This weeks guest judge: Me! (Ok, not really a guest, but I thought I’d judge the photo challenge this week!)
This weeks challenge: Confusion!.?!
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) confused, unsure…. just plain flabbergasted!
My example of Confusion:
Here are a couple links to some free photo editing software if you don’t already have something:
There always has to be rules… I know, boring right? But, it’s to help me and you. 🙂 Click on the link for more details… Each entry does need to link back to my blog… Click here to see last weeks winner… All photo entries need to be in by 11:59 PM Pacific Time on October 7th…
Winners so far:
- Fingerprint: … Captivus Living …
- A hint of color: … Love3 …
- Confusion: … no one yet …
- Me and Mama: … no one yet …
If you have an Etsy shop and would like to give away an item as a prize… please drop me a line! I ♥ sponsors and will show your shop some love for your contribution. 🙂