This weeks guest judge: Me! (Ok, not really a guest, but I thought I’d judge the photo challenge this week!)
This weeks challenge: Confusion!.?!
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) confused, unsure…. just plain flabbergasted!
- First place: Unofficial Mom:
Why I chose this photo: “Oh man. How could I not choose it? That confused face is perfect. The eyebrows. The eyes. The fingers in the mouth. I just want to know what was said to her right before this photo… maybe, ‘You will be changing your own diapers from now on.’ I also love the bokeh and the lighting on her face is lovely. It’s so clear and sharp too.”
Congrats! Please feel free to grab a “fact: I’m awesome … #1 winner” button below. Because: you ARE awesome! And, thank you SO much for participating!

Why I chose this photo: “That look is so great! I’m also digging the light/shadow of this photo.”
- 3rd: Freebird:
Why I chose this photo: “Oh Miss Lila. She has SO many looks! This is just another VERY cute confused look. I love it.”
- 4th: Photo Freak:
Why I chose this photo: “She SO wants a piece of that cake… and CANNOT figure out why she’s not eating it already!”
Why I chose this photo: “He just looks like he’s thinking of a VERY intense math problem. That’s probably what I look like when I think of math.”
Congrats to the top 5 winners! Great job, and please feel free to grab the top 5 button below! You’re all awesome!

So, I know I just chose the top 5… but, I have a few favorites too. Here they are:
If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

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