A once in a lifetime experience.

A couple weeks ago I wandered down to Napa Valley. Yountville to be exact. Toyota gathered a small group of people together to celebrate eco living! This was an amazing trip. A trip I wont forget. I learned, I shared, and I celebrated green living.

The most amazing thing: being around all these other people that cared about recycling and living a green life as much as I did. Yes, I did learn a lot from Toyota, and we drove a couple of amazing vehicles… but, it really comes down to the people. People influence you and you create relationships with them. I shared an amazing 3-day experience with 30ish other people…  and that was my favorite part of the whole thing.

I’m not going to type your eyes off (I’m guessing that’s the best way to say, “Chat your ears off.” but, in bloggy terms…hee) with every single detail of my trip. But, I will share highlights. AND, I’ve made sure to add subtitles to most pictures… that way you may feel like you were there? Maybe if you were drinking a glass of wine and recycling the wine bottle… AND, reading this post at the same time… you may feel like you’re there?

Onto my story… So, we stayed at the Bardessano Hotel in Yountville, Ca. It’s one of only THREE leed platinum certified buildings, in the US. What does that mean? Pretty much: they kick ass at being green (and, Julia Roberts stayed there… awesome). Our first night we had an amazing dinner at Lucy… sort of time to break the ice with a group of people we were about to spend 3 intimate days with (::see grapestomping & bungholes).

// photo notes:  most floor level rooms had outdoor showers attached to the indoor one. It was intense. //

The dinner, at Lucy, was delicious… and, I realized we had a green eco-living pro-skateboarder in our presence! Mr. Bob Burnquist!  Definitely check out his site to see how he’s helping by living a sustainable lifestyle.

I need to admit I’m completely out of shape… but, we started our first official day off with some yoga… with a very green company, Yogitoes. Their yoga mats are AHmazing.

 We explored the cars… of course:

The highlight of the whole trip for me, the grape stomp at Peju. This is when we all got comfortable, and started chatting about bungholes. NO! Not those… (dirty mind), I’m talking about wine bungholes. They call the holes in wine barrels, “Bungholes”. So, you can imagine that was a very popular word during the trip.

The next morning, we woke up bright and early for a little fashion show. One of my new favorite (not even kidding) clothing companies, “Threads for Thought” shared their upcoming lines. There were so many new items coming for the men’s and women’s line that I could definitely blend into my wardrobe. Another plus: they are an organic company. Plus, the founder is very nice. That’s always good in my book.

Our final evening in Napa was spent with Mary Sue Milliken. Yup. Just me and Mary Sue, hanging out… with 30 other people. Hee. We enjoyed a Mary Sue style dinner at the CIA. No, not that. The Culinary Institute of America. That building is AMAZING, and has some fantastic history. Plus, all the food they make get’s eaten. No waste (unless it’s crap, I’m just guessing). The students eat the assignments for all their meals. Since Mary Sue was a Top Chef winner, she challenged us to a guacamole quick fire challenge. Teams got together to make some winning Guac. Ours did not win, but I think it should have. Ha!

Well, that’s about all my trip! Ha! It was an amazing experience I will NEVER forget. The people, and everything. Plus, I really need to give a shout out to the 3 amazing photographers for this event. I didn’t take ANY of these photos. We had 3-live-in photographers for the whole thing. OH, if you’d like a video of the event (where there’s a lovely shot of my butt during yoga) here you go. Here are the guys that captured it all:

// Shawn Parkin // Keith Kipp of AlianceWake.com // Josh Bernard //

So, that was it. Well, not “it”. It was amazing.  Thank you for enjoying the LONGest post ever.

Happy Wednesday!

P.S. I spent most of my time with these lovely bloggy ladies: Leila, Romy, and Caryn.


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.

Local Love: Remnant

Another local love… this week it’s Heather: from Joy of All Crafts, and owner of Remnant. I met Heather in January at the Altitude Summit. We had a class together, and ended up flying home on the same flight! So, we sat next to each other and chatted the whole flight home (which was awesome, since I am terrified of flying).

She’s a super crafty lady. Her and her husband own Remnant, a shop that specializes in reclaimed furniture, custom upholstery, and vintage goodness. I am impressed and fascinated with their before and afters! I love it. If you have a moment, I hope you get a chance to visit online or at the monthly Portland Flea.

– Chelsey


Categories: local love

I have silly friends.

I have silly friends. That’s pretty much all I need to say. Ha! Oh, and isn’t this site beautiful? This is where my friend, Nina, got married a couple of weeks ago. It was WAY in the middle of nowhere (and, my husband did mention something about driving to the edge of the world), but it was gorgeous. And, my friends are silly and beautiful too.

Happy Monday all!

– Chelsey

P.S. I’m in California (AHgain. I know. BUT, it’s been so amazing to take all these trips. If you’d like to follow along… I’ll be all over instagram and twitter).

Portland: PDX Etsy Product Styling and Photography Workshop

I just wanted to share a little local love this afternoon… the PDX Etsy team has a very cool workshop coming up on October 21st. You’ll get the knowledge and tips from the lovely Lisa (of Urban Weeds), and Chelsea (Frolic). You can get help on how to style and photograph your product (or whatever). I can always use more help with photography!

I haven’t decided if I’m going yet, but I’m leaning more towards ‘yes’. Will you be there? Here’s a link to the tickets and more info.

– Chelsey

P.S. Don’t forget to get your PNW Blogger Holiday Party tickets! Weee!


Categories: announcement

Currently and a few of my favorite things.


Obsessing over: Soooooo, I know I may be a little too addicted to Starbucks… but, I’m really excited about the updated rewards program. Yeah! I often head to Starbucks, with my computer, for my work time. I seem to focus there better. At home I’m all over the place and get distracted by all the shiny things and… oooh! I see a butterfly! Anywho… I like a little less paper being printed and sent all over the world: now Starbucks rewards are updated on your app. Yup. Thank goodness. I never remember those darn ‘free-drink’ postcards. AND: you can use your rewards for food. YES! R and I head out to Starbucks for a little lunch date once a week. We love it.

Working on: Alll my custom orders. AND, loving it. I’m always happy when I’m drawing.

Thinking about: My upcoming blog series. It’s keeping me SUPER busy. BUT, I just love it.

Anticipating: Another trip to Cali. Ummm, yeah. I’m headed out again! Ha! BUT, this will be the last trip until I head to Utah, for Alt Summit, in January. I’m excited, and all this travel is helping with my fear of flying.

Listening to: Well, Rumour Has It by, Adele is currently playing on my Pandora channel. Love her.

Drinking: COFFEE. I’m normally a tea girl, but lately I’ve been so exhausted… coffee is needed. Sometimes.

Wishing: Still wishing I had an assistant. Goodness.


AND, my favorite links this week:

– On-the-go reading pillow! Cute little DIY. I think this would be a fun holiday gift.

– Love the beautiful prints in this Etsy shop. Christmas gifts?

– How did it take me so long to find this beautiful blog? It is gorgeous. So fun to wander though (and, I get super hungry).

– Need some fall wreath inspiration? Here you go!

– I tried out salt dough, last year, to make some handprint ornaments… I’m wondering if this cornstarch/baking soda dough is easier to work with?

– Weee! DIY bat wings for the kiddo! Halloween is coming up fast!

– The hippie side of me gets sad at the thought of all the waste of toothbrushes. Plastic that’s barely used, and then thrown away. Love the idea of this toothbrush sanitizer.

– These earrings are beautiful! Too bad they’re sold out.

– I’d really love this name ring, with my daughter’s name. Christmas present to myself! Hee.

– Bah, I don’t really want to think about this… but, this may be a natural way to get rid of head lice. I need to file this away for later (and hope I never need it, ha).

– Cute ladder bookshelf! Love it!

– AND: if you’re a blogger in the Pacific Northwest, we’d love to see you at our PNW Blogger Holiday Party. More info here!

<3 Chelsey