Sooooo, back in early May I put my artwork on display, at Starbucks, for a month… totally and completely forgot to even mention it! Look, I took photos and everything. Hee! Well, I should be taking them down in a few days, but if you will be at the Orenco Station Starbucks, in Hillsboro (Oregon) this week… say hello to my illustrations!
{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}
Tags: art, art display, chelsey, drawing, illustration, laureli, Ruari, self, starbucks
Categories: paper mama shop
That is so cool! I love Ruari by the wall with her little sparkly red shoes!
That's so great! Congrats!
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I've worked at that Starbucks a few times. It's a good one.
Congrats! Your art work is so cute. Starbucks was lucky to have it for a month!
Beautiful art and beautiful shot. And your site is also fantastic
Oh, thank you!
By the way, your little one is too cute. I have to get my daughter those shoes!
I love them! They were a thrift find.
Gotta love thrift! 🙂
That's awesome! I don't think the Starbucks around here do that.
I love your little girl's pose. So adorable!
She's so cute. I love her too.
You make beautiful art. When I read at the bottom that they're at the Hillsboro Starbucks, I was like, wait! We were just in Hillsboro!!! {My photo this week is my daughter on my husband's fathers' family farm in Hillsboro, Wisconsin}. Tiny, tiny town though, and I don't think they even have a Starbucks. 🙂
You should write/illustrate a Children's book! I call dibs on the first copy 🙂
Soo cool!!! If I'm ever on that side of town, I will pop in and have a real life view! Excited to meet you Friday! Is there going to be a before the party link up party so I can spy who will be there?!
I was going post a little thing on Friday with all the links to the attendees, but other than that. Nope. I will have a linky set up for Sunday to share any PNW Blogger Posts you write. Yay! Can't believe it's almost here!
Illustration was my major all through getting my MFA. I love these! So sweet!
You should write/illustrate a children's book….. I'd buy it.
Are you sure? I have a weird sense of humor. 😉
thats really cool!
How cool is that?! Congrats! You showcased some beautiful pieces.
Wow, that's awesome!
This makes me miss Portland! I am glad to be heading up there for the PNW Meet up!!!
Congratulations! That's such a sweet arrangement in those cute frames!
Thank you! I warned them ahead of time that I only had old vintage gold frames. 🙂
How cool!! Congrats Chelsey!
Thank you!
Your work is really lovely! Any chance these will be available in your shop? 😀
They could be. I just don't sell too many prints. You just let me know what you like. 🙂
Oh, I love the one with the bee! How cool is it that all those people saw your art?
Very cool! I felt like a kid in school… taking a photo next to my artwork. 😉
That is very cool. Good for you! They look beautiful!! Sorry to say I'm on the opposite side of the country or I'd love to swing by and take a peek 😉
Hee! Well, maybe I'll get some stuff in other states some time. 😉
i love the bee! that would be a seriously amazing tattoo…hmmm. what do you think? your artwork engrained on me forever? lol.
Pretty sure that's a great idea. 🙂
Your stuff is great!! How fun to have it displayed at Starbucks (one of my favorite places). Ruari looks so cute w/ her little pose. She's getting so big!
She is. She actually wanted me to take a photo…. that's different. 🙂
I love that your starbucks supports local artists! What great exposure for you 🙂
It's very cool! Most of the Starbucks in Oregon do this. <3