Get to know Pistachio

I felt it only fair that since I did a post about my kitty, Princess, that I should do a post about my other kitty: Pistachio.

Unlike Princess… Pistachio just laid there the ENTIRE time I took photos of him. Lazy kitty. His eyes only opened a sliver… and he stretched out his foot. That’s the most action he gave me.


  • Name: Lord Pistachio. Also goes by: “Chunk chunk”, “Peetachio”, and he’ll come to a chicken call.
  • Age and weight: 6 year old boy.
  • Hobbies: Sleeping. Getting his fur everywhere. Scratching our sofa. Randomly attacking our Chihuahua, Angus. Getting in the crib. Sleeping under blankets.
  • Dislikes: Empty food bowls. When we push him out of our laps. Baby (Well, he doesn’t like that she gets more attention than he does). Baths (Seriously dangerous). Fleas.
  • Fun Fact: If you meet Pistachio, he wont let you pet him until he smells your mouth.
  • His perfect date would be: Laying upside down in the sun next to a bowl full of cat food.

{39/365 Pistachio}

By the way… This is what Ruari thinks of me taking photos of Pistachio and not her:

Flashback Friday:

{Me and Ruari: 1 week old}
I’ve shared these photos before. But, since I’m so into planning her one year birthday… I thought I’d share them again! ๐Ÿ™‚  Ruari was exactly one week old. I’ve said it before, but these photos are hard for me to look at. I love how little and sweet she was, but it brings up the memories of my birth. But, I don’t want my emotions to take over on her birthday. It’s her time. ๐Ÿ™‚
{Ruari: 1 week old}
So tiny. She was 6 pounds 11 ounces when she was born. She didn’t fit in much.
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After Ruari and I picked out her pumpkin on Tuesday, we made a trip to the store. I wanted to check out bulk candy prices to get a better idea of some birthday party costs. 

I ended up buying 2.5 pounds of gumdrops for $2.50… I wont tell you what I’m making just yet. ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s so simple. I’ll share a little tutorial after I’m done… which will be soon! Hopefully!

Those gumdrops have inspired me. Even though I think they taste horrible… they are very pretty.


My Three picks on Thursday:

1) Look at this cute gumdrop print I found on Etsy! So cute! I found it at: I Heart Kid Art.

{I Heart Kid Art}

AND, I found this neat gumdrop garland on Amazon. The store I bought my gumdrops from also have some large sized gumdrops! I’m thinking I may try and make a gumdrop garland for Ruari’s birthday party… OR, I’ll just get lazy and buy this plastic gumdrops garland from Amazon. ;D

{Gumdrop garland on Amazon}


2) All this planning for a birthday party that’s right around Christmas has really put me in the Christmas spirit! Seriously. I love Christmas. It was really hard for me last year. The 25th was a week after my horrible birth. It will be different this year. I have a happy healthy baby. AND, I’m happy and healthy-ish. ๐Ÿ™‚

I just wanted to remind you guys. The Babylegs coupon I have for you ends on October 31st! I always like to get my Christmas shopping done early. You get 20% off! An AWESOME deal! You can click here to go to BabyLegs and when you check out use the code: PAPERMAMA

They have some holiday baby legs up now! Very cute. I think I’d like to get the Nordic leg warmers for Ruari.

{BabyLegs Leg Warmers}
{BabyLegs Leg Warmers}
{BabyLegs Leg Warmers}
{BabyLegs Leg Warmers}
{BabyLegs Leg Warmers}

AND, just so you don’t forget. ;D

OH, and TOMORROW is the last day to use the Designer Blogs discount! 10% off! Just use the code: REFERRED BY THE PAPER MAMA.

3) And, I’ve received a couple of awards! I just wanted to thank you so much!

{From Tezzie}
Thank you SO much Tezzie! So, here are the details for this award:
*  share/name 3 things and/or people that I care a lot about
*  show you one of my favorite photos
My 3 things I care a lot about: Mike, my baby, and my family. And, this is my absolute favorite photo. Ruari was 16 weeks old in this photo.
Thank you so much Jingle for this award!

{From Jingle}

Thanks to Lilac City Momma for this lovely award!

{From Lilac City Momma}

Share 7 things about yourself:

  1. Many of my blogging buddies have visited me in my dreams (maybe I blog too much?). 
  2. I LOVE chocolate. Love it.
  3. I work VERY part-time at Anthropologie.
  4. I’ve met these awesome blogging buddies in person: Mandy, Melissa, Jill, and Allie.
  5. I fantasize about shaving my pets so I don’t have to vacuum anymore.
  6. Green tea is my caffeine. 
  7. And, I can’t think of a 7th thing about myself because I need some of #6.

Thanks everyone! I think I may have missed an award… but, I can’t find the emails. 


And, how about a photo challenge…

Before and After @ Pixel Perfect:


{22/365 Angus}

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Wordless{ish} Wednesday: The happiest baby in the world!

{We went to the pumpkin patch on Tuesday to pick out Ruari’s FIRST pumpkin! She was NOT impressed. She was fresh from a nap and everything… no smile’s for her… She looks so mad/sad/angry in EVERY photo I took. OH well. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s still cute.}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to post it below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Jolly Mom, Go Graham Go, Supermom,  and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you!}

{Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenge: Me and Mama.}

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Longest blog post EVER.

I’ve been VERY busy trying to finish up Ruari’s room before her birthday party (a goal I set for myself). I have been looking into some ways to have some storage… since we have no built in closets in our home… I’ve found a tiny little nightstand tiny storage… OR, I could go for a little bookshelf with some baskets to store things. I don’t know. SO many things to think about.

I’m also trying to save a few bucks and make my own wall decal… well, it wont be a wall decal… it will be paper nailed to the wall….. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ll let you all know how it goes.

Anyway: Look more crowns!

{The Paper Lady}

These were a custom order that I did for a lovely lady. She has twins with a birthday coming up! I’m making my crowns a little differently these days. I’m putting them on headbands (I used to just use ribbons to tie them to your head). I think this style will be easier to wear. Click here to get a crown for yourself!

{The Paper Lady}

{The Paper Lady}

I also made a cupcake crown. ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s the first cupcake crown I’ve made. I think I’ll make it a little different next time. More crown like. But, it’s cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ This crown is headed to a special someone. Not saying who… ๐Ÿ˜€

{The Paper Lady}

AND, some photo challenges…

ABC Challenge: “F” is for fingers and feet!

Shutter Love Tuesday’s: Babies!
A Sorta Fairytale: Precious Moments.

This is a very precious moment. This is the day that Ruari started crawling. She didn’t get very far… but, VERY special photos for me.

Shutter Love Tuesdays Button

Sweet Shot Day

Simplicity Photo Challenge: Light

Show and Tell @ Paper Heart Camera:
Beep Beep Click:

Photography love...

Paper Heart Camera Touch Up Tuesday’s:



Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

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Categories: paper mama shop

My pick on Monday:

Did I tell you guys that my good friend Roxana had her baby a 3 weeks ago? I don’t remember if I did or not. BUT, she is so little and sweet. She has some pretty amazing hair too. She was 3 weeks early. Three weeks early and she STILL weighed 8 pound 11 ounces. Whew.

Xamara Rose September 20th, 2010.

I took these photos at night, inside… with VERY little light. I still love them. Sweet little baby girl.

My pick on Monday: The Paper Lady Shop

This is my paper shop. ๐Ÿ™‚ I just put a new crown up for sale there! You can put any name you’d like on it. Give my shop a visit and buy everything. K? Hee, just kidding. I’m working on a boy-ish crown today. Maybe I’ll get it up for you guys to see (and buy) later this week?

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I Heart Faces: It’s official… Mike thinks I’m crazy…

Yes. It is official. My hubby knows thinks I’m crazy.

All it took was me grabbing my camera, tripod, and a frozen piece of steak from the freezer… then photographing this piece of steak. Poor hubby. I don’t know if he ever thought I could get this strange. ;D

Anyway. This weeks theme at I Heart Faces is: I Heart Beef. And, I REALLY do. Of course I love cows alive and all… but, a good steak is just the best thing ever. It’s right up there with chocolate. We like to buy a large chunk of beef, cut it up into smaller portions, and freeze them. We save money. Yay!

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