Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Baby Bits.

{Baby girl: you will be 9 months in 3 days. So crazy! You better believe we’ll be taking a TON of photos of you on Saturday! See that pacifier in your mouth down there? Yeah that one…}

{You are not allowed to have that pacifier anymore! Yes. You keep shoving the pacifier ALL the way in your mouth! Not good. No more. In fact… we only let you have one pacifier now. It’s giant. You’re not too happy about that. But, you’re getting used to it.}

{Happy Wednesday everyone!}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, 7 Clown Circus, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go,  and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

{Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenge: Excitement!}

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Photo challenges…

Soooo, it’s been a crazy morning already at the Paper Mama home! Oh man. Ruari pooped ALL over herself and then rolled around in it. Of course. Then… as I was changing her she kept grabbing all her poopy mess! So, we’ve already had a bath. We had a very similar poo explosion last Friday. Hmmm. Maybe it’s the peaches?

AAAAAnnnndddd…. now for MORE crazy! I think I did it! I’ve lost my mind. I’ve participated in an INSANE amount of photo challenges… I’m feeling a bit like Ashley... ๐Ÿ˜€

Show and Tell @ Paper Heart Camera: A day in your life.

{Ruari 8.5 months old}


Just a little snapshot of my life. Everyday of my life this is it. My baby. I know I made it through all the internal bleeding and badness from her birth to take care of my baby.

Photography love...
It’s a Beautiful Life challenge: My little piece of heaven…

Sweet Shot Day
B is for Baby! Alphabet Challenge:

Perceptive Perspective: Hands.

Touch up Tuesday:


Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

Simplicity’s Photo Challenge: Water

In a Yellow House photo challenge: Art

{Hand-painted paper decoration from Paper Lady Invites}

Hmmmm… I feel like I’ve entered this photo before. I can’t remember. ๐Ÿ˜€

BWS tips button

Shoot ‘n Tell @ The Franklin’s: Up

So, the theme is “up”. This was Ruari a couple weeks ago. Still up. She would not nap!!!

Shutter sisters: Simple Beauty

Wishful Lamb: Soul Mates


I’m flashing back a little for this one. I just didn’t take any self portraits that I liked this week. ๐Ÿ™‚ I was about 7 months pregnant here. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Babylegs: winner and product review

BabyLegs was kind enough to send me a little sampling of their new Fall line. They sent us some BabyLegs legwarmers, girl tights, and some cute frilly baby socks. We’ve worn them, poo’d on them, chewed on them, and washed them. A lot. Here’s my review. Enjoy!

{Thanks BabyLegs!}

So, I did a product review on BabyLegs a couple months ago… and I wanted to include most of what I liked and disliked in the previous review (since my opinions mostly haven’t changed). I just have a few more things to add for the fall line! ๐Ÿ˜€

Why I loveโ™ฅ them:
Their story: I REALLY love that Babylegs were started by a mom. Her babe had a diaper rash and needed to go diaper free… cut off the ends of tube socks and put them on the baby’s legs= legs warm and bum is free!
Easy diaper changes: Like the company advertises… they seriously do make diaper changes easier! Really! You don’t have to take pants off and put them back on. Unless it’s a major poopy diaper….
Adjustable: If Ruari gets a little warm I can pull the leggings down to cover just her calves so she doesn’t get too warm.
Let those toes breath: The bottom of the leggings can be pulled down to cover her heel so her toes are free to be tickled and chewed on. ๐Ÿ™‚ She loves her toes.
Way cute: They are adorable. I mean really! Super cute!
Diaper explosion safe (mostly): If she has a diaper explosion I only have to change her onesie. With pants I’d have to change onesie and the pants as well… unless it’s a super explosion that goes out the sides too!
I guess one size fits most: Ruari was just under 7 pounds when she was born. She was pretty much wearing preemie size. Babylegs worked so much better than pants for her. Especially since she was so small and I was afraid I’d break her whenever I changed her clothes. ๐Ÿ™‚ They are also worn on baby arms too.
Good with bulky cloth diapers: I have friends that use the bulkier cloth diapers. It’s hard to fit most baby pants over cloth diapers. The baby legs are a lifesaver for them!
Potty training ease: I’m hoping this will make the future potty training easier. No pants to hurry and take off!
Huge selection for boys or girls: A ton of cute patterns and colors to choose from!
Baby legs is involved in the community: They donate Babylegs to the Ronald McDonald House, they work with Expat to provide support for the communities in rural China, they support the Seattle Children’s Hospital, and they are also involved in Baby Loves Disco (This is so neat! Check it out!).

New good thoughts for the Fall line:
Keeping knees safe: Ruari is not quite crawling yet… so close! We had her on the wood floor a couple days ago and one of her Babylegs fell off. She was pushing up on her knees and crying. I realized her knee probably hurt. I put the BabyLeg back on and she was happy!
This Fall line is adorable!: I love the Pie leggings! The little scallop edges are so cute. And, the Bumper Hearts leggings are totally flashing me back to my childhood! I think I may have to buy some of the Show Pony leg warmers too! They have VERY cute ruffles.
Organic: The Bumper Hearts leggings I received are organic. I appreciate this because Ruari really puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. EVERYTHING. Especially her leggings.
Easier to put on a crazy baby than pants: So Ruari has decided that she hates having clothes put on her. She wiggles, cries, squirms, flips around… oh man. Trying to get both her legs into pants… hard to do! Thank goodness for Babylegs!

Pilling: The knit material does tend to pill up after a couple of washes. Not too bad though. And really… what doesn’t do that?
The price: They are usually around $12 a pair. BUT, they do have great sales! And, great coupon codes!
I don’t have enough!: Ok, that’s just my problem. I can solve it!

New not so great thoughts for the Fall line:
Pie leggings have a choking hazard: The Pie leggings have a little bow at the ends. This isn’t really a problem for everyone, but Ruari tries to chew off any buttons, bows, or any embellishment around her. I cut the bows off.
The Bumper Hearts slide down a bit: The Bumper Hearts leggings slide down over her feet a bit. I think it’s because the end of the leggings are more decorative than other leggings. Not as tight by the feet.

{Choking hazard for Ruari}

Yes: I COMPLETELY recommend these little Babylegs! They have been an amazing find. They have really made things easier for me from the beginning.

BabyLegs Leg Warmers, Baby Socks and Girls Tights
AND, the winner of the BabyLegs grab bag is: Amy from Designer Blogs and From A3 to Z!

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Note: Hello my readers. I was not paid to do this review. BabyLegs sent me their Fall line in exchange for an honest review. I am just providing an opinion to help any decision-making on purchasing this product. They are just opinions and each individual may feel differently. Thanks soooo much for reading! I hope my opinions help! If you are interested in me doing a product review for you, please email me. I don’t accept payment for these though. I like to keep it honest.

Categories: Uncategorized

Giveaway: A lovely paper crown!

Hello everyone! I’m giving away one of my paper crowns over at Grosgrain! If you’ve been dying to have one… you can get your chance! You get to customize the name on it. ;D

This is the crown you could win (well, not this exact one… but, a version of it):

{Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}

{Child size crown: Paper Lady Invites}

Click here to go on and enter!

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Monday’s My Pick: Pink Lemonade

I really want to introduce you guys to Pink Lemonade! A super cute shop on Etsy. Miss Paige runs this shop. She’s a teenager and is so crafty!

She sells clothes, brooches, and scarves. I REALLY love her clothes. I don’t know about you… but, I love a little extra ruffle on my tank tops!

Not only does she have this super cute Etsy shop… she has a very lovely blog. Lots of inspiring creations. Please do give her a visit. It’s never too early to start Christmas shopping. ;D

Pink Lemonade on Etsy

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Happy Birthday Epiphan!e!

I discovered Epiphan!e through the Shutter Sisters. I had NO idea there were camera bags this cute! I want one! This is now on my Christmas wishlist! Woo hoo!

I think I’d either like the red bag…

Or the blue bag….

So much cuter than my bag! By the way: They have a 15% off code that ends tomorrow! The code is: BIRTHDAY

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