacation in Bellingham//Bellingham 2 years ago//}


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject Alicia,And Then She SnappedJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}

SALE: May ad space!

Hello! I’m now accepting sponsors for May! AND, I’m offering the same discounts prices as I did last month! I know, always a sale… but, I’m STILL on a mission to earn enough money to get me to BlogHer. I’ve purchased my flight and event ticket…. Still need the hotel and food…. SO, that means discounted ad space for you!

 You can purchase your ad space here.

I know you will L O V E advertising on this here bloggy. Some info for my sale…

20 Dollars – will get you 2 months of small ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings)

50 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings)

70 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of Large ad space on my blog! (20 dollar savings) OR will get you 3 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (35 dollar savings)

90 Dollars – will get you 3 months worth of Large ad space on my blog! (45 dollar savings)

100 Dollars – will get you 2 months of the extra large ad space on my blog (40 dollar savings)   1 LEFT (2 total)

ANY ad space purchase is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for helping me out.

Ad spots will start on May 1st at noon (my time).


Categories: Uncategorized

Crap. I have a 2-year-old.

I have a 2-year-old. No longer the cooing baby that only requires food, hugs, kisses, and many diaper changes. No. I have a 2-year-old. And, I’m sad to announce: she has recently discovered her age! I don’t mean she knows she’s 2…. I mean…. Oh my crap. She has discovered the power of the terrible twos! No, they’re not a myth or an old wive’s tale. It’s 100% real. And, it is terrifying!

Well, not really terrifying…. Just beyond frustrating. Miss R has been throwing tantrums and meltdowns in public for quite some time now…. But, she has found a new power deep down inside her. The power to scream and kick and shake and yell, “I don’t have to!!!!!!!!” It’s like I’ve raised a demon. Well, it’s not always like that…. But, this past week and a half has been somethin.

It started on Easter. Spread through to Monday…. And, continues to grow. We went to dance class the following Wednesday and I asked another mama on a date. A playdate. She has the sweetest almost 3-year-old. And, she’s a nice lady herself. I gave this mama my business card and said, “Just shoot me an email. That would be fun! Ruari needs to be around more kids her age.” seconds later….. Ruari screamed at her daughter (demon scream with the added shaking from rage) to get away from her stroller and to not touch her. ::omygah::

The anger shakes. What’s with that? She tightens her fists… shakes…. and screams. I know she’s learning to express herself… but, goodness. My poor hubs said, “I had no idea… you can stay calm and talk softly, never yell at your kid, and do your best to raise them to be nice and polite…. and, they still manage to be ‘that kid’ at the store.” You know, ‘that kid’. The kid I would side-eye before I was a mom. The ‘Can’t you control your child?’ kid. After I had Ruari I never thought ill of any poor mama with a tantruming (new word) kid. I understood. But, now I’m that poor mama. I knew we’d probably get to that point some day… and, I was learning that being a mama is tough. REWARDING, but tough.

If you follow my twitter or instagram you may have noticed a couple of my “oh.mah.goodness.” tweets this last week. It’s been tough. For now I’m just going to tell myself that she’s just going to have an amazing strong personality…. and, I will continue to raise her with kindness and love (all while screaming profanities in my brain-parts).

Me on Easter… taking a walk in the middle of an empty road drinking some wine… after the most amazing melt down ever.

AND, the next day… we cut our shopping day short because of meltdowns….

She’s not always like this… but, it just came on with such a strong force… overnight… It’s sort of blown us away. She’s still growing and learning to communicate what she wants/or does not want (she’s good at that last one for sure). But, I’m growing and learning too….. slowly.

{Related Posts: //I have a kid.//Just Another Day//Sometimes it’s Hard//}

Linking up with Extraordinary Ordinary for Just Write.

My Heated Curl technique

Heated curl gif

I’ve had a couple of lovely readers ask me how I would curl my hair if I didn’t plan ahead and do the No Heat Curl. SO, I recorded a little video clip for you. Most of it I’m sure you all probably know… but, I just give a couple of tips that help with my straight stubborn hair.

I only curl about 5 to 6 sections of my hair for this… so, it’s a really fast technique. The video is about 9 minutes long… but, before editing the video… the total time to talk/blab and curl my hair was about 17 minutes. Not too bad if you ask me. Hee.


That’s how I do it! I hope I was able to help you somehow! Or, maybe you have an even better technique? I’d love to hear. There are so many awesome ways to curl your hair. Happy Monday everyone!

{Related Posts: //No Heat Curl//Knotted Sock Curl//Sock Bun//Hair Tutorials//}