Sweet Potato: Ewww! and New Friend Friday!

Last Days:
This weeks photo challenge: Favorite Toy! Last day is Friday!
Giveaway ends today!!!
AND: Ask Joni from Six Cherries on Top any questions!

Sweet Potato:

{Ruari at 6.5 months}
Ha ha ha!

{Yay! We’re done!}

It’s also New Friend Friday! Woo hoo! Topic today: Where are you from…
I’m from Portland, OR. Lots of breweries, fabric shops, green grass, and fresh air. I love it here. It’s my home. Thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet you! ๐Ÿ™‚

New Friend Fridays

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Categories: food

Flashback Friday: Sear’s Photo Shoot

Ok, I don’t know if this was taken at Sear’s or not… I do remember heading to the mall a few times when I was little, all dressed up, and having to sit and pose for these photos. I wonder what Ruari will remember from the 1 million photos I’m taking of her?

{Nicole and I in 1983?}

Flashback with us…
Flashback Friday Button

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: photography

Thursday’s Three: Me! The Paper Lady!

First off… Quick note: Don’t forget to enter my giveaway! There are not too many entries… VERY good chance to win! Ends tomorrow evening 7/9.

This Thursday’s Three is all about my Etsy shop: Paper Lady Invites. With being a new mama I haven’t been putting too much time into my shop in the past few months…. But, I’m just starting to figure out how to balance baby time and me time. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m so excited. I’ve sold 3 crowns in the past week! We had a little table setting event at Anthropologie (my job)… and I set up a table for a child’s tea party! I made 4 crowns to add to the table. Everyone loved them… so I ended up selling a couple! I don’t have photos of the table setting yet (it wasn’t taken on my camera) but, I did take some photos of the crowns I made. Ruari was kind enough to model them for me!

On to the Thursday’s Three (well, Thursday’s 6! ;D ):

1) This is a new design I have just started creating. Usually my adult crowns tie to the wearers head… this one is actually a tiara style! That way you can still have your hair all pretty and stylish! I will still be making both versions. My friend bought this tiara to wear to the Oregon Country Fair. I can’t wait to see photos!

{Adult tiara crown: Paper Lady Invites}

2) This crown I made for my baby, Laureli. It will be decoration in her baby room until she’s old enough to not eat it! I do have one more of these crowns for sale in my Etsy shop. Please click here if you’re interested. ๐Ÿ™‚

{Pretty Pink child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}

3) I made this child size crown for the table setting event. I’m going to give it to my buddy Kelsey. Her little girl’s name is Coral. She’s 3 months younger than Ruari.

{Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}

4) This next crown was ALSO for the table setting event at AnthropologieI plan to give this to my friend Roxana’s daughter: Kamilah. ๐Ÿ™‚

{Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}
5) This is the 4th crown I made for the table setting event. I really love it. I didn’t make this one for any specific person… so, I may put it up for sale. Probably later today.
{Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}
6) This last crown is another adult tiara crown. This one is for sale. Please check it out if you’d like!
{Adult tiara crown: Paper Lady Invites}

Have a FABULOUS Thursday everyone! AND: don’t forget….

This weeks photo challenge: Favorite Toy! Last day is Friday!
Giveaway ends tomorrow!!!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Photo time with Hollin Brodeur

{I am SO happy AND excited for these photos!!! There are a ton more that I love…. but, then this post would be full of like 200 photos. :). Please visit Hollin Brodeur’s Blog. She’s so good! Happy Wednesday all! AND, please don’t forget to check out my links below… the giveaway is almost over and don’t forget to ask Joni a question!}

{Just a little reminder…
This weeks photo challenge: Yellow… Last day is Friday!
I hope you enjoyed! Don’t forget to vote for your favorite photo! Last day is Friday!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: photography

Totally Random on Tuesday!

I have a few photos backing up on my computer that I have been wanting to post for some time! I think I’ll just post them all in this one post! If I don’t… I’m afraid I’ll forget: Mom Brain…

To start off… I want to thank the lovely and WONDERFUL Chana over at Momma Town for my prizes! I love these headbands! I took a few photos to share with everyone… I TOTALLY encourage her to start an Etsy shop. I think she’d do well. ๐Ÿ™‚

{Me and Ruari at 6.5 months}
{Lovely headband on a lovely baby!}
{MY headband!}
I also wanted to point out how soft and comfortable the baby headband was! Sometimes baby headbands can be too tight. This was not!
{So cute!}
NEXT: I received my prize from Joni at Six Cherries on Top! Really cute crayons from Gaddy Nipper Crayons! Thanks so much! Yay! I can’t wait for Ruari to play with them (when she isn’t trying to eat everything in her hand…). AND… Please don’t forget to ask Joni a question… She is the next Get to Know a Mama. I think that post got lost in my massive post load. Ask away!

{Crayons from Gaddy Nipper Crayons}

AND: I ALSO received my prize from the wonderful Christy over at Skinned Knees! Yay again! I love them! (Even though I did learn the HARD way about what babies do with long earrings…). I can definitely wear them to work. Yes! These earrings come from Penelope G.

{Lovely earrings from: Penelope G}

AND AND: I have finally received my custom order from Lila Frances. She is so popular right now, that she is very busy and it takes a few weeks to receive your order. A.O.K. with me! So cute in Ruari’s baby room! (Oh, and for those of you that are like, “Ummm, I thought her name was Ruari?” Ha, well it is. It’s her nickname. Her REAL name is Laureli. But, we call her Ruari… Boo Head, Baby Butt, Goo, Baby Girl, Baby Goo… Poor thing will be so confused! Ha!). PLEASE check out Lila Frances and buy your own to  make her even busier!

{Custom hanger: Lila Frances}

AND more: My ceramic handprint/footprint goody came in the mail last week! How cute. I got this done back in April. Her feet are already bigger! The hand is the same size… I’m afraid she may end up with my crazy small hands. ๐Ÿ™‚ Please check out Trout Creek Pottery!

Ok, and last (but, not least) I have received some awards! Thank you so much:

The Mommy over at Twenty Little Toes has given me Cherry On Top Award! Please check out her blog! Thank you!

I’d like to pass this award on to:
– Roxana at Cositas Bellas
– Frenchy at le chateau des fleurs

The lovely and sweet Beka at Hold on Love… awarded me the Sunshine Award! You award this to bloggers that bring creativeness, inspiration, and enjoyment for you and the blog-world. Beka said: “My goodness, her lil girl Ruari is one of the cutest things since sliced angel cake.” Awww, I agree! Thank you SO much and please check out her blog.

I’d like to pass this on to:
Kara’s Party Ideas: Seriously inspiring!
Creative Every Day: Nothing but inspiration.

If you have a back up of photos and want to join up with your VERY Totally Random Tuesday post, feel free to link below. I’d love to see your randoms too. ๐Ÿ™‚ Doesn’t matter what it is!

Just a little reminder…
This weeks photo challenge: Yellow… Last day is Friday!
I hope you enjoyed! Don’t forget to vote for your favorite photo! Last day is Friday!

The numbers have been reset! Help me get in the top 10! I โ™ฅ you!
Click To Vote For Us @ the Top Baby Blogs Directory! The most popular baby blogs

Categories: Uncategorized