My week.

We started off our Friday before Christmas right with some cereal and sunglasses… then, a trip to the zoo!!!
On Christmas Eve I wandered to Target (don’t know why… just felt like it) and found some amazing shoes for $15! Then, the family and I wandered to PF Changs for our annual Chinese food dinner. Check out Ruari’s fortune! Perfect for a toddler. 
We celebrated Christmas this week! Ruari had a fantastic day… I didn’t take photos, trying to live in the moment.:) I did take a photo of my iPad (and the iPad my husband made to trick me). Along with a photo of the t-shirt present I wrapped for my bro. 😉

The day after Christmas we just hung around the house and Mike made some cookies and I finally put our gingerbread house together! Turns out I’m not that great at making a gingerbread houses…. 😉

And, here are some links to love this week…

My favorite moment from Ruari this week: While making “coffee” with her tea set for Dada she says, “Pour coffeeeee, some sugar, mmmm and some butt cream.”Ha!

A sweet little idea for valentine’s gifts from your kiddos.

Yum. Yum Yum. I would love to have this on a plate in front of me. Right now.

Getting ready for Valentine’s with some cute cookies!

Are you out of mascara? Maybe this is why. Ha ha ha ha!

Thanks to you, you, and YOU for the wonderful donation to help me get to alt.

An adorable party idea for an 8-year-old girl.

A cute DIY. Stamped mustache tee

Putting away your wrapping paper for the season? I love this storage idea!!!!

Do you have a boy that loves trucks and such? This cake is PERFECT for his birthday!

Love this. Perfect for my camera. 

I was all… this outfit is adorable! Until I realized it costs around $4,000. Very pretty though.


Categories: Uncategorized

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