Guest Blogger: Danielle from Sometimes Sweet

Thank you Danielle for guest posting while I’m away at BlogHer! Please give Danielle and her sweet family a visit when you get a moment here: Sometimes Sweet

Hi all! Danielle here from Sometimes Sweet! While Chelsey (who just happens to be one of my favorite online pals in the whole, wide internet world) is out in San Diego enjoying some quality BlogHer time, I am here to keep you all company.  I thought long and hard about what I wanted to share with all of you wonderful Paper Mama readers, and I finally decided to share some of my “favorite things” about being a mom to the coolest little dude on the planet, Henry!  My son is a little over 8 months old and getting more fun by the day- it’s insane how quickly he’s changing. So, here you go – my current top five favorite things about being a mommy:
1. that feeling you get when your child looks up at you with those eyes, and you kind of feel like your heart is going to just burst from all of the love you feel. Yeah, that.

Las Vegas, July 2011

2. Taking a step back and realizing that your little one is truly making you into a better person. I swear, since Henry came along I have been so much more patient and I really just want to be the best person I can be. Not that I was necessarily a bratty, impatient person before (all the time at least, ha!), but now I just feel like it’s my responsibility to make our days the best they can be and my actions and attitude play the biggest role in this.
3. Naptimes (for me) during the day. Okay, this one isn’t as sweet as the first two, but I can’t lie, I LOVE napping with Henry in bed mid-day. Nothing’s better. I was a high school English teacher for five years before becoming a stay-at-home Mom, and every single time I take a nap in the middle of the day I’m incredibly grateful I’m able to do that. And then I realize that if I wasn’t napping with H. I’d be on lunch duty, trying to wrangle hundreds of 15-year olds into the designated lunch areas. And for that I’m doubly grateful.

typical morning

4. Laughing. A lot. Whether I’m laughing at myself or laughing at my sweet boy, I feel like I find myself smiling and laughing a million more times now that I’m a Mom.

7 months

5. Having a new sense of appreciation for my awesomely strong and amazing body!  I’ll admit that before Henry I dealt with some body issues, but after…I feel like such a new person. I definitely still workout often, but I feel like my focus isn’t so much on how I look, but more on how I feel.  I think it has a lot to do with going through pregnancy and childbirth, and seeing what my body is capable of. I feel like I give myself a lot more credit now, and let a lot of my perceived “flaws” go.
Thanks for reading everyone! And Chelsey, thanks again for having me!

Guest Blogger: Danielle

Categories: Uncategorized

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