Kamilah’s interview from Grace and Stella

hello Paper Mama readers! My name is Roxana. I am kinda new to blogging , still trying to figure out all the ropes.  i’m excited to be able to share a bit about me and my little corner of the bloggy world.
ms. chelsey and i go way back to when we were young carefree teenagers.

{this is us in 2000?-ish. still in high school.}

fast forward 12 years and i am now a mom of two little ladies (3yo,1.5yo) and jewelry designer. i wanted to share with you today some very insightful fashion advice from my 3 year old. maybe one day she will have her own column in vogue and we can all say it started here.

kamilah is my little 3 year old. she’s always has been very vocal and expressive. this is especially true when it comes to what she wears. it started about a year back, i would get her dressed with whatever i chose and would put up with the screaming. then i realized that was silly. she is her own person and has her own sense of style; a pretty adorable one as it turns out. every morning she chooses her outfit. i usually get her sister dressed and help her only when she asks. as long as it is weather appropriate it’s fine, if we’re staying home for the day anything goes. lately she’s been very interested in watching me while i do my make up/hair/shoes/pick clothes– the whole process. she’s been helping me, it’s an awesome way for us to bond and talk. this morning we talked about her thoughts on the upcoming summers trends and colors:

what do you think this summer’s color should be?

K: blue and white and turquoise and pink shoes and a hat. ok?

do you think that its ok to be mixing patterns in one outfit?
K: mmmm, yup. like polka dots and stripes and flower patterns.

what do you think is this summers must have accessory?
K: wait a minute, like hats? its a surprise.

what’s your favorite color to paint your nails?
K: orange and sparkly and pretty.

summary: as long as you have pretty sparkly nails and a hat it’s all valid. the summer to break all the rules? agreed!


Thank you so much to my friend Roxana for sharing this sweet interview of Ms. Kamilah while I’m on vacation. If you have a moment, please head on over and say hello! She makes some lovely jewelry and her kids are adorable.

The Paper Mama “Family” Photo Challenge

The challengeAll my photo challenges should be based around your children (pets are always welcome). Share a photo of family.

My example of “Family”:

An oldie photo of this family. January 2011. Little Miss R.
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .



Photo challenge buttons here:

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge

The “Favorite Photo” Challenge Winners

This weeks challenge was: Favorite Photo From March!


Congrats! You can grab your first place button here!






Congrats! You can grab your top 5 button here!

Congrats! You can grab your favorite button here!
  • First time joining the Paper Mama photo challenge? Start here for rules and upcoming challenges.
  • My photo challenges do require you to have either your children or one of your furry children (pets) in the photo (unless it’s a self portrait week). It could be just one finger… or a toe… but, they must be there.

2010 winners . 2011 winners . 2012 winners .


Hello new friends!

Hello hello,

Well, another year another party! This time last year I joined up with the Ultimate Blogger Party. It’s the perfect way to meet new bloggers! I seriously met some sweet bloggers last year… and, can’t wait to meet new friends again this year! SO, to say hello….. I just want to share a little bit about me.

My name is Chelsey… And, yes: I will answer to The Paper Mama! I started blogging back on April 1st 2010… I was hoping to connect with other new mama’s, like myself. I was going through some hard postpartum and found blogging to be extremely therapeutic and I love it. I’ve met and made the most amazing people all over the world. I love my family, hair tutorials, diy’s, illustrations, pretty much I love anything about my family and crafting. And, I reeeeeeallly love fried chicken. It’s my weakness.

I’m married to that guy. That guy right there. He hates it when I take photos of him… so, I only manage to sneak in a few photos of him here and there…. usually when I guilt him into it… It works best when I tell him our daughter will want to see photos of him and her when she’s older! Hee.

Here’s my kiddo. Miss R. Or, Ruari… pronounced Rory. That’s her nickname. Her real name is Laureli… I know… ALL so confusing. BUT, I did fall in love with the name on Gilmore Girls. Ha! And, she answers to both. Hee. She turned 2 in December and is crazy, obsessed with ponies and doggies, and loooooves to dance.

Here’s our crazy little pup… Mr. Angus. He’s suuuuper lazy. But, it’s a good thing he’s adorable. Ha! He loves pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. Oh, wait. No he doesn’t.

This is my kitty Princess. Or, Pretty Girl. I found her in a mall parking lot years ago when I lived in Seattle. She was just a hungry little kitten meowing in a bush. No way I could leave her. She’s a complete weirdo and I love her.

And, finally: Meet Pistachio. Lord Pistachio is his full name (my husband named him). He’s a very sweet boy… but, loves to pick on  poor Princess and Angus. Maybe because he’s 17 pounds he thinks he can push everyone around? Hee. He mostly loves people.

Thank you so much for visiting! Welcome, and enjoy yourself!

You can find me: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and I do custom illustrations.

{Here are some links I recommend checking out: //Tumbleweeds Glasses giveaway//No Heat Curl//DIY Posts//Freebies//}

{Joining up with the Ultimate Blog Party here.}

Once Upon a Time by, Mermaid Tracks

Once upon a time there was a girl who went to New Zealand to find herself. And on the second day she met the man that she would later marry. They built a life in New Zealand and lived happily ever after.

Love in Queenstown
{Love in New Zealand}

So yeah… That girl is me. I’m Nicole.

I’m a musician, I’m a yoga girl, I’m the Paper Mama’s sister, and I am planning my Portland wedding from New Zealand.

At first I thought ‘no big deal. This will be fun. There’s no way I’ll get stressed or wrapped up on little insignificant details. Sure I’m planning this wedding from another country, but it will be fine!’ Today I am 4 months away from the date and thinking ‘What exactly was keeping me from Vegas?’

Fact is that weddings can be stressful, and why would you expect anything less? It is a life changing experience fraught with choices on name changes, emotional transitions into marriage, and the constant influence of other people’s opinions. The element of international planning is just adding another layer to the whole thing.

I mean, the original plan has long since faded away. If you’ve gone through the process then you know what I mean. You think you will have a sweet little wedding and your biggest decision will be choosing your wedding colors. Never did it cross your mind that you might need to come up with a plan for you trash to be taken away at 1 am because your venue and caterer won’t let you leave it for them. Or that even if you spend the money on a coordinator, that it is in their contract that they don’t touch your cake… Who gets rid of the cake at the end of the night when you are on your 10th glass of bubbles and already heading off to your hotel with your new husband?

Planning a wedding from New Zealand to be held in America has added a dimension of stress to the entire scenario. I feel like my entire wedding exists as a construct of my imagination. I have nothing physical to show for it. I can’t drive to my caterer, or lurk outside of my wedding venue day dreaming of the magic day. Instead, I sit in my living room with my computer firmly planted on my lap, and use the creative imagination I was born with, to make up every detail, so that I can move on to the next task. It is quite a strange thing to plan a party that no one, and nothing around you will be at… Well, aside from my future husband. And really, he is the only thing I have. Which also helps to keep things in perspective. I have him, and the wedding is something we will do, but it is not everything. We are here, and it is there. It is part of a long vacation we are taking in America.

I end up relying more on my family now than I ever could have expected. I email my sister all the time asking her silly questions like “do you think my shoes are too bright?” And she’s a busy girl. She takes the time to calm me down while dealing with her own stuff. Even though I didn’t want to rely on my family, I am lucky to have their help. Turns out I really needed it.

I have yet to find the balance of ‘perfect bride Nicole’ and ‘sane bride Nicole,’ but I think that it is all part of the process of becoming ‘married Nicole.’ It is a necessary emotional change, which might not always make sense at times. But in the end we get the result we want. To be married, and to be ready for it. Well, hopefully to be ready for it.


Thank you so much to my wonderful sister for writing up a guest post for me while I’m hanging out with my family. <3 If you have a moment, go say hello to her on her blog, The Mermaid Tracks.

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Categories: family

Greetings from vacation!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I’m enjoying my time off. I just thought I’d stop by for a moment to say hello! So, hello! I wandered up to Bellingham, WA with the family this weekend to hunt for some Easter eggs! Beautiful weather and lovely company. I’ll be sure to share photos next week! Happy Wednesday!


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject Alicia,And Then She SnappedJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.}


Simple things to pack with a baby….. from Pamplemousse

Hello Paper Mama readers!  My name is Maryam and I blog over on Pamplemousse1983.  I’m popping in to fill in for Chelsey while she’s taking a vacation which is funny because I’m currently writing this from Brussels where I’m visiting family.  In fact Chelsey wrote a guest post for me while I’m on vacation that you can check out later this month.

I’m currently on vacation for 3 weeks which is quite a long time to live out of a suitcase.  Since we’re traveling with an almost 10 month old I didn’t want to waste a ton of precious suitcase space on beauty products.  Here’s what I ended up taking:

Maybelline Dream Bouncy blush
Maybelline Baby Lips tinted lip balm (have you tried it?  It’s the best!)
Maybelline Falsies mascara
Rimmel Kohl eyeliner
e.l.f. eyeshadow pallet
eyeliner brush
tiny Nordstrom perfume sample spritzer with Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb

In general my makeup routine is pretty simple which made packing my makeup bag fairly easy.  I usually keep my basic face routine by using blush, a bit of eyeliner and some mascara.  The thing I play with most is my eyeshadow which is why I love a pallet.  You don’t have to take a bunch of different little pots and pull everything out of your bag when you’re getting ready every morning.

I’ve also started using Maybelline Baby Lips in place of Chapstick.  It goes on nice and smooth, moisturizes and doesn’t get caught in the chaps on your lips like lipstick does.  All pluses in my book. Plus it gives just a hint of color so I don’t have to worry about lipstick fading and leaving a ring around my mouth or smearing.  And I can put it on without a mirror.

You may notice that I only brought an eyeliner brush.  The eyeshadow pallet actually comes with an applicator but I find the best applicator is usually my finger.  I use my pinky for inner and outer corners and my pointer for the center of my eyelid and browbone.  I don’t have to pack extra brushes and I can always find the finger I’m looking for.  The one thing my fingers can’t do is put on a precise line so I bring the eyeliner brush to add eyeshadow over my liner to lock it in place.

The last thing I wanted to mention was the Nordstrom sample spritzer.  Dude.  I used to sometimes take perfume with me on trips but it would ALWAYS leak.  Even if I kept it in a ziplock my whole suitcase would end up stinking.  Then I found these little spritzers at Nordstrom.  They are tiny and will hold any scent (obviously) and will fit in even the tiniest purse.  And bonus: it didn’t leak in my bag!  SWEET.  They’re free in the perfume section at Nordstrom.

How much makeup do you usually take with you on trips?  Do you like to take your usuals or try new products?


Thank you so much to Maryam for taking some time to share some sweet travel tips with us. <3 I really appreciate it! Please, stop by and say hello to her blog! Pamplemousse!