Hi friends! Just wanted to give you all a little heads up…. I’ve been in the process of moving my blogger account to WordPress! SO, there will be some links that aren’t working just yet…. so, hang on and hopefully I can get it all fixed sooon! 😀 So nice to be moved. Thank you to Don from Adeline’s Daddy for the amazing help. He is very awesome.
– Chelsey
Yay for WP! I love it and have never looked back!
Yes! I think I'll love it. Still have some weird things… like none of my old comments came over. And, my labels for blog posts didn't transfer either. 🙂
Yay! WordPress has been great to us, I think you'll enjoy it!
Thank you! I hope I will! Sort of hard to switch when you're this far into blogging. BUT, I know it will be worth it in the long run. 🙂
Just wondering, why the switch to WordPress from Blogger?
Have a good day!
I switched because I wanted to be able to do more custom work on my blog. Blogger was sort of holding me back with that. SO, I'm moved. It's pretty darn confusing… BUT, Don from Adeline's Daddy has been doing all the hard work for me. He's amazing. He will be offering the service soon! I very very much recommend him. :
How are you getting to redirect you from a blogger dashboard?! I have wanted to do this for years and can't figure it out!
I entered my new URL: thepapermama.com into a redirect spot in the settings for Blogger. 😀 When I'm all done with the process I'll share some details! 😀
Congrats! I moved mine about 6 months back and am SO HAPPY