Discounted ad space! Help Get Me to Alt Design Summit 2012!

Help me get to Alt Design Summit!!! Jess (IROCKSOWHAT) and I are desperately trying to get our butts to Salt Lake City, Utah to attend Alt Design Summit in January. Alt Design Summit is this amazing blogging conference that will help us keep rockin’ on our blogs. It’s a great place for those interested in lifestyle, food, fashion, photography and design inside and out. We’ll get to rub elbows with other bloggers and people with similar interests. And to be honest with you, it’s really fun and I’d love to finally meet Jess and other cool bloggers that will be there (are you going?). 

But as of right now, I can’t afford to go! I need 1000 dollars to get me there (flight, hotel, conference ticket). It’s expensive but I’m hoping that I can get some help. Anything you’d be willing to donate would be awesome!
I want to offer you some donation packages! Discounts on upcoming ad space (ad space for after November) and banners!
20 Dollars – will get you a blog banner and button design from me! (16 dollar savings) OR will get you 2 months of small ad space on my blog! (10 dollar savings)
40 Dollars – will get you 2 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (10 dollar savings)
60 Dollars – will get you 3 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (15 dollar savings)
80 Dollars – will get you 5 months worth of medium ad space on my blog! (45 dollar savings)
100 Dollars – will get you 3 months of the extra large ad space on my blog (for the months that aren’t reserved already)! (95 dollar savings)
ANY donation is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for helping me out. If you’d like to donate to Jess, her page is here. Thank you! <3

(Be sure to include your email if you donate so I can connect you with your ad space!)


Categories: Uncategorized

Get your custom Christmas order in before the 6th!

{A friend of this LOVELY newlywed couple from Brooklyn ordered this as a wedding gift.}
{My friend Don and his amazing/beautiful family.}
{The hubby and daughter of lovely Tracy from Liberating Working Moms.}

First, say hello to my most recent finished orders. ::waves hi:: ;D
Custom Illustration Info:
Hi friends! I’ve had a few interested readers ask about my custom illustrations! I just wanted to let you all know that I only have a few spots left to get a finished drawing to you before Christmas (By December 20th). AND, I’ll need all those orders in before November 6th.
SO… if you would LOVE a finished drawing for a friend/family member/your self/whatever… before December 20th: let me know ASAP! You can reserve your spot by purchasing the down payment here BEFORE November 6th. After that: the finish date moves to January. 🙂 Limited space too!
And, be sure to watch the shop in the next week for more stuffies created from my illustrations!

And, one more thing… in case you missed it: Jess {IROCKSOWHAT} and I are saving for Alt Design Summit. My donation link is here if you’d like to check it out. 🙂

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Categories: paper mama shop

50 DIY Days with the Crosbie Crew: Pom Pom Wreath

Day 8: Hey everyone!  My name is Summer and I blog over at the Crosbie Crew. Today I’m going to share an easy Christmas DIY: a Pom Pom Wreath. I’m not going to lie and say its a fast project but if you throw a fun girl’s craft night or just use a few nap times to work on it (like I did!), it is definitely worth it!
What I used:
-a 12 inch foam wreath
-white pom poms in 2 different sizes (.5 inch and .75 inch)
-glitter pom poms in Christmas colors (.5 inch)
-glue gun
-lots and lots of glue sticks
So it’s pretty simple, just start glueing on the pom poms. Space out the glitter pom poms.  I left about an inch between each one. The nice part about having 2 different sizes of white poms poms is that it gives it a little more dimension.  Also, I didn’t glue pom poms on the back! This would have taken too long so I just made sure that the pom poms go all the way on the side to touch the wall it will hang on. This wreath turns out cute and soft!
Once you’re all done glueing on the pom poms you can leave it as is or you could glue a piece of ribbon to the back to hang it up easier.  I hope you liked this easy Christmas DIY and thanks Chelsey for asking me to be a part of this!
Thank you SO much to Summer from The Crosbie Crew! What a LOVELY guest post. I LOVE that wreath. 😀 Thank you for joining my 50 DIY Days of Christmas!

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Categories: 50 DIY Days

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Happy Halloween!

{I hope you all had the most lovely Halloween! We certainly did. My grandma, mom, Ruari and I wandered to a little day time trick or treat spot in Portland. Yup… we did get rained on…. BUT, we still had fun! Ruari even managed to say “trick or treat” super quiet a couple times. So cute! Yes…. we only gave her one piece of candy… but, we don’t really give her candy right now. She’s definitely not missing anything… she happily snacked on dried cranberries and crackers. :D}

{We met up with my friend Roxana and her little girls. Love them. I’m VERY excited for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday! I love creating fun traditions and spending time with my Ruari.}

{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, Jenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Categories: Uncategorized

50 DIY days: Pinecone garland

Day 7: So, this is by FAR the cheapest DIY decor… ever. My cost: $0. I didn’t have to purchase anything… I already had all my supplies within reach. The yarn may have cost about $5 originally.

– About 25 pinecones
– A couple yards of string… yarn… thread… ribbon? Whatever you’d like.
– Scissors

– Cut your yarn to about 24 inches longer than your fireplace (or wherever you’re going to hang it).
– Tie the yarn to the stem of your pinecones…. spacing the pinecones about 4 inches apart.
– Hang and enjoy!

My cost: $0
Time: 20 minutes to pull it together.

50 days of christmas copy

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Categories: 50 DIY Days


First… I want to point out that this post has been sitting in my drafts for a couple months… I have been wanting to take a photo of my scars (sort of like I did here, but more)……… and talk about some more personal things. It’s been so hard to actually hit publish. BUT, I did. Whew.

When I first opened these images in my picture viewer: I teared up. Not because of the permanent reminder that now scars my body, but because of how much I’ve grown since Ruari’s birth.
How I’ve changed and taken what happened with me to turn it into a positive. How I went from extreme postpartum depression to where I am today. Yes I have bad days. Yes I still randomly cry about what happened. But, it happened. I accept it (most of the time).
I think back to the early days after my daughters birth. The concerns I had: is it worth the risk to get pregnant again? Is it worth risking my life? Will I accept the fact that Ruari will be the only child I can ever carry myself? Will my husband still love me even though I can’t carry another baby (one of my more crazy postpartum thoughts)?
Now here I am… Wondering about surrogacy or adoption. Are they too much stress and money? No, I’m not giving up. I just often wonder if it will ever actually happen. I know now, 22 months after Ruari’s birth, that I am happy and content and blessed with just the one child. With just her. I’m lucky to even have a daughter… While others are never able to even have one. But, I do want more kids. Not just for me, but for Ruari. I know she would be so happy and amazing as an only child, but having siblings is pretty amazing too. I couldn’t imagine never knowing my sister and brother.
So, here I am… Almost 2 years later. I remember when Ruari was almost 3 weeks old… Mike had to help me upstairs and into the shower since my blood loss was so great (even holding my baby was hard)…. This was the first time I told mike I was ‘ok’ to take a shower alone: I didn’t think I would pass out… This was a big step for me since he had been hanging out in the bathroom with me since my surgery just in case I passed out. He left the room… I balled. I cried and cried and cried in the shower. What will my future be like? How will I ever move on from this? How? Well. I am. I almost have. I did. I’m good. I’m happy. Sometimes it’s REALLY hard… just writing this post makes me cry. But, I’m doing pretty darn well.


Categories: Uncategorized