Day 36: Hey PaperMama readers. It’s Heidi from OliveObserver.I’m going to preface this DIY project with the fact that I’m by no means very good at sewing. This project was so super easy, didn’t require any sort of pattern and took me less than two hours from beginning to end.So here it is, the Super Easy, No-Pattern-Needed Tree Skirt:What you need:1 yard of fabric in the pattern of your choice for the main skirt1/2 yard coordinating feltSewing machineThread the same color as the felt (or different colored if you’re all about contrasts)ScissorsMarkerPiece of stringPinsSomething to trace for the circles on the edge (small embroidery hoop, coffee mug, whatevz).
1. Take the string and measure out from the bottom of the tree how long you’d like the tree skirt to show.2. Lay out the 1 yard of main fabric on the floor, patterned side down. Tie a marker to one end of your string. Hold the other end of the string in the middle of the fabric and draw a circle with the marker end. You might need a husband, friend or child to hold the edges of the fabric for you.3. Cut out the circle. At the center of the fabric, cut a smaller circle (I totally eyeballed it) where the trunk will go through. Then cut a straight line from the center circle to the bottom edge for the opening where you place the skirt around the tree.4. Pin a 1/4″ hem on both end of the opening you just cut, and sew those to prevent fraying. I left the smallest circle unfinished.
5. On the piece of felt, trace the circles for the edging. The number of circles will depend how large you made the skirt and how large the object you chose to trace is. A half yard of felt was perfect for my skirt, leaving me with probably five or six circles to spare.6. Cut out the circles.7. Pin the circles around the bottom edge of your skirt, overlapping them a bit so none of the main fabric shows through.8. Set your sewing machine on a large zigzag stitch with a really loose tension. Sew the circles to the main skirt.9. Iron and place around your tree. Voila. Super easy, right?++++++++++++++++
Thank you SO much to Heidi from Olive Observer! What a LOVELY guest post. I AM SO making this! Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!