Shout out to my sponsors!

With one week of August left I’d like to offer ANYONE the last week of August free for advertising if you purchase the month of September. I give very special discounts to Etsy shops. ๐Ÿ™‚ Click here for more details.

I’ve been a bad host and have not shown love to my sponsors! I’d love for you all to meet them. Here they are:


The lovely Faith at Simplicity is just awesome. She’s an AMAZING photographer and offers online classes to get to know your camera a bit better! AND: don’t forget to click here to win a spot in her next class! Ends August 31st!


The very sweet Etsy shop: Heart Escapes. You can find all sorts of jewelry and even some amazing pottery! Please stop by her shop and show her some love. Buy a couple of gifts for your best friend while you’re there! Don’t forget to visit her blog.


Another sweet Etsy shop: Claire’s Creations and Photography. Claire is very talented and creates everything from cute hair accessories, jewelry, and MANY knit pieces. I’m really digging the camera strap covers she has! Great prices. Give her shop a visit! Don’t forget to visit her sweet blog.


I hope you all enjoyed getting to know these ladies a little better! Please visit all of them. ๐Ÿ™‚

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I heart faces: Beach Fun

{Mike in April 2010. Glen Eden Beach, OR}
It’s almost impossible to get a photo of Mike. Every once in a while I can sneak one in while he isn’t looking. I just love this photo. Happy Anniversary honey.

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Monday’s My Pick: My 2nd wedding anniversary

It’s Mike’s and my 2nd wedding anniversary. We have had a VERY busy weekend. My mom took our little babe for the weekend so we could do our own thing. I do have to say: I think our livers are hurting pretty bad! It just seems like everything we did had some sort of drinking involved.
I just wanted to share a few of my favorite wedding photos.

{Yeah… I had 2.92 million bridesmaids!}

{My sister and I doing the chicken dance from Arrested Developement}

{Out of 600 photos from our wedding… this was Mike’s favorite!}

{Getting married}

{Spoiled dog.}

{Me and my best girls!}

{The photo on the right is my favorite photo.}

Monday’s My Pick: These prints are about mixing colors to see what you get… In our case you get a silly Miss Ruari! It’s a fun little gift. Perfect little decoration for a nursery. Check out the Ruka Ruka shop for more cool prints!

Don’t forget to check out the Paper Lady’s Monday’s My Pick!

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The Pen to Paper Challenge.

As a Pearista for Pear Tree Greetings, I have accepted their Pen to Paper Challenge. If you don’t know, Pearista is a group of bloggers sponsored by Pear Tree Greetings that really value the power of connecting though stationary.

The Challenge: Write a hand written note once a week for the next 4 weeks and send it through snail mail! Pear Tree Greetings was super amazing awesome enough to send me 4 cards to send out with 4 cards to include in each note I send for the recipients (So, they can then send their own little notes!).

Who’s getting my first note? My sister. Shhh… don’t tell her! Even though she reads my blog. ๐Ÿ™‚ I miss my sister. She lives in the future. a.k.a. New Zealand (they’re a day ahead of us there. ๐Ÿ˜€ ) and that’s just a little too far. I’m sad she doesn’t get to see Ruari go through all her milestones in person. So, I took some time to write a little note.

Also included in the note: 

I made a little paper bear for her to enjoy… along with a stamped foot and handprint from Ruari.

Writing a hand written note means a lot to me. I LOVE to send cards just randomly to tell my friends how awesome they are… to tell my sister I miss her… or to say Happy Chocolate Cupcake Day (This is a REAL national day!). I love receiving hand written notes (*hint *hint ;D). So much better than all those bills I get!

What’s in it for me? Well… I get to put a smile on my sisters face. AND, Pear Tree Greetings will choose one Pearista Post each week to win $50 towards some awesome goodies, like Christmas cards, at Pear Tree Greetings. Yeah!

Why don’t you give Pear Tree Greeting a visit. See what you can find: personalized note card, Christmas Card or birth announcement.

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Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Scavenger hunt Sunday over at Ramblings and Photos! My interpretations:

Leading Lines:
A detailed photo of our hardwood floors. They are 90 years old. You can see all over this floor the criss-crossing scratches from the many years of dragging furniture across it’s top. I love our floors. I think they are beautiful. There are some trouble spots… I mean… there are spots that are REALLY not baby friendly. Like: she might get splinters while crawling! We need to fix them. ๐Ÿ˜€

Something Comfortable:

This is Ruari’s blanket. The blanket she has slept with each night since she was about 2 months old. Even I love to cuddle with it!


Ruari’s chubby feet. I finally put some shoes on her. She HATES things on her feet! She kicked off one shoe after about 1 minute. But, I did manage to get one photo with one shoe on.


These are my sleepy, no make-up removed, glasses eyes. I have a lot of freckles right now!

Something sweet… how about a chocolate covered polar bears? Ok, it’s not a polar bear. Just looks like one. ;D No, it’s a chocolate covered cricket! With a chocolate covered larvae! I didn’t eat it. Mike did. He said it was alright. ๐Ÿ™‚

Link up your scavenger hunt:

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It’s time for the Vote Off!!!

We’ve had 4 challenges and now it’s time to pick an overall winner for this month! There will be 1 week to vote (Voting will end on August 27th). Here are the lovely photos you have to choose one winner from… 

  • 1: Absolute Favorite…

  • 2: Buddies.
  •  3: Water….
  • 4: Orange!

Please Vote! Voting will end on August 27th, 2010 at 11:59 pm. Get your friends and family to vote! ๐Ÿ™‚ Make a post on your blog linking back to the vote post.

What will the winner of this vote win you ask? A couple of cards from my Paper Lady Invites shop! Yay! So, go on and vote!

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