5 Extra Years?

Yesterday I found this video, on the How To Be A Dad site. While I already try my best to keep sugary and processed foods out of my kid’s diet, I was a little teary eyed when I watched this… When I was growing up my parents gave us the healthier foods. We had wheat bread and grape nuts cereal, not white bread and cocoa puffs (even though I would have LOVED that). Sugar and sweets were for special occasions. We ate fast food as a treat… maybe twice a month? I’m trying my best to now teach my kiddo how to eat well. Gardening has been great for this! My kid hates spinach in the house, but actually EATS the spinach off the plant outside. Silly, but awesome. Watching this video made me feel like I am doing the right thing by limiting her processed and sugar intake. Check out the video if you’d like, and share it if you feel like it’s something that is important to you too.

Note: I know this is not true for every kid, but I feel like we should be more aware of what’s going in our kiddo’s belly’s. This vid is a nice little reminder.

And, since this post got all serious… how about a silly work out video from my kid? She just started doing a “work out” randomly… so I recorded it. Of course.

– Chelsey

// 5 Extra Years clip and image via: Designed To Move //

Categories: food

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: More reads.

Have you been reading? I have. I’ve been trying my best to get myself back into books. Before I had Ruari, I would read a book every week or two… and, I loved it. SO much. I’m not reading that much… but, I do manage to read a book every month or two. It’s definitely been my wind down time. Turn off everything, and read a book. On my iPad. Hee. I do love the smell of a real book (I’m a weird-o), but the iPad is perfect. It’s like a build in nightlight. All your books in one spot!

Anywho, I’d love to see what you’re reading! I like to keep my favorite reads up to date on Goodreads. If you want to be friends on there, just send a request! We can share favorite reads. My most recent good reads: Bright Young Things and Beautiful Days by, Anna Godbersen.

Happy Wednesday!


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.}

My daughter grinds her teeth… erg!

She’s been doing this, well, forever! Since she’s had enough teeth to grind. I only ever hear her do it a couple times a night. Until last night… the poor kiddo has a pretty rough cold, and kept waking up. Instead of getting up and walking into her room 50 times a night, I decided to make a bed for us on the floor (p.s. we’ve never coslept before, something new).

Anywho, we slept next to each other all night and she woke up about 10 times crying (sad). In between all the cries, she spent her sleeping time grinding her teeth! It was exhausting for me. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Well… maybe not that bad… but, all I could think about was her little teeth falling out of her mouth. Ha! Not like that would happen, but those were the dreams I kept having.

From what I’ve been reading about toddlers grinding their teeth, most stop around the age 6. Plus it’s probably not that hard on their teeth. So I will just have to ignore it for now, even though it makes me feel all crazy! Bah.

Do you or your kiddos grind teeth? I don’t grind my teeth… but I do clench my teeth when I’m stressed.

– Chelsey

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Categories: about me

PNW Blogger Holiday Party!!!

YES! It’s time! Time for the next Pacific Northwest Blogger Meet Up! Yup. It’s open to all you bloggers and creative folks (yes, I welcome lovelies that have their own handmade shops).

The details…
The location: West Elm, in Portland (Pearl District).
Time: Saturday, November 3rd., 6 pm to 9 pm
Ticket price: $25.
Whole Foods is providing wine and dessert for you to enjoy! Plus, there will also be prizes to win and a little goody bag for the evening. This is a very relaxed get together to meet other bloggers in the PNW.
For the last meet up, the tickets sold out in one day. We have more space this time, but be sure to get your tickets as soon as you can. I often hear bloggers say they are nervous to attend blog meet ups, but no need to worry! Everyone is so nice and I can’t wait to meet you, or see you again.


Or, purchase here:

– Chelsey

Things I love this week…

It’s Friday! Yay! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and get lots of pie to eat. Hee. First, before you head off on your fun weekend adventures… enjoy the things I love this week:

I spent a lot of time wandering this site and blog. I’ll link to their story page… this couple downsized to a teeny home (in Portland, OR). While I don’t think I could downsize as much as they did, I do think it will help me appreciate my itty bitty home a bit more.

Mini cinnamon rolls…. These would be dangerous. I’d probably eat all of them.

I stumbled onto this lovely blog… and, have been enjoying it! It’s called Hank and Hunt. Lots of cute DIY’s. Check it out! Annnd, it looks like they’re in the PNW too. <3

Five spice roasted pears. Yummmm.

Awww, remember my kiddo’s costume from last year? Time to start plotting this years… hmmm.

I bet this is yummy: Baked Oatmeal Casserole.

Freebie printable… “I Love You, Mason Jar.” Cute.

Ok, let’s get ready for this fall weather! A one skein, one night, seed stitch tall cowl…. a free pattern!

Did you see the DIY Barn Door Track Tutorial on Baby Rabies? I love it.

Pumpkin pretzels!

Hanging Jack ‘O Lanterns! Cute to line the sidewalk with on Halloween.

Avocado and Goat Cheese with Lime on Toast. Yes, please.

Love these tips! Make your photos matte… without photoshop.

Happy Friday!

– Chelsey


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