{//Dog Bow Tie: c/o Little Blue Feather//}
Name: Angus
Sex: Male
Age and weight: 5 1/2 years and 6 pounds
Likes: Hanging out at home under a blanket. Breakfast. A long walk around the block. Staring at his family while they eat…. trying to use his mind powers to make them feed him. A nice back massage. Cuddling with his mama. Eating random mysterious items while outside… only to barf them up later. Dinner. Laying upside down in sun spots.
Dislikes: The shorter human. That giant grey cat. Bathing. Toothbrushes. Whenever he’s not eating.
His Perfect day: Lots of food dropping to the floor. Followed shortly by pooping in the house because it’s too cold outside. Sleeping. Cuddling in warm cozy blankets with a nice scratch on the back. Ending the day with more food.
{Related Posts: //My chihuahua is trying to kill himself//Angus Walking Ruari//Get to know Pistachio//}
{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}
Tags: angus, bow tie, chihuahua, dog, dog collar, etsy, handmade, photo shoot, photography
Categories: photography
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Mr. Angus is ridiculously adorable in his green bow tie! Love it. I kind of want one for our dog! I had some problems linking up so I apologize for linking 2x. I can't figure out how to delete the link w/o the picture. Sorry!!
No problem with the link up! Linky tools is sensitive. 🙂
He looks so stylish and handsome – is he coming over to take Kitty Paw out?
Ha ha! Yes. 🙂
That tie slays me. And I love love LOVE the one where he's looking up at the sky.
I love Mr. Angus and his little green bow tie too! So cute!
Mr. Angus is super adorable!!
Now that is one dapper dog! 😀
He is too adorable and I so LOVE these captures. You should turn them into a thinking of you/get well card. So, so sweet!
Ha! That would be cute. 🙂
Oh my gosh he is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! I love his bow tie!
Cute. 🙂 And these photos rock!
These pics are awesome!! That bow tie! I die.
These photos are awesome! Thanks!
So so adorable! I just love dogs in human-type clothing :).
GOODNESS Gracious he is precious! 🙂
–Amanda http://anthropomorphity.blogspot.com/
He knows it too.
He is so CUTE!! Love that bowtie! lol.
Oh my goodness! I'm not a dog person but he is adorable! Love the bow tie!! :O)
He's more like a cat. Or, a squirrel. 😉
Black and white photo contest at my blog.
Hop on over if you have some black and white shots you want to share!
Mr. Angus should meet my weenie dog Rufus because they sound like brothers from another mother.
He is so freaking cute. I want him.
Hee! He loves to cuddle.
Wonderful images!! I LOVE the bow tie… priceless!! 🙂 http://amothersfaithhopeandlove.blogspot.com/
Thank you.
Thanks for hosting the link-up every week! It's fun to be able to discover new blogs to read! 🙂
I love checking out all the blogs too. 🙂
Oh, how I love this! My pup gets upset with me when I try to take his picture. But You've inspired me to give it another go very soon!
Oh.My.God the BOWTIE! He is so adorable!
Isn't it adorable?
Love these pictures, he's so handsome!
He is.
So cute! I love the bow tie.
Defintely suits him.
Your blog header is so so adorable! xo, rv
Thanks lady!
I love everything you write, but this is my favorite so far!!! Love Mr. Angus!!
Ha! He is pretty awesome. 😉