Keeping in touch through email.

Email is so very important in my life. I use and check it each and every day. It helped me announce to my friends and Mike when I found out I was pregnant with Ruari… and it has given me the help and opportunity to run a tiny business from my home. But, more important than those… it allows me to create and maintain important relationships in my life!

One of those important relationships that I have through email… is keeping in touch and up to date with my sister, Nicole. My sister’s fiance is from New Zealand… so, that’s where they are right now. So, until they move to the states… our relationship is mostly through email. Email lets my sis and I keep in contact. If I have a quick question for her… email… if I have something important to tell her… email… keeping up to date on our lives… email.

Email is also the perfect way my sister can keep up with how fast Ruari is growing… I wish that she could be here to actually experience her milestones and talking and meltdowns (;D)… but, she can’t. So, email it is! Even though I’m not always the best at responding as soon as I can… I always do eventually.

I say it ALL the time… I really don’t know what I’d do with myself if I didn’t have email! My email account is VITAL for keeping my relationships going, Seriously! Especially all the bloggers I’ve been meeting. Email! Most of my blogger friendships live and blossom through email. Love it. I mean… do you really think you could live without it? I’m sure I could… but, I don’t want to. How many times do I check my email everyday? Well… is gabillion magillion thousand times a number? Probably. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love this sweet email inspired clip from Yahoo!:

โ™ก Chelsey

Thank you to Yahoo! Mail for sponsoring this post about staying connected. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.

Categories: family

Ad Space Sale: 2 weeks free if you sign up before the 23rd! :D

SALE TIME!!! Yup! I randomly decided last night (over a glass of wine… ;}) that I’d LOVE to offer anyone that’s interested in advertising on my blog, for the month of July, a glass of wine 2 WEEKS FREE (14 days to be exact) if you contact and pay for ad space on my blog before June 23rd, 2011.
Please specify which size you’d like… FYI: as of RIGHT now while I type this post on Thursday afternoon… All 3 large ad spots are available. They are 1st come 1st serve. (You can pay to reserve them in future months too….).
I have three different ad packages for you to choose from:
  • A 160 wide x 200 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these large ads will be at the top of the sponsor list): $30/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!) NOTE: I only have 3 large ad spaces available each month. You are MORE than welcome to pay and reserve for a large ad space in any of the upcoming 2011 months… This is a good idea since my prices will go up as my readership grows. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • A 160 wide x 120 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these medium ad’s will follow the large ads in the sponsor list): $20/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)
  • A 160 wide x 60 high ad + inclusion in the monthly sponsor post (these small ad’s will follow the medium ads in the sponsor list): $15/month (I give a 20% discount to handmade shops!)

ONE more thing… if you want to advertise with me… please check out my sponsor page for BlogHer! I have MANY cool packages to choose from with great advertising opportunities! Lots of exposure from me!!! I am also adding 2 weeks free ad space time to ALL my BlogHer sponsor packages!!! Click here for more info OR the button below.

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

GIVEAWAY: A beautiful headband from Little Hatchlings!!! {CLOSED}

This gorgeous headband can be customized for babies, infants, toddlers, little girls and moms too! This beautiful pink, green, and cream vintage-inspired headband is my favorite. This bloom would be wonderful as a photo prop and as an everyday headband for your little girl. It has 3 rolled flowers made from silk and satin fabric. It is delicately embellished with a fabric bow, pearls, and a vintage-inspired rhinestone button….all attached to an off-white headband.

Since this headband is individually handcrafted and made-to-order, the item you will receive may vary slightly depending on availability of the embellishments (rhinestones, pearls, feathers, French netting, lace, etc.).
However, every effort will be made to match each piece as closely as possible.

What can you win?
The beautiful headband pictured above from Little Hatchlings!!!

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… ๐Ÿ™

Mandatory entry:
1) Just say hi in a comment below. :D{1 entry}

{Optional entries (Please use a separate comment for each entry):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) “Like” me on FB: The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) “Like” Little Hatchlings on FB {1 entry}
4) Follow the Little Hatchlings blog {1 entry}
5) Tweet, Facebook, or Blog about this giveaway. You are welcome to copy and paste this tweet:
” GIVEAWAY! Win a beautiful headband from Little Hatchlings!!!  @thepapermama “{1 entry}

If you have a moment, I’d LOVE to get 
a couple votes from you!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Last day to enter giveaway is June 30th, 2011 at 11:59PM Pacific time.

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Super glue.

So… Ruari has always been super attached to me. BUT, it’s getting a little crazy. I know she’s only 18 months… but, she wants be to carry her everywhere. And, if I don’t pick her up right when she wants… it’s complete meltdown city.

She’s even started freaking out if Mike picks her up instead of me (when she’s asking for me). It’s wearing me down. Of course I love her beyond anything… but, wow. It’s tough. And, everyone tells me to enjoy her cuddles now while I can… but, it’s all day everyday.

It’s worse at night… probably because she’s tired. It’s just really wearing on me. I feel like I really can’t get anything done during the day with her. Then, I feel guilty when I have a friend babysitter so I can get things done. Ugh.

I’m sure this is probably normal for her age, but I don’t quite know what I’m doing. I don’t want to reward her grumpy behavior, but it’s hard to ignore her meltdowns and not soothe her…

She’s super glued to me.

Photobuckettexture thursdayGive me your best shot at Better in Bulk

If you have a moment I’d love a vote from you. AND, don’t forget to check out our Pacific Northwest Blogger’s Meetup info page!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog DirectoryThe Paper Mama

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: about me

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: PNW Blogger’s Meetup!

{so excited to share this with you guys! my pals Mandy from Harper’s Happening’s and Melissa from hi, baby, and myself are putting together a big blog meet up for those of you in the Pacific Northwest! we were so inspired by the recent Arizona meetup put on by Danielle, Chelsea and Kelsey that we had to follow suit and get one together for our local friends and soon to be friends.
there will be many posts forthcoming about the details but for today we are trying to gauge interest and make sure everyone who can make it marks their calendar. i know lots of people will be unable to make it (planning a date that works for everyone is an impossible task) but we hope that if this one works out, we can plan more in the future!
so! for now, we’re announcing the date, which is Saturday September 17th. later will come the details such as what time and where, but for now we can say there will be a daytime activity that is family friendly and then a dinner/party for just the adults. we hope you can make both or either one! this is for EVERYONE who uses social media and has wanted to meet up with other local bloggers/tweeters/etc but haven’t had the chance. it’s for ladies and gents. it’s for moms, singles, food bloggers, style bloggers, ALL BLOGGERS.  it’s for YOU. i can guess from other times when things like this come up that someone will inevitably say “i’d love to but…” and then say something about their blog not being big enough or what have you. not only is that NOT the case, but i will actually be personally offended if you leave a comment like that here (so don’t). we want everyone in the area who wants to come, TO COME. so please do.
there will be a minimal “fee” for the night event because there will be food, a photographer and a photo booth. the exact cost per person will come later once we have a better idea of attendance. i promise, it’s going to be fun! a day to remember for sure.
so, first thing is first. if you think you’ll be able to come, leave a comment here letting us know. no, it doesn’t have to be a firm RSVP (that will be a later post), but do say if you think you’re more than likely interested!
we will announce the locations (both events will be in Seattle), price and all other pertinent info in our next post. but if you do have a specific question about anything else, feel free to leave it in your comment here. we can’t wait to meet you!
and if you’re so excited (like us) you want to shout from the blog rooftops – feel free to grab this button. and of course if you know other local bloggers who might be interested, point them this way! (By the way… I created that banner above. ๐Ÿ˜€ You can check out my shop if you need one.}

{And… speaking of blog gatherings… I also wanted to remind you all to check out my BlogHer sponsorship page. I’m raising money to go to BlogHer! I have many deals that could get some wonderful exposure for your blog and/or business! There are VERY inexpensive options! Please, check them out. :D}

The Paper Mama

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: announcement

Pigtails. AND sponsorship…

After years of trying… ok… months of trying ;)… Ruari has finally decided she will let me put things in her hair! She still pulls them out… But, mostly she’ll keep them in for a long time!

I can’t believe how pigtails turn Baby Ruari into Toddler Ruari. Wow. It’s crazy! So sweet.

Oh man… LOVE her.

I also wanted to mention my BlogHer ’11 sponsorship deals again…. I’m trying VERY hard to raise enough money to get to BlogHer. I’ve set up some deals that will hopefully intrigue you enough to possibly sponsor me? Please, check it out! Many opportunities to get exposure for your blog/company through my trip and blog. Thousands of bloggers will be there. ๐Ÿ˜€ So, if you have a moment… I’d love for you to check it out… OR, if you can’t personally sponsor me… but, know someone that may be interested in the exposure… send them my way! Thank you!

AND: I would LOVE it if you guys could vote for my blog! I’m about to fall of the first page. ๐Ÿ™ Just click the button below… then click the owl on the left. Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ˜€
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory
Sweet Shot Day

โ™ก Chelsey

Categories: Uncategorized

Prince Lionheart Sippy Cup giveaway! {CLOSED}

So… I’ve been using these sippy cups for a couple of months now. I just LOVE them. Before these I was using the Munchkin brand… BUT, these are so much better… what I love… and not like so much about these Prince Lionheart Sippy Cups….

Why I loveโ™ฅ it:
– I love how simple it is to put the nipple part in…. no need line up any tabs/marks (like with the munchkin). I haven’t had it leak yet!
– Dishwasher safe: Ummm… ALWAYS a plus!!!
– It goes from being a baby bottle to sippy cup: I love this. Instead of having to buy sippy cups as your baby gets older… just use the sippy cup upgrade kit to update! Love that.
– It’s easy for Ruari to pick up: the soft silicone sides help with this.
– Durable: Ruari seriously throw this thing around and beats it. It’s still lookin good!

– The handles are not really attached and spin around: It’s not really a big deal now… Ruari has gotten used to it. But, it would have been harder for her to use when she was around a year.
– The sippy nipple can get pushed in: That only really happens when ruari is chewing on it. ๐Ÿ˜‰
– I’d love to see brighter colors: The sippy’s can be hard to find when they blend into the massive mess in my diaper bag. Some brighter colors would be fun. ๐Ÿ˜€

Yes: I VERY much recommend this. These sippy cups are my favorite for sure!

What can you win?
A Sippy Cup Upgrade kit from Prince Lionheart!

How do you win? Please follow these steps… AND make sure I have a way to contact you through e-mail. If I don’t… I’ll have to delete the entry… ๐Ÿ™

Mandatory entry:
1) Reader must sign-up for monthly newsletter by completing form here: Prince Lionheart.
We do not spam, nor disclose any information to other businesses. We also conform to a 1 email per month rule so as not to inundate our consumers. On certain occasions, though rare, we may send out 2 emails per month if there is a baby model search, a huge event or promotion.{1 entry}

{Optional entries (Please use a separate comment for each entry):
1) Follow me (see sidebar) {1 entry}
2) Like my Facebook page for The Paper Mama{1 entry}
3) Like Prince Lionheart on Facebook {1 entry}

4) Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway. You are welcome to copy and paste this tweet:
” Win a Sippy Cup Upgrade kit from Prince Lionheart!  @thepapermama “{1 entry}

If you have a moment, I’d LOVE to get 
a couple votes from you!
Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

Last day to enter giveaway is June 30th, 2011 at 11:59PM Pacific time.

โ™ก Chelsey

Note: Hello my readers. I was not paid to do this review. Prince LionHeart sent me their Sippy Cup Upgrade kit in exchange for an honest review. I am just providing an opinion to help any decision-making on purchasing this product. They are just opinions and each individual may feel differently. Thanks soooo much for reading! I hope my opinions help!

Categories: Uncategorized