Get to Know a Mama: Danielle from Sometimes Sweet. Ask her anything! {CLOSED}

Do you want to know more about Danielle from Sometimes Sweet?

Please post any questions you have for her below in the comments section (before this Wednesday 6/8/2011. I hope to get the questions to her by then!) So, let’s see those questions!!! Ask her ANYthing. She may just answer it….

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: 8 Weeks to a Better Me. Week 5: Loving life & having fun

{At Sometimes Sweet}

{Week 5: Loving Life and Having Fun… goals inspired by Lauren from Busy Bee…}

{1. See the beauty in the little things: A big thing for me is to realize that when my baby has one of her many random meltdowns… it’s just such a tiny short time… and, she’s just learning how to express herself. Man, those meltdowns are hard though. :)}

{2. Simply dress for me everyday: Dress how I want to feel. Put something nice on. It’s ok to wear jammies every once in a while… but, I need to put real clothes on. The days I go to Starbucks to work… I put makeup on and wear real clothes… just like I’m going to a real job.}

{3. Don’t say anything negative about anyone for a week: This is something I really try hard at. I don’t like being negative… but, sometimes it pops out. I like to be nice to everyone if I can.}

{AND… I’m even leaving a kind note for anyone that finds or steals my camera… By the way: I got this fun idea from Andrew McDonald. He wrote a blog post about creating a pictorial guide to camera loss. I’m going to transfer these photos over to my camera… to live on there FOREVER! ๐Ÿ™‚ I followed his same basic layout… but, just adjusted/changed some of the wording.}

{Do you want to vote for my blog? Ok! Just takes a moment.}
 Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Goodies in the mail!

I’ve had this camera strap for a few weeks now… it’s taken me this long to remember to blog about it! ๐Ÿ˜€ So… here it is… my beautiful new camera strap from Barely Measured! I absolutely love it! It matches my diaper bag that Barely Measured ALSO made for me. And, it has a lens cap holder. That’s a HUGE plus for me. A little confession: I used to just stick my lens cap in my bra… wear else do you put it when you don’t have pockets? ;D

In addition to my awesome new camera strap… Ruari received a little goody in the mail…. ๐Ÿ˜€ The little custom doll I ordered from Rice Babies! I absolutely LOVE it! She totally customized it for me… the colors I wanted… the tattoos… the hair in the flower… AND: she made matching headbands for Ruari and the dolly (which hasn’t really been named yet… she keeps calling it Coco. Coco is what she calls her FBFF (Forced Best Friend Forever) Coral. So… maybe it’s a mini Coral? ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorta looks like her.

A little Coco comparison… I think she looks like the doll:

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog DirectorySweet Shot Day

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Last call!

Hey everyone! Tomorrow is the last day I’m accepting sponsors for June. I have three two different add packages for you to choose from:
  • SOLD OUT: A 160 wide x 200 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these large ads will be at the top of the sponsor list): $30/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!) NOTE: I only have 2 large ad spaces available each month.
  • A 160 wide x 120 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these medium ad’s will follow the large ads in the sponsor list): $20/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)
  • A 160 wide x 60 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these small ad’s will follow the medium ads in the sponsor list): $15/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)
 I’d LOVE to have you on my blog if we’re the right match (sounds like a dating game ;D). You can click here for more details about my blog.

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

Catching up on 8 weeks to a better me.

The ALWAYS sweet Danielle from Sometimes Sweet started this inspiring 8 Weeks to a Better Me blog series. Each week an inspiring blogger chooses three inspiring things to do in their lives based on a certain topic. From their… we, the readers… can join in and follow Danielle’s 3 prompts for the week (which you can totally change each prompt to work for you).

I had EVERY intention of following this weekly and keeping up with it… but, as life would have it: I didn’t. We are now hitting week 5. While I did DO some of the prompts listed… I haven’t blogged about them. Today: I blog. This post is a quick catch up to the previous 4 weeks of 8 Weeks to a Better Me.

Week 1: Blogging: Inspired by the lovely couple Local Honey and Adeline’s Daddy

1) Blog about one local restaurant that I love.
One of our favorite family friendly restaurants to wander to is the Lucky Lab. It’s a local brewery/pizza pub. And, SUPER family friendly. We love it. And, when we can… and if it’s a nice day we like to head over to have a drink and a slice of pizza… all while sitting outside. ๐Ÿ™‚

{Ruari and I enjoying the weather at Lucky Lab. May 4th.}

2) Take my camera out more than I already do to capture more day to day moments.

So… I totally stayed with this goal because… well: I’m crazy about my camera. AND…. I’m already taking at least one photo EVERY day this year. AND: I haven’t fallen behind! Yay me! Here’s a link to my flickr 365. I still need to tag some more photos for it… but, I haven’t missed a day yet!

{Ruari during bathtime. I love this photo. May 5th.}

3) Finish the guest posts that are on my plate.
Yes…. so, I’m still working on this! I am a little behind. ๐Ÿ™‚ But, so far everyone that I’m behind on getting my guests posts too… are very sweet. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m working on them! ๐Ÿ˜€ Here’s a guest post I finished that week for Little Gray Pixel for a Mother’s Day series.

Week 2: Fitness and health: Inspired by the beautiful Amber from I Love You to the Moon

1) Switch out two of my gym days for outdoor exercise. (I need more fresh air!)
My gym these days is in my living room… I’ve been doing the 30 Day Shred from Jillian Michael’s for the last month. I get up at 5:30am… press snooze for like 30 minutes… :)… then I work out. The weather has been so crappy it’s really hard to get out and exercise outside. But, I do try and take Ruari on a walk when it’s not raining. ๐Ÿ™‚

2) Change my eating habits.

And, I did. I eat smaller portioned meals more often throughout the day. I basically eat like 7 times a day. And, I’m totally satisfied. And, drink LOTS of water… that’s a hard one to remember.

3) Walk Angus more. 
My poor little Chihuahua is getting a little chunky. He needs more exercise. I haven’t done so well on this goal. The weather getting better would help.

Week 3: Healthy eating: Inspired by the lovely Tracy of Shutterbean

1) Eat fruit everyday!
AND… I did it. Even if all we had was applesauce… I made sure to get more fruit in my diet! For whatever reason after Ruari was born I lost pretty much all interest in fruit. Maybe a hormonal thing… I don’t know. ๐Ÿ™‚ BUT, I’m eating fruit now!
2) Don’t eat as much cheese.
Do you know how hard this has been for me? Oh man. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. love. cheese. Which… is probably why I gained weight so fast after I finished pumping for Ruari. Hmmm… ๐Ÿ™‚ So, while I haven’t completely cut cheese out of my life (that would be mean to my belly)… I hardly eat it anymore. Just the occasional sprinkle of feta, blue cheese, or parmesan here and there.
3) Drink at least 3 bottle of water a day.
I’d love to say that I’ve kept up with this… but, I haven’t. I drink so much tea throughout the day… I just forget! But, I will keep up with this. I will!!! ::runs off to drink some water::
Week 4: Loving yourself: Inspired by the sweet Kaelah Bee of Little Chief Honeybee
1. Find something that makes you feel good!
My thing that makes me feel good… is my daily cup of tea. I just love it. It wakes me up… it’s warm… it’s tasty. I love holding a warm mug of tea and really just spacing out!
2. For every negative thought you think about yourself, think a positive one!
Those darn negative thoughts! EVERYONE has them. I’ve truly made an effort to think of something positive each time I think negatively. It can be hard on a rough day… but, I feel like it makes me feel better.
3. Dress up just because!
I LOVE this. I don’t feel like I’m all that stylish… but, I do love clothes and SHOES!!! I’ve made a goal to participate in Harper’s Happenings Steppin’ Out Saturday each week. It at least gets me out of my jammies. ๐Ÿ™‚
4. Update/add more inventory to My Closet!
Like many other bloggers out there… I’ve started a closet. I’ve wanted to get a little more organized with it… but, I haven’t yet. And… I still have a TON to add to it. I will work on this and get it updated! I’m feeling like I may need to move this to a “shop” location. Just to organize it. I offer swap/shop options. ๐Ÿ˜€ Check out my closet!

Alright! I caught myself up! Yay! Week 5 coming soon… ๐Ÿ™‚

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: about me

Sunday Challengin’

Scavenger hunt Sunday:

Classic Still Life


On the Floor
She has some super fresh moves!

Steppin’ Out Saturday:

So… Ruari and I didn’t really step out this weekend. It’s Saturday night and I think I’m going to wander over to a friends house for some wine. Nothing fancy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Chelsey’s outfit:
Bee earrings: a local shop by my home.
Shirt: H & M
Jeans: F21
Shoes: slippers from Target. ;D
Scavenger Hunt SundayMM3

And, if you all get a moment…. 
I’d LOVE a vote! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

โ™ก Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized