Raw Kale Slaw Recipe

Raw Kale Slaw // thepapermama.com

In our little mini garden we have a bunch of kale growing. Kale is one of my favorite veggies. I just love it. Sautéed, baked, and most recently as a slaw. It’s delicious and great with any meal. I LOVE this slaw.

Raw Kale Slaw Recipe

– A couple bunches of Kale (enough for 2 people)

– 2 parts sour cream

– 1 part apple cider vinegar

– salt and pepper to taste


– To make the dressing: Whisk the sour cream and vinegar together. If you’d like the slaw to be less tart/sour: add less vinegar (or add more sour cream).

– Chop up the kale and blend with the dressing and serve. Side note: the longer the dressing sits on the kale, the softer the kale will get (if you have some stiff kale, it’s good to let the dressing sit on the leaves for a couple hours).

– Enjoy!

One of my favorite/simple salads. It’s EXTRA delicious if you sprinkle a few bit of bacon in the salad!

– Chelsey

Over a year with Better Homes and Gardens

I didn’t even notice until this moment, but I’ve been contributing to the Better Homes and Gardens blog for over a year now, since May 2012. It’s been a fantastic journey and wonderful experience. I want to share my favorite posts of the last year on the BHG blog.

Create Your Own Digital Silhouette

silhouette, diy, better homes and gardens blog

A Trip To The Museum… Free Butterfly Printables

butterfly print, free, freebie Turmeric Dyed Ruffled Lampshade

turmeric dye, turmeric dyed, lamp shade, tutoria.

Fridge Work Station

work station, old can, tins, coffee can, repurposed

Homemade Air Freshener

better homes and gardens blog

Hidden Alarm Panel

better homes and gardens blog

Outdoor Concrete Stool / Side Table

better homes and gardens blog

Those were just a few of my favorite posts. Kinda fun to wander back through my archives. Happy Monday!

– Chelsey

GIVEAWAY: Treat Yourself


This months giveaway is all for you. Yup, you. All those little things you want to get for yourself, but can’t find a reason to spend that cash. It’s time to treat yourself! Yes, one lucky person is going to win all those goodies above.

1. A pillow from Nonpareil Home

2. Handmade Cherry Blossom earrings from Copper Spine Studio

3. An 8 X 10 Canvas Print from Easy Canvas Prints

4. 6 months from The Embroidery of the Month Club via Studio MME

5. Wood Bead Necklace from Pink Lemonade

6. $50 Gift Card from Gelaskins

tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo8_250tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo7_250tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo5_250tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo4_250tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo3_250tumblr_lt1ozwUaoK1r3hokqo6_250all GIF’s via: Dragon Tattoo

To enter, check out the Rafflecopter info below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

– Chelsey

Note: All items were provided by sponsors. I was not paid for this giveaway. Last day to enter the giveaway is July 31st, 2013. 11:59 PST.  One winner will have 72 hours to get back to me, after I email them. Good luck! Please click here for more prize rules and there are MORE prize details in the Rafflecopter fine print. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. ANDplusalso: the prizes take about 3 – 6 weeks to receive. 


Categories: Uncategorized

Wednesday Goodies: So awesome.

One moment I’m a mom… just doing my normal thing. The next, I’m a babbling mess over the most simple and beautiful piece of kid artwork. I mean… my kiddo has given me so many mini-artworks, but something about her little hand painted on this paper made me lose my mind. Well, at least tear up and put it up high where she can’t reach it/color it. This will be framed. It will be a lovely piece to share with her boyfriend… for when she starts dating… when she’s 40.


– Chelsey


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogIn The Moment With, and Live and Love Outloud.

Disney in Seattle.

Disney in Seattle // thepapermama.com

Disney in Seattle // thepapermama.com

// Dress: c.o. eshakti.com // Shoes: Miz Mooz //

A couple weeks ago I headed to Seattle for the Disney Social Media Mom’s Seattle “on the road” conference, with the lovely Lauren. I’ve always been a Disney fan. Ariel was my go-to pretend character as a kid (and sometimes as a mom)… mermaids! Plus, I know the words to the majority of all Disney songs (they’re so awesome catchy).

The whole thing was pretty amazing. We got to learn some insider goodness about Disney, plus we heard the fantastic Mindee Doney (creator of Boogie Wipes) talk. She’s pretty darn funny. It was a very inspiring chat about growing a business, losing it all, and building yourself back up. Check out her story if you don’t know it.

I got to wear this lovely new plaid dress… it was pretty fantastic and comfy. I LOVE it. BUT, my favorite part of this whole thing: the girl time I got to spend with Lauren. That girl is so sweet and it was SO much fun. Plus, she’s adorable. This quick bizz trip was perfect for these busy mamas (we spent our evenings chatting and watching documentaries, party on).

Disney in Seattle // thepapermama.com

Disney in Seattle // thepapermama.com

Since we are both on an extreme budget, and not into creepy motels… we checked out some awesome spaces to stay on airbnb.com. Have you heard of this? It’s pretty neat. It’s a site that people, like you and I (well, if your house is larger and has space to share), can rent out rooms/mini homes/studios. Generally it’s cheaper than a hotel, but still neat. We stayed at a place in the U District part of Seattle for a VERY reasonable price. It was the teensiest little home in someone’s backyard. The living/bath/kitchen were downstairs, and the bedroom was up a ladder. It’s a little weird heading to someone’s home… when you don’t know who they are, but it was very simple and nice. PLUS, if they’ve been renting for a while, they should have ratings to check out.

We ended our 2 day stay exploring the beautiful Ballard. I lived in Seattle for 4 years… right next to Ballard, and let me tell you: it has changed a TON in 5 years. It was always cute, but now it’s a fun place to eat and shop. I swear 90% of the shops and restaurants must be new.

We drove home on a 90 degree day… in a car with broken A/C. It was so hot we stopped and I purchased a frozen margarita mix pouch to use as an ice pack. It lasted for about 30 minutes. BUT,  my favorite moment of this trip home: we were stopped at a stop light… been in traffic forever, and I looked to my right. The lady in the car next to us was LITERALLY shaking her head with her hair blowing in that beautiful air conditioner. Lauren and I might have mumbled a curse under our breath… I mean it was so hot, but we both started laughing. Evidence:


– Chelsey

Note: the plaid dress was sent to me, for free, by eshakti.com. I was not paid for this post, all opinions and thoughts are my own. 

Revamped Outdoor Chair

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Well, it’s that time of year again. Time to pretend like my backyard is always clean. Ha! The truth: I live in Oregon and we have moss and all the goodness that likes to take over all furniture, etc.

When buying furniture here in Oregon you need to ask yourself a few questions:

– Will moss stain it?

– Could the combo of rain/freeze/thaw/rain/freeze/thaw hurt this piece of furniture?

– Is it white? White plastic really really doesn’t work out here.

– Made of wood? Yeah, just give up.

If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of the above AND live in Oregon, most likely you are in possession of some weathered furniture. Unless you’re one of the fancy few that remember to put their outdoor furniture away for 9 months out of the year (in case you’re wondering, I’m not one of those fancy few… it’s more like 5 months out of the year).

We have weathered outdoor furniture around here. When buying used outdoor furniture, 90% of the time it’s weathered and run down. Well, darn.

Recently I purchased a set of 6 plastic chairs from an estate sale for $3 total. They look like they have spent the majority of their plastic lives in the rain. The moss has pretty much stained the plastic. Luckily, I was able to get most of the gunk off with some Mr. Clean Outdoor Cleaner, but they still had a lovely green/brown splotch color.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

I decided to revamp the chairs with a bit of paint. Plastic spray paint. First some primer, then some special pretty spray paint.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Tape off some stripes with painter’s tape and newspaper.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Spray with gold paint.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Seal it all with a clear sealer. Let cure for a few days before really using (less likely to chip the paint). Done.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Here’s what I used:

Mr. Clean Outdoor Spray to clean

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for scrubbing

Valspar Primer Spray Paint (for plastics)

Valspar Flat Mirage Spray Paint  (for the main chair color)

Valspar Gold Metalic Spray (for the fancy parts)

Valspar Clear High Gloss Spray Paint

Add a small side table with flowers, some mosquito repelling citronella candles, and some wine. Enjoy! I’m VERY happy with my revamped outdoor chairs.

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

Also: P&G and Lowe’s want to giveaway a couple of goodies to all of you! Yeah! All the supplies they sent me to clean up my chairs + a $100 Lowe’s gift card.

To enter to win the $100 Lowe’s Gift Card + backyard cleaning supplies, answer this question: “What’s your favorite summer BBQ food?”

outdoor chair revamp // thepapermama.com

– Chelsey

Note: P&G and Lowe’s provided the prize as part of a contest. I was also provided with cleaning supplies to clean up my chairs. I was paid to write this post, but all opinions and statements are my own. Items to win in the giveaway are· $100 Lowe’s gift card · Mr. Clean Outdoor Pro Spray · Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Outdoor Pro · Bounty · Tide Pods · Duracell AA Batteries · for one winner. Winner must live in the United States. Head to FindItAtLowes.com to find the perfect goodies to clean up your backyard! Giveaway ends on July 31st, 2013 11:59 PM PST.