Little reminder:
– Don’t forget to vote for your fave photo! Ends Friday!
– Enter this weeks photo challenge: Absolute Favorite! Last day: Friday!
– AND: win some personalized cards. Ends Friday!
– Ask Alabaster Cow a question! Before Saturday!
So, I totally spaced and didn’t remember to keep all the steps I did to edit this photo. This photo was for this weeks I Heart Faces challenge: Purple. By the way: I am in no way a Photoshop pro. I have mostly taught myself. 🙂
- I always start with exposure. I like to take the fog our of the photo.
- I used the dodge tool to whiten the eyes. And, then the clone stamp under her eyes. (I usually don’t like to edit that much, but I wanted this photo to make her look a little doll like. :D)
- I played with the curves to my taste.
- I added a solid purple layer and screened it to give a sort of purple glow.
That’s about it. 🙂 I always suggest that anyone interested in editing their photos google tutorials on how to do any techniques they want to learn. It’s a TON of help. 🙂

What a little poser:)I love the purple glow that goes well with the IHF challenge
she IS a little dolly!
Love her face.
Great edit – I fully recommend google too as that's how I learned nearly everything I know now.
OK, your little one is WAAAAY too cute! What a sweet little gal! This is a great edit – I never thought about adding a colored layer. Great idea! I'll have to try that. This is a great edit. A lovely improvement from the SOOC, but not overdone. Fantastic! 🙂
gah, her expressions crack me up. daily.
Always love your photos shes so adorable.
Very cool! I love the purple glow. She is so cute in her little tutu!