
My kiddo has been LOVING preschool. It’s so fun to watch her grow and change after each class. I love it. She keeps talking about one boy that she’s friends with in class. She told my husband this morning that she thinks this boy is funny, cause he growls at her every day. Ohkay. Ha! Oh 3-year-olds…

Aslo, R is in love with her “hearty pants” from Hello Apparel. Tries to wear them to school everyday… I had to say no to that. Give them a looksy, lots of sweet/cute items for kids and adults.


Obsessing over: Getting ready for Alt Summit! I can’t believe I’m leaving on Tuesday! Ohmahgoodness.

Working on: Finishing up the final details for the Alt Summit panel I’m on. PLUS, some custom illustration orders.

Thinking about: Coffee. At night. I know. Wrong time to think of that. BUT, I decided to give up caffeine. It’s been hard… I miss. It’s ridiculous.

Anticipating: Hmmmm… Alt Summit! Really… this currently post is all about Alt Summit. Ha!

Listening to: Parks and Rec! Yay!!!

Drinking: A glass of wine. ALSO, yay.

Wishing: I had coffee. I just want an espresso in the morning! Bah. I am a wee bit addicted. It’s been 5 days no caffeine. Holding strong, I wont give in.

– Chelsey

P.S. As usual, if you do a currently post… I’d love to see it! See what you’re up to. You can share a link in the comments. Happy Monday!


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52 Weeks of Drawing: Plant

Week 3: I’ve made it! 3 weeks. Still going! Week 3’s theme is “Plant” I had started a completely drawing before this one, but I just wasn’t feeling it… so I started over with this illustration. I’m happy with it.

I’d love to add some color to this. Maybe I’ll paint it?

– Chelsey

P.S. If you are participating in my 52 Weeks of Drawing, you can link up your week 3 drawing below.


Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Some goodies to check out.

Hi friends. I’m feeling a bit blah today. SO, it’s a roundup of posts for you to enjoy this Wednesday!

– Chelsey


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.


Categories: Uncategorized

One week from today…

One week from today, I’ll be in Salt Lake City. Good ‘ol Utah. I’m headed over one day before the Alt Summit Conference starts. I like to take my time and possibly get a really good nights sleep before the crazy starts (as in, not waking up at 6 am with the kiddo)!

I’ll be honest, I am a bit nervous. I’ll be speaking on a panel… and I’m just not a ‘sit in front of everyone and talk about myself’ kinda lady. BUT… I am speaking about what I love, blogging. More specifically: all the info you need to land your own contributor gig in blogging land. I know it will be great and a ton of fun. I just have a bit of the butterflies at the moment.

Are you headed to Alt this year? Let me know, or say hello if you see me! My panel is around 5 on Thursday.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

– Chelsey

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We’re both still learning.

 A little memory. I was 4-years-old. I wandered to a local craft store with my mom. I remember everything being hectic and busy. This store had a ton of lovely fake flowers in their entryway. These things were falling apart. The tops of flowers were everywhere, they had fallen off their stems. SO, while waiting for my mom to check out, I carefully placed as many of those fallen flowers as I could into my little light blue overalls. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong. I mean, those flowers were just laying there. Broken. Garbage. I wanted these flowers, so I took them. I’m not even sure how my mom didn’t notice the 50+ flowers I had stored in my overalls.

We got home, and I ran to the bathroom. I pulled out all those flowers and threw them on the floor. I had quite the collection! Suddenly, my mom walked in. I was in trouble. Apparently taking those unused flowers was stealing and stealing is a bad thing. I remember feeling terrible. How could I do that? Well, I never did it again.

The other day I found a little plastic toy in R’s pocket. I didn’t recognize it, so I asked her where it came from…. she told me she took it from her friend’s preschool. You see, R spent the day with my friend and her kids. They picked up her son from preschool, and R took home a little memento.

I was so surprised! Why did she take something that wasn’t her’s? I think I would have been less surprised if she took home a toy from my friend’s house, because she’s playing there all day. BUT, she actively chose to take a toy from a preschool she spent a few minutes in. She’s 3 and the rules are different in her mind. You want it? Take it!

I explained to her that we just don’t take things that are not ours and it’s not a good thing. She started crying. She cried and we hugged. I told her she needs to give back the doll next week. My friend is going to help her.

She’s learning. I’m learning. Being a mama is quite the journey.

– Chelsey

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Day 50? The failed DIY.

Day 50: You may have noticed (or not) that I never reached Day 50 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas. Well, I had a project for Day 50. All finished and ready. But, it failed. Yup. I was too frustrated to get my butt in gear and make a new DIY for the final day. SO, I just ignored it.

Not all of my DIY’s work. There are many that I try out, and just decide to scrap the whole idea. Instead of pretending I never have failed projects, I’ll try and share some with you. The Permanent Marker Mugs… well, that was a big ‘ol NOPE for me. I tried a few different methods, and all different types of ceramic. No go. It’s sad since I was so excited for these to work.

Here are the different things I tried:

– First, the kiddo and I tried colored permanent markers. That was the biggest fail. Color, bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, let sit for 24 hours, and run a test through the dishwasher. The result: Most of the colors were gone. I just figured this might be a colored marker issue. Onto the next test.

– We only used black permanent marker this time. Draw, bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, let sit for 24 hours, and run a test wash in the dishwasher. The result: most of the marker washed off.

– Ok, I researched online and found some comments from another permanent marker post mentioning different cook times/temperatures. I tried that. We tried half of the mugs at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, and the other half of the mugs at 450 for 30 minutes. Wait 24 hours and run a test in the dishwasher. The result: most of the marker washed off.

– I also tested out washing these by hand, and it did rub off with a scrubber. It stayed on when just rubbing with my hands… to be honest… I’m never going to hand wash a mug. Ha! <—-I’m lazy.

I KNOW this project has worked for others. That’s awesome! I purchased all my mugs/bowls/etc. from a thrift shop…. SO, they all had different glazes. All had the same results, which leads me to believe it’s the sharpie. From now on, I’m just going to stick to a porcelain paint pen. Those have to work, right?

Well, even though the products didn’t turn out, the kiddo and I had a lot of fun drawing on them. We laid down an old towel, put on our aprons, and were VERY careful. There were lots of reminders to not touch our face/clothes/whatever with a pen in hand. So much fun!

Have you tried this DIY? Did it work for you?

– Chelsey


To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here: