A lovely Valentine’s Day!


We started the day with preschool, followed by a trip to the bakery (see above), and headed home. We found a wonderful bunch of goodies when we came home (turns out my man came by and brought me some fantasticalness). Bubbly, chocolate, flowers, and cured meats.


FOOOOOlllllowed by my kiddo and I sharing a Valentine’s gift for the Dada of the house (see below). I asked R what she wanted to get him for Valentine’s, she said socks. SOOooooo, she picked out these wonderful dinosaur socks (from Target) and he is wearing them to work today.



We ended the day with food and playing with ponies. Pretty much: a wonderful day. I hope you had the most wonderful Thursday, and a happy Friday to you!

– Chelsey

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Categories: family

Felted Wool Acorn Necklace – Perfect For Valentine’s Day!


Felted Wool Acorn Necklace: Well, I know today is ACTUALLY Valentine’s Day… but I really wanted to share these little necklaces that my kiddo and I made (well, mostly me). It all started on a walk. While on our daily walk, we found a tree that had dropped a ton of acorns, so we gathered a the tops and headed to the yarn shop. We bought some colorful wool roving and started felting some pieces to create little faux acorns.

I did this project with my kiddo, and it was SO messy. Water EVERYwhere. It was actually worth all the water splashing since she had so much fun. She worked on one piece the entire time, and called it her “purple cookie”. It was just a flat 2 inch piece of purple wool. She did a great job and uses it as a blanket for her ponies. I made all the acorn bits.


R really wanted to give a necklace to a couple of her friends, so we decided to turn these guys into little Valentine’s goodies. I made and printed out some, “I’m nuts for you!” tags, cut them and and tied them onto the necklaces. That’s it! If you want to make this for a special someone (mother’s day is coming up in a couple months) here’s a link to the Felt Acorns Directions I used, from Honestly WTF. Check out my “I’m nuts for you” printable, and add some necklace chain. Ta dah!

– Chelsey

P. dot. S. You will get pruney fingers. Bleh. Pruney fingers are like someone scratching a chalkboard for me… I can’t handle it. OMG. Eww. After about 5 minutes of playing in the water, I had to go grab some rubber gloves. Gah. Ewww. Pruney toes and fingers are the worst. Also see: I’m a weirdo.

Wednesday Goodies: Spruce up your furniture with… Washi Tape!

I’ve been sharing a Wordless Wednesday link up for, gosh, FOREVER now. I love having this link up, but I really don’t know if it qualifies as a “wordless” post. I love Wednesday’s and always have a ton to say. Ha! SO, I’m just going to change the name to Wednesday Goodies. I usually share my favorite things on this day, so this name just covers this better.

OK, onto this Wednesday’s Goodies…

Do you have any furniture pieces you love, but there’s just something missing? Well, we have this dresser in our entryway that I LOVE, but it’s pretty boring at the moment. While at Alt Summit, I saw that Better Homes and Gardens used some Washi Tape to spruce up a piece of furniture in their booth. So simple/quick/cute. SO, I’ve added a bit of washi tape to my dresser. IT’s not permanent, but I’m happy with it for the moment. Much better than the plain brown.


Washi Tape Dresser


Washi Tape Dresser

Washi Tape Dresser

If you’d like to see all the details on my washi tape dresser, head on over to my Better Homes and Gardens post. Sooooo, what do you think? Any thoughts/ideas on what I should do for a more PERMANENT update to this dresser? I love the shape of this thing, but this solid color is just not cutting it for me.

Happy Wednesday,



If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.

Categories: BHG, paper mama house

11 Things


The other day I wandered onto this old blog post. The 11 questions meme post. I had so much fun doing this last time, that I decided to do it again. I’m going to answer the questions I asked in my post last year. The rules:

1. Post a photo of yourself

2. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.

3. Create 11 new questions and ask people to answer them.

My answered questions:

1. What would your dream profession be? Or, are you already working the best job ever?

Oh man. My dream job. I love blogging. I work from home and it’s a fun job! I guess my dream DREAM job would be to illustrate a Children’s book or create a line of fabric. I just want to keep creating! I also hope and plan to keep blogging.

2. Share something that your readers may not know about you…. and, you’d like to share.

Uhhhh. Hmmm. Let me think. Well, I lose my mind if I stay in my house ALL day. It hasn’t always been this way. I’m 99% sure it’s because I have a toddler. She’s crazier if we don’t go for a walk/leave the house each day. We are both much happier on our walks. <3

3. Favorite band/song, movie, and book from the past couple of years…

Favorite band album: A Very She & Him Christmas… I just really love Christmas AND that album. <3 Favorite movie: hmmmm… this is hard. I feel like Drive has to win this. I LOVED that movie. I mean… Ryan. Favorite book: Well, since I’ve had my kiddo… my reading has gone WAY down. BUT, I’m trying to read. Mostly I fall asleep after a couple of pages…. but in the past couple of years, I’m pretty sure the Hunger Games series wins. I LOVE it.

4. Share 3 blogs/websites you enjoy visiting:

I read so many blogs and visit so many sites…. But, here are the 3 I think of first: Lovely Indeed, Emergency Compliment, and Pinterest.

5. Do you have a favorite routine? Something you just do each and every day for yourself and enjoy?

I am very much a creature of habit. I love routine. I get addicted to doing the same thing every day… maybe I have issues with change? Ha! Right now my favorite thing… waking up and enjoying my homemade granola over yogurt and applesauce. It’s a silly thing, but it’s tasty and I love it.

6. What would you tell your 15-year-old self today?

Don’t worry so much about what people MAY be thinking about you. You are a wonderful person and are growing into a lovely lady!

7. Why did you start blogging? And/Or, why do you continue to blog?

I had a blog before The Paper Mama… I started that blog just to share my Etsy shop creations and to have a blog. THEN, I had my kiddo. I started this blog because I was lonely. I wanted to find other mama’s, like myself, that were staying at home with a new baby. PLUS, I had some postpartum things going on. I needed/wanted/and found the support.

8. What is a perfect day in your mind?

My most perfect day involves me sitting and just staring at the wall. Ok, maybe there’s a little more involved. Maybe my perfect day is: sitting on the sofa, food being served to me, watching movies all day, and coffee! And, popcorn! And, wine! Fried chicken for dinner, of course.

9. What’s your perfect date night?

The husband and I wandering to a new-to-us restaurant, wine, and a movie. Weeeee! Party!

10. Do you have a secret/hidden talent? Share a video if needed… just kidding. But, really…. Ha!

I really don’t think I have a hidden talent. I’m a terrible dancer. Singing would probably hurt all of you. Hmmm… I’ll let you all know if I come up with something!

11. Finally: Please share your favorite cell phone photo you’ve taken in the past 2 months.

This photo. I took this the day I got home from Alt Summit. I missed this kiddo SO much, and she just looked so adult here. Oh man… I’m tearing up. I love her.


My questions for you to answer:

1. If you HAD to change your name, what would you change it to?

2. Are you a collector of anything?

3. What is your first thought when you wake up?

4. Do you prefer sweet or salty foods?

5. Name one thing you miss about being a kid.

6. Are you a morning or night person?

7. List 5 items on your life’s to-do list:

8. Share one thing that people may not know about you.

9. What is your all time favorite song, movie, and book?

10. Do you have any hidden talents?

11. Are you a really clean or super messy person?

I’m opening this 11 questions meme to all of you! If you answer my questions, please come back and put a link in the comments. I’d really love to come and learn a bit about you! <3

Happy Tuesday,

– Chelsey

P.S. this is the perfect post idea for my Self Portrait Challenge (you could win an Instax Mini 8)! Check it out

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Categories: about me

Self Portrait Challenge + Giveaway

self portrait challenge banner

Do you remember last year when I shared a self portrait photo challenge with all of you? Well, I think it was a fantastic challenge that had a TON of interest and participants! I’m SO excited to do this challenge again. I can’t wait to see all you beautiful bloggers/readers!

When you put yourself out there in the blogging world, it’s almost impossible to avoid any negative comments. You can receive 100 fantastic and encouraging comments, and all it takes is that one damn negative comment to bring you down. I hate that it’s that way, but goodness… it’s how seems to be (P.S. See this comic, from The Oatmeal). I get a negative comment… somewhere in my social media… “Damn, you’re so ugly!” and that seems to be the only comment I hold on to and remember. In a sea of positive and lovely comments, that one stupid commenter sticks out. I don’t like it, but it’s there in the back of my mind.

I love the challenge of a self portrait. Even though I don’t love every photo taken of me, I have a bit more control when taking a self portrait. A quick candid snapshot usually means my chins will come out to say, “hello”. Ha! A self portrait gives me more control.



//Beautiful Mustard Bow from, Just Lovely Things//

Sooooo, what does all this mean? I want to see a self portrait from YOU. Yup, you. Beautiful you. Share this photo on your blog, tumblr, flickr, or Instagram… and link that URL to my linky tools (at the bottom of this post). One lovely participant will have a chance to win a camera from me! Yeah! This challenge is NOT based on photography skills/style. The winner will be chosen at random. ALL you have to do is share your image below. I can’t wait to see you! <3

This year I’ve decided to share an Instax mini 8 prize for the challenge! What? Yeah. All you have to do is share a self portrait of yourself and you’re entered. Simple as that. Plus, share a bit of info about you at the moment. For me…


Obsessing over…

Getting myself more organized. I am attempting to create and editorial calendar for the year. Goodness, I hope it works out. I need to be more prepared.

Working on…

Like I said above, working on getting myself organized. PLUS, working on so many DIY’s and blog posts and DRAWINGS!

Thinking about…

My kiddo’s schooling. I’ve been throwing around the idea of homeschooling. BUT… that’s a major maybe. I have never seen myself as a teacher, but I am willing to look into this a bit more. We’ll see.


Planning the upcoming PNW Blogger meet up for this Spring!

Listening to…

The most recent episode of Downton Abbey.


I had a bit of yummy chocolate. ANNNNnnnnd, a glass of wonderful wine.


I was more organized and had more time in the day.



What can you win?

Instax Mini 8!


– To enter, link up your blog post to my linky below. (Please don’t link to FB pages, I wont be able to view your image).

– Post must include a self photo of you. It can be an old photo if you’d like… but, why not take a new one?

– Please link back to my blog on your post. You can copy and paste this link if you’d like: ” Linking up with The Paper Mama for her Self Photo Challenge! ”

– Share what is currently going on in your life. You are welcome to follow my “Currently” prompt.

– If you enter this challenge: All photos entered into my Self Photo Challenge may/will be shared in a blog post(s), on The Paper Mama blog. There will always be a link back to the photographer’s URL (instagram) that was shared.

– PG please.

– One entry per person.

– One winner will be chosen at random from Random.org.

– The last day to enter a photo is on February 28th, 2013 11:59 PST.

– Good luck!

P.S. The sweet bow in my photos is from, Just Lovely Things. It’s my favorite hair piece at the moment!

self portrait challenge button

Links to love for Valentine’s Day

Bacon Hearts

Well, Valentine’s Day is coming up next week and that means Bacon Hearts! I originally made these guys in 2011…. you know: Valentine’s on a budget. Best way to my hubby’s heart: bacon hearts. AND, last year I made these AHgain (because… bacon) and popped them on top of some chocolate cupcakes! That made them about a billion times better! I’m pretty sure I’ll be making these next Thursday, too.

Today I wanted to share a few of my favorite Valentine’s ideas and DIYs with you. Maybe it will inspire you to get crafty this weekend? I hope so! <3

Links to love for Valentine’s Day:

Rice Crispy Heart Treats

– “I’m A Sucker For You” Valentine.

Be Mine Valentine freebie banner to print, from me.

Love-filled felt fortune cookie!

– A cute Valentine mantel.

Heart milk cubes.

Freebie Valentine printables, from me.

Ice cream sandwich heart!

– This Monkey Butt Valentine is AWESOME.

Fuzzy rings for your Valentine!

– My “you’re a reel catch” valentine.

I Love You Bunting.

Happy Friday to all of you!

– Chelsey

P.S. My birthday giveaway is still going on! Good luck! 


Categories: Uncategorized

“I Love You” Bunting

I Love You Bunting

I Love You. Something I tell my husband and daughter everyday. Why not write it out for all to see? I love glitter. A lot. Glitter sorta makes most things better. Feeling bored? Glitter. Need some sparkle? Glitter. Have a cold? Ok, not glitter… but it still makes me happy.

This little bunting will be a quick and fun project for you! I’ve included 3 different colors for you to use. There’s red 1 and red 2. Blue 1 and blue 2. Black 1 and Black 2. I used the red printouts, since I wanted to use red glitter.

How to:

Print out your I Love You printables, preferably onto a heavy card stock. You can also print these out onto printer paper, use a double sided adhesive to glue onto a heavy paper (I used watercolor paper). Cut out your letters.

I Love You Bunting

Evenly rub glue onto the top of each letter, followed by a nice coating of glitter. I like to gently push the glitter down on each letter (hopefully this holds the glitter better). If you see any blank spots, just use a bit of glue and add more glitter (I prefer to use a nice acid-free scrapbook glue, since it’s less likely to warp the paper). Extra tip: keep your sparkly letters up high and out of reach of nosy toddlers… cause they will touch. Hee!

I Love You Bunting

Use a hot glue gun to attach the top of the letters to some ribbon or kitchen twine.

I Love You Bunting

 Hang and enjoy

I Love You Bunting

I Love You Bunting

I love this bunting so much, I really don’t want to take it down after Valentines Day. I think I may hang it in my bedroom. At least for a few months… maybe until it collects too much dust/cat hair. Hee.

Happy Thursday to you!

– Chelsey

ALSO: My friend, Chelsea, also made this I Love You bunting. It’s fantastic.