This is little baby Ayana. So sweet. I took these photos in a pretty dark room. I had the choice to go with a lower ISO with a wider aperture… or higher ISO with a smaller aperture. I should have gone with the higher ISO. I didn’t get as much clarity in the photos as I would have liked. BUT, next time. 😀 It’s easier to fix the noise in a photo from a high ISO then and out of focus image.
Which brings me to another thing… I think my nifty 50 lens (50mm 1.4) needs a tune-up. I bought it used on Ebay and I never really got it checked out. I have issues with my auto-focus. It tends to focus close to… but, not on… the spot I want to focus on. Has anyone else had this problem?
I think I’ll stop by a local camera shop this weekend and see what they say. If it does need to be fixed: I don’t know how I’m going to make it without my 50! I use it everyday. I do have the kit lens… just not the same. 🙂 Happy Friday everyone!