And, the winner of the "Red" photo challenge is…

This weeks guest judge: ME!
This weeks challenge: Red.
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid… or puppy… or kitty) with the color red… eating something red… wearing red…

The winners chosen by me:

First: The Daily Wyatt
Why I chose this photo: “Wow, that sun flare is awesome! I feel like I’m laying in the sun too!”

{The Daily Wyatt}

Congrats to the winner! Great job, and please feel free to grab the Fact: I’m Awesome button! Because You are awesome!!

The Paper Mama

Second: Snips Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
Why I chose this photo: “The crop and edit of this photo are wonderful. The little girl is pretty adorable too!”

{Snips Snails and Puppy Dog Tails}

Third: NV Photography
Why I chose this photo: “I really love the white space in this photo. The crispness of the little girl. It’s so sweet.”

{NV Photography}

Fourth: Wandering Wicopy
Why I chose this photo: “Super cute! I used to love pretending to drive our car when I was little. Love the view of this shot.”

{Wandering Wicopy}

Fifth: My Take on Photography
Why I chose this photo: “Love the look on his face!”

{My Take on Photography}

Congrats to my top 5 winners! If you’d like… you are more than welcome to grab a Top 5 Photo button below!

The Paper Mama

My favorites (in no particular order):

{RSVP Ink}

{Crosbie Crew}

{A Good Life}

{Apple Loves Orange}


{Photographic Data}

{These Days}

If you’re one of my favorites you are more than welcome to grab a “Paper mama hearts me” button below!

The Paper Mama


Guess what…. after 4 challenges there will be a week long vote off of the winners from the 4 previous challenges… 1 more challenge to go…

Winners so far:
Self Portrait: … I Rock So What
My Valentine: … Holly Nicole
Red: … The Daily Wyatt
Movement: … no one yet 

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Snow Day!

Well… I guess it was more of a snow morning! It all melted by 10 am… then another couple inches fell in the afternoon. I was excited to be able to capture some of the falling snowflakes. I love my new lens. ๐Ÿ˜€
Could you guys help me pick which photo I want for my 365? I can’t. My baby is just so cute. Which one is your favorite?

And, if you have a moment I’d love a vote for my Love Letter to Kitty Paw entry! I made the top 10 and would love to win!!! ๐Ÿ˜€ Click here to go to the voting page! Thanks!

Here’s my entry… I’m #10!

A vote for our blog?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Vote for Pistachio!

Hi everyone! SOOOOooo… I placed a spot in the top 10 Love Letters to Kitty Paw challenge at Ramblings and Photos! Yay! I would totally love it if you could spare a vote for me. ๐Ÿ˜€ #10!

You have until February 28th to vote! I want you to vote for your favorite of course… but, I hope it’s mine! ๐Ÿ˜€ You can be sure that I’ll share some super cute Ruari video if you vote for me! Thanks! I’m #10! 

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

My first (maybe last) Vlog post.

So, I thought I’d give this dialect vlog post a try. I’m not too sure I’m into the whole blogging thing… Maybe I’ll do another. If you guys didn’t think it was too weird. I don’t even know what I’d talk about!
Here’s where I found my info for the dialect stuff: Ashley Getting Dressed.

If you are embarrassed for me… or liked the vlog post… can I get a vote for my blog? You can Vote Here… then click one more time. Or, click the button below.
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Questions answered…

First… I had to get my Love Letter to 
Kitty Paw entry in! That’s it above!
Love Letters to Kitty Paw

On to the questions:

Mandy from A Sorta Fairytale asked…

If you had to move anywhere else in the US, where would it be? 
Well… I really love Oregon. I’m very happy here. But, if I HAD to…. I would hope it would be Seattle. I love Seattle… maybe because it’s so much like Portland? ;D

How about anywhere else in the world? And why??

If I could move anywhere in the world I imagine myself living in the UK. I loved it there. And, I love the idea that I’m just hours from all these amazing countries!

What are your hopes for your blog in the future?
To be absolutely honest: I’d love for my blog to keep growing and expose my two shops more! I’ve been struggling lately with advertising. I want my blog to stay personal and not commercial… but, I do put a lot of time and work into my blog. I’d like to make a little money and contribute to our income (since I pretty much don’t right now…).

Pam from Can’t Wait asked…

Do you cloth diaper? If not, why not?
I do not cloth diaper. Why: because I love the convenience of disposable. I currently use Seventh Generation. I’ve wanted to cloth diaper… but, I’ve been a little nervous to start. I know it could save us a ton of money with just a one time investment. Still haven’t totally ruled it out… but, my baby is 14 months.

Will there be more babies in the near future? And how many do you and your dear husband want? One, two? Three? Six?
There will be more babies in the future… when, I don’t know. We will be adopting and/or surrogacy for the next baby because I can’t be pregnant anymore (my birth story would answer why). My hubby and I would like 2 more.

Laura from El Cubed asked…

How do you manage to juggle being a wife, a mom, an artist, and a dedicated blogger so well?
Ummm… I don’t know! ๐Ÿ˜€ I try to get any work or blogging done during Ruari’s nap-time. She usually sleeps 3 hours in a row… but, I can here her moving around right now… probably can’t find her pacifier. I’ve actually been trying to work on my balance a little more. If I figure it out… I’ll let you know!

Kendra from On My Side of the Room asked…

Just wondering if you have any photography tips, I’m always looking for them. I keep wanting to take a class to improve but, life happens. I love your style.
Well… I’m definitely not a photography pro. I just have such a passion for it! My photography skills have very much improved in the past year. I believe the biggest reason for that is I take a ton of photos! Participating in photo challenges every week has been a huge help as well. If I ever get confused with something… I google it or ask one of my photography blogging friends! Lots of practice!

As far as my style of photography: I love capturing little details…. my baby’s fingers picking up food… the salt of a cracker… eyes (I LOVE eyes)…. I’m a sort of “fill the frame” girl. I like my photos to be full. I’m currently trying to expand myself and try landscape photography… I’m not liking my stuff, I need practice!

Thank you SO much for your questions ladies! If anyone ever has a question ANY time… you are more than welcome to email me. ๐Ÿ˜€

OH… one more thing… the winner of the PS Cute handmade headband is: TaMara from The Sloan Homeschool! Congrats! I will be contacting you soon!

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Computer Fixin’

{Wow…. I’m SO over computer problems. There have been WAY too many in my life this month. Oye! I’ve been googling all freakin’ day (Tuesday) trying to fix my slow/freezing computer problem and got nothing done! First, I really wanted to thank Sarah from Naptime Momtog for her help today. I’ve been so frustated. Wow.}
{So, after cleaning my computer and resetting this and restarting that one million times… I figured out what the problem was… 99% of the time I work with my Photoshop CS3 open. So, after assuming ALL day that the problem was my computer or Firefox… turns out it was the most simple lame glitch ever with CS3. If you’re curious… here’s the link to what I did to fix.}

{Yup… this guy right here:}
{saved me!!! Thank you so much. All I had to do was hold down CTRL+ALT+SHIFT and click “yes” to the pop-up question. Hmmm. How simple… I was very close to tossing my computer out the window. Yup. That was the plan if I didn’t fix it tonight. So, thanks Eddie Phanichkul from Taking Stuff… you saved me. I might love you…. or… maybe I’m just mentally exhausted and don’t know where or what’s happening or what? I don’t know. It’s bed time you guys. I had so much to finish today… again: hopefully the directory will be ready tomorrow.}

{By the way… see this sweet face right here:}

{Yes… I will be “tattooing” this babe soon. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you’re totally confused… you can go here to see what I’m talking about.}

{If you feel really bad for me… I’d love a vote! Just a click to VOTE HERE (or, the button below) and click on the “click here to vote”. And, you’re done! Thanks!}
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too... (Wordless Wednesday HQ, 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, A Beautiful Mess, Go Graham Go, Supermom, Live and Love Outloud, and My Wee View.). Happy Wednesday to all of you! Don’t forget to check the announcements above the posts. Giveaways and the photo challenges!}

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Ask me.

I had something that I was really looking forward to blogging about… but, I totally forgot what it was and I CANNOT for the life of me remember what the hey it was! What the? Oh well… it will probably pop up in my head sometime in the near future very randomly! ๐Ÿ˜€ Hopefully… or, I’ve gone totally nuts. Who knows. SOooo… My lovely buddy Mandy (A Sorta Fairytale) said I might as well jump on the bandwagon and see if my amazing readers have any questions for me! Sooooo… do you?
Do you have a question for me? I’d love to know… Ask me anything… I’ll answer anything… unless it’s what my social is or something. ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh, and I’ve received like 70 emails about my directory… I’m still working on the first 20…. I’ve been going back and forth on how I really wanted to do this… Do I want it something you all can adjust yourself in the future? Or, not…. Can’t wait to get it up for you guys! SOON! And, if you’d like to get your blog up in my directory go to this post to get the info… I’ll be capping the blog entries at 200 for now… So 130 spots left. ๐Ÿ™‚

One more thing: Can I get a vote for my blog?
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โค Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized