Dear little Miss Laureli,
Wow. I cannot believe you’re already 10 months old! You have turned into a little human this past month. Seriously. So many changes. What are you up to you ask? Well, here… check it out:
- Crawling. I was afraid you’d never roll over 2 months ago… BUT, here you are… you can roll over like it’s nothing and you have moved on to a crawling little monster!
- You’re eating your food better. Most of it stays in your mouth!
- “Ma ma” only comes out of your mouth when you’re crying… and you believe you need me or the world is going to end if I don’t pick you up IMMEDIATELY! UPDATE: I started writing this Sunday morning. Sunday evening: you have mastered saying Mama… you now look at me while in daddy’s arms and scream “Mama” non-stop.
- “Da da” is your favorite thing to say. Pfft. ;D
- Angus (our little Chihuahua), or as you say it: “An-duh” was your first word. You pretty much call any dog “An-duh”.
- You are a waving maniac! You wave hi to everything!
- Clap clap clap! Yay! You clap all the time.
- You get very excited when you see someone you recognize… Me, Mike, Angus, Princess, Pistachio or your Grandma.
- Playing contently on your own is something new. You will sit and play in your pack n’ play for a good 45 minutes and let me sit and blog! 🙂 That was never the case before.
- You’ve started smiling and giggling when you’re pooping… poor child.. I’m afraid you have our sense of humor!
- I’ve realized this week I REALLY need to lower your crib… I came in and found you standing… uh oh. You were so happy!
- Pretty much EVERYTHING you touch still goes in your mouth!
- You must weigh more than 22 pounds… because you barely fit in your 22 pounds or less car seat! We ordered a new “big girl” seat… it should be here soon.
- You happily swing your legs when I hold you. I think it’s so cute.
- Mirrors are the best thing ever. You think they’re pretty! 🙂
- You’ve started pushing me away when I try and kiss you… what up with that?
- You sleep on your belly. You sleep on your face. You freak mommy out when you sleep on your face!
- You’re still waking up at 6 am… You fall asleep anywhere from 8 pm to 10 pm…
- Mike thinks you will be walking by next month. I’m not too sure…. 🙂
- You’re such an amazing sweet baby!
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Love you baby boo head shmooby! Two more months and you’re 1 year! Wow!
You know what Ruari wants for her 10 month bday?
A vote for her blog. Just 2 clicks! She would LOVE it SO much!
Note: Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts! Giveaways and photo challenges. Yay!
My pick on Monday:
This REALLy cute tutu from Whimsy Ranch!
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Would ya could ya? Vote for me?