The questions..
1. Are you superstitious?
Yeah, I think so… just a little! I don’t actually notice I am until I wont open an umbrella indoors or walk under a ladder! 😀
2. If you were an animal..what kind would you be?
Hmmmm, I think I’d have to be my cat, Pistachio. He sleeps allllll day long! And, I really would love to have a nap!
3. You would never catch me wearing………?
Shoulder pads. I’m sorry. Last fall all the stylists were trying to tell me they were coming back… no! No way man. 🙂
4. If someone posts a you watch it?
Ummm, probably not. I guess I don’t really see them. AND, I’m usually only on the computer when baby is sleeping. No noise.
5. Have you ever waxed your girlie/manly parts..or any other part of your body?
Yes. Ouch.
6. Are you a spender or a saver?
Both. Depends on the mood. Seems whenever I have money to spend I don’t spend it… or when I don’t have it I want to spend! I’m crazy.
7. If you were starring in a movie..who would you want to play your leading man/woman?
Johnny Depp.
8. Smoker..never smoker..or smoked back in the day?
Never smoked. I really don’t like cigarettes at all. Bleh.
I'm with you and Michelle it seems…Johnny Depp. Sadly I didn't think of his lol. I'm a follower now! Hope to see you around!
I am the same way with my money. Oh and Johnny Depp YUMMY!