Alt Summit NYC: Business card collections

Every time I head to a conference I get a TON of business cards from very lovely and talented people. I keep many of them for future reference, but really some get lost/torn up by my kiddo. SO, why haven’t I taken photos of my past cards? It seems like I should. Take photos, link, and collect my cards on Pinterest. Bam. Need to look up someone? I got it all organized. All of these ladies (and a couple of dudes) worked hard to create these mini masterpieces, and I want to remember them.

My first round of bizz cards are from Alt Summit in NYC 2013. A crazy collection of cool people. See a card you like? I highly suggest wandering to their site. Because I always see patterns/similarities in things… I had to organize the similar cards into groups. So many different ways I could have organized these, but these were my favorite.

Black and Whites:


1. Stuff Steph Does 2. lisa dreissig 3. Kathryn Murray 4. Life I Design 5. Maddie Richardson 6. Design Life Kids



 1. The Hive Studio 2. Alecandra Hedin 3. A Life Well Lived 4. B Is For Becky 5. Life in Picture 6. Mobile and Making

Color Explosion: 

Alt Summit NYC Business Cards //

1. Just Us Gals 2. A Party Style 3. Madame Curry 4. Joy Laforme 5. Bloom 6. The Niche 7. A Peony For Your Thoughts 8. iBbeautiful  9. J. Latter 10. Old Town Suds 11. Jen Kim Creative 12. When I Grow Up 13. Life In Sketch 14. Madigan Made 15. Small Pea Studio

In an envelope:


 1. boutique la bohème 2. Maiedae 3. Yellow Bird Yellow Bird

Cards with treats:


 1. Bloomies Handmade 2. Obsession Session 3. Fluffed Up Desserts 4. 5. Such Pretty Things 6. 128 John St. 7. Undeclared Panache 8. Little Siddall Studios 9. Peacock Moon Designs 10. Mommy’s Cocktail Hour 11. Approaching Joy 12. Donuts, Dressers, and Dirt


– Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized


  • Angela on said:

    I'm so late…but thanks so much for sharing!! =)

  • Steph on said:

    Thanks for sharing my card! It was so nice to meet you at Alt, my chevron dachshund is one of my favorites 🙂

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      It was lovely meeting you! I forgot you got the chevron pup. Those were my favorite.

  • JUGs, Boston on said:

    Great compilation, Chelsey! Thank you for featuring JUGs! Might be contacting you in the future for a potential custom drawing…

  • Cameron on said:

    Thanks for including our card! We had such a great time at ALT NYC and are already counting down the days until next year's conference!

  • kate on said:

    i love how you grouped them by style, it was so nice meeting you at alt! and YOUR business cards were the best!

  • dervla | the curator on said:

    what a great idea! I should photograph my cards from Alt before i lose them, too! Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet, wish we had.

  • Jenni on said:

    Great idea and beautiful cards! I've discovered some cute blogs through this!

  • obsesssesh on said:

    Yay! Happy to see our pencils in this post! It was so nice to meet you and tour the Etsy offices. I am still smiling about some of those office names – "Slayer Cake"! ~ rose

  • Jessica P. on said:

    I am drawn to the musturd / brown ones.. but maybe that's because I've been into the vintage look lately! A great idea to keep them organized.

  • LIndsay on said:

    What a great idea – to document the cards this way – you will never forget where you got a card from! I am going to have to start doing this with cards I receive!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Ada on said:

    They are ALL beautiful. Wish I had gone to Alt 🙁 Nice job organizing the cards. Cards with treat … my favorite kinda treat (well, besides ice-cream, and caramel macchiato and did I mention ice-cream).

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