Wordless{ish} Wednesday: Alt Summit Parties

This wednesday I decided to just go NUTS and post a ton of random photos from 2 fun parties at Alt Summit. I’m sharing these images with minimum explanation. Ha! You will see my roomies in these photos….. Those ladies were (and still are) so amazing: Morgan, Moorea, and Dayna.

Clue Party:

Mr. Green

Clue Party

Clue Party

{Kirsten, Morgan, Bear and I}


Method Party:

Method Party

 {Whitney, Susan, and me}

Method Party

Method Party

Method Party

{Probably my most FAVORITE photo of Moorea EVER!}

Method Party

Method Party

{All my roomies and Gabrielle}

Method Party

Method Party

Method Party

Method Party

{Me and Mr. Aubrey}


All photos are from the following LOVELY people: Justin Hackworth, Brooke Dennis, and Smilebooth.


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.

52 Weeks of Drawing: 4 legged friend & profile

Well, I was so busy with my Alt Summit stuff that I got a bit behind on my 52 weeks of drawings (if you’re not sure what that is, you can read my original post here). I’m just about caught up! While this is actually the 6th week of my project… these illustrations are for weeks 4 and 5.

Week 4: Four Legged Friend

52 Weeks of Drawing thepapermama.com

For the week of my 4 Legged Friend I drew a Basset Hound. I’ve been getting a ton of requests to draw almost every dog breed you can think of! People love their pups! SO, I decided to add this guy to my pup club. I do need to say that Basset Hounds may be some of the most adorable puppies in the world… so squishy!

Week 5: Profile

Week 5 thepapermama.com


My week 5 illustration was actually drawn about 3 weeks ago. I drew this profile, Miss Capree of Curbly and Dog Milk, for my Alt Summit panel.

The drawing I need to work on for week 6 is Tool. Hopefully I can get it finished by the end of this week. I’d like to keep myself up to date. I’ll also be starting my week 7 illustration, too. Week 7: Something You Love…

– Chelsey

P.S. AS usual… you are more than welcome to join me! You can share a link to your drawings posts below.

Bits and pieces of my Alt Summit panel: Being a Contributor

Being a Contributor

Well, it’s officially been OVER a week since I got home from Alt Summit. As usual, it was inspiring and fantastic. I had a blast! This year I spoke on a panel to share some info for any bloggers looking to land a job as a contributor/freelance worker on other sites. I was joined by 3 other lovely ladies: Capree, Melanie, and Victoria. We had a TON to share… so much that it would probably take up about 4 different blog posts. I won’t talk about all the info with you, but I will share a few bits and pieces (the full panel notes will probably be up on the Alt Summit blog soon). Enjoy! AND, if you have any questions… feel free to leave a question in the comments.

Being a Contributor
How we got here:

  • – Capree responded to a call for contributors, and submitted a post to a big site.
  • – Victoria built a site and projects and shared her work with anyone who would have her.
  • – Chelsey was approached by companies that liked the original projects and DIY’s on her site.
  • – Melanie grew her audience and became more marketable, networked and asked for introductions.

Alt Summit Panel

How to be approachable:

  • – Find your own authentic voice: A strong, unique voice in a sea of blogs will get you noticed.
  • – Engage! Put yourself out there and engage with other bloggers, big and small.
  • – Don’t be afraid to start small Consider guest posting on the “smaller” blogs, not just the “big” blogs.
  • – Lookin’ good If someone found your project on Pinterest, would they recognize it as your photography/font/graphics style?
  • – Cold calls Interested in guest posting on a favorite blog? Ask if they’d ever consider taking a contributor.

Being a contributor

The art of the pitch:

  • – Get to know people one on one, in person locally and at conferences.
  • – Networking is vital.
  • – Be confident. Be persistent. Be tough.

Workin it
What to expect:

  • – Be comfortable working on a variety of blogging platforms.
  • – Your posts will likely be submitted for review, either through email or a post draft.
  • – Each person/company you work with will be different.
  • – Some may have traffic goals, some may not.

Being a contributor
What Editors are looking for:

  • – A unique perspective and a strong voice
  • – Writing skills!!!
  • – Passion and Energy
  • – Creativity and Initiative
  • – BONUS: mad photography skillz.

Good Working Relationships:

  • – Keep those deadlines: You’re representing your business and brand, make sure you look good.
  • – Communication
    • + If you have any questions, ask.
  • – Be Professional

Producing Fresh Ideas:

  • – Find inspiration and stay original.
  • – Set hard deadlines for yourself.
  • – Know your limits.

Producing and Balancing Content between Sites:

– Consider keeping specific topics to specific sites.

– Think about topics you’re knowledgeable in but not currently covering on your own blog.

Makin it rain

Value of working relationships and networking v. pay:

Providing free content?

– Weigh the benefit of possible exposure and networking opportunities and decide if it’s worth your time

+ Will this site send me enough “traffic profit”?

+ Is this blog/company someone I’d like to build a relationship with?

– Consider agreeing to a trial period (3-6 months, depending on post frequency) and then evaluate.

Providing a post for a friend

    • – Decide if you have enough time, or if it cuts into other work.
    • – Decide if you have enough time, or if it cuts into other work.
    • – It’s good practice.


– Always negotiate

– Talk numbers with confidence and value your work.

– They are paying for creative genius and that is costly!

– Contracts

  • + Always have one
  • + Key elements to look for
  • + Important points to negotiate
  • Setting Rates and Knowing What’s Fair:
  • – Don’t sell yourself short. You are valuable!

Being A Contributor


I was so happy with how the panel went. Gotta be honest: I was so freakin’ nervous. Speaking in front a large crowd of people isn’t usually something I LOVE to do. After the nerves wore off, it was great! We had a great turnout of people… I mean, look at all of them:

Alt Summit Panel

Alt Summit Panel

ANDplusalso… one more thing. Here’s the crazy outfit I wore for my panel day… I have titled this outfit: Crazy Aunt Louise!

Alt Summit Panel

Alt Summit Panel

//Heart cardigan: f21//Dress: Anthropologie//Tights: Target//Shoes: LuLu’s//

Happy Monday,


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OMG, I’m 30 birthday giveaway!

Weeellllll, I’m turning 30 today! Yay! I thought this would be the perfect time to do another awesome giveaway. Why not? I have nothing better to do. Hee! I’ve created two different gift guides for you all to enjoy. I sort of see these gift guides as my past…. and my future. I’ve changed a lot in the past 4 years or so. My tastes, style, LIFE, … everything.

All those photos I used to have of my dog and kitties on the wall… they’ve mostly been replaced with photos of my kiddo and her drawings. No longer do I bother with cute undies, I’m more of a granny panties kinda lady. AND yeah, in my early 20’s digital cameras were SPENDY. I had a fabulous 35mm camera… that I loved. Remember when you would take a photo and you didn’t know what the photo liked until you developed the image? Yeah… those days sucked. I kid! They were fun.

Pretty much: I love everything in both gift guides… some remind me more of my past. Some I see more in my future.

OMG I'm Gift Guide Giveaway

1. Golden Heart NecklaceTeiLLa (a local portland Etsy shop owner)

2. Instax Mini 25 + 20 exposures of film – Fujifilm

3. $25 Gift Card – Modcloth

4. $50 Gift Card – Gelaskins

5. $100 Gift Card – gallerydirect.com

Gift Guide Giveaway

 1. Diana F+ Camera – Lomography

2. $100 Gift Card – gallerydirect.com

3. $50 Gift Card – Gelaskins

4. $25 Gift Card – LuLu’s

5. Your choice of underwear – Dear Kate

How do you win?

Ok, I’ve babbled enough. That’s not why you’re here. Ha! How do you win these gift guides? Well, I’ll tell you. There will be TWO winners. The first winner (chosen by, Random.org) will get to pick which gift guide is more their style. The second winner gets the other gift guide. Both gift guides are valued almost identical. Almost.

Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. There are MULTIPLE ways you can enter… all the way from leaving a good ‘ol blog comment – to sharing this giveaway on instagram!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Note: Gallerydirect.com, Gelaskins.com, Dearkates.com, and TeiLLa provided the prizes for this sweepstakes. All other items were provide by, ThePaperMama.com. Last day to enter the giveaway is February 28th, 2013. 11:59 PST.  One winner will have 72 hours to get back to me, after I email them. Once the first winner chooses their prize, I will notify the 2nd winner (they will have 72 hours to get back to me). Good luck! Please click here for more prize rules and there are MORE prize details in the Rafflecopter fine print. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

Categories: Uncategorized

Valentine’s Card: You’re a reel catch!

You're a reel catch

My kiddo is in preschool…. SO that means Valentines cards! I know I’m more excited about these cards and this whole “holiday” than Miss R, but I know she’ll get more excited on the day. Why? Well, she’ll get a ton of candy. AND, in my kiddo’s world… candy = a good day.

The hardest part of this whole project: getting my child to participate and smile for this photo. She was happy one minute, then I mention taking her photo and it all went downhill. I eventually bribed her with a piece of chocolate. I got ONE sorta smile (see above) and MANY grumpy photos (see last photo).

You're a reel catch valentine

How to do it:

– Get your kiddo to hold a stick (maybe a broom) and take a photo. We had an old dowel, so that worked. This will help you place the fishing pole (aka stick).

– If you’d like, add the wording “You’re a reel catch!”, or “You’re reel neat!” to the image in photoshop or another photo editing program. OR, you can just handwrite this out on a piece of card stock and tape it to the photo.

– Use an x-acto knife to cut a couple slits to slip in the fishing pole (the sticks I had came from an old floral display). Tape the sticks on the back of the photo to make it more secure.

You're a Reel catch valentine

– Tie a string on the end of the fishing pole, and the other end of the string to a piece of candy. I purchased some swedish fish and individually wrapped them up in saran wrap.

you're a reel catch valentine

– Print out my free Trout Printout (right and left). Cut them out and tape them to each side of the swedish fish.

trout free printout

– Done!

The whole assembly of this project took about 1 hour (maybe a little longer since kiddo was “helping”). Cost was around $8 for 20 Valentines. Even though this photo below is super grumpy/sassy… I think it’s my favorite. This is pretty much a look she gives me EVERY day. We’ll save these special Valentines for her BFF’s. Hee.

youre a reel catch valentine

– Chelsey

P.S. if you make this Valentine, please share a photo link in the comments below! I’d love to see it.

Wordless{ish} Wednesday: You so fancy!

Updated Blog

You might have noticed my little blog home looks a wee different (a lot different). WELL, I have a new design. Yay! I’m so excited. I wanted to use today to thank the lovely ladies that helped me….

Sandi (AdaLou) helped me get the design down. She used my illustrations and her talent to help me create this layout. She was so lovely to work with, and I recommend her.

The fantastic Sarah (One Starry Night) was also awesome and I needed her for the coding. I mean… talk about hurting my brain. Yes. She coded this site. Thank you. PLUS, she’s affordable (win).

SOOOOO, I still have bits and pieces to fix. Update pages… update all my DIY’s… etc. But, it’s just so nice to have my blog fixed up and new. I’m happy. What do you think?

– Chelsey

– Chelsey


{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the BlogBree: his honey and her mommy, and Live and Love Outloud.

Homemade Granola (no refined sugars)

Homemade Granola

I love quick and easy foods. I’d MUCH rather just head to the store and buy something… instead of making it. I’m just not into cooking. Since I’ve had my kiddo I’ve been looking at the ingredients on all those foods I thought were healthy for me, when they’re really not. I cannot pronounce half of the ingredients on most packaged foods out there. PLUS, the majority have corn syrup or sugar added. I prefer to save my sugar intake for when I’m eating pie, chocolate, or cookies.

This brings me to snack time for the kiddo. She’s started preschool this year and can’t bring peanut butter to class (she pretty much LIVES on pb at home). We tried store bought almond butter, she doesn’t like it (I’ll have to make my own, maybe add a touch of honey). I wanted to send her with some sort of snack that had protein and no refined sugars. I googled, I experimented, and finally came up with a granola recipe she loves and I’m comfortable and happy to give to my daughter.

Homemade Granola (with no refined sugars)

– 7 cups old fashioned oats

– 1 1/2 cups of slivered almonds (optional: food processor them for less crunch)

– 1/2 cup shelled sunflower seeds (optional: food processor them for less crunch)

– 1 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut

– 3 Tablespoons of cinnamon

– 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg

– 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

– 3 tablespoons pure vanilla (check the ingredients, most vanilla has corn syrup added…)

– 1 1/2 cups of no sugar added applesauce

– 1/4 cup honey


– Set your oven to 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix together all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix together the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and blend. You wont the granola just barely moist. Add a bit of applesauce if it seems too dry (blend really well, get the wet ingredients mixed in well).

Place the granola in a 1/2 inch thick layer on 2 cookie pans (make sure the pans have sides, so the granola doesn’t slide off). Bake the granola in the oven for 40 – 50 minutes. Mixing up the granola blend every ten minutes. This will help the granola to cook evenly, and hopefully not burn. The outer pieces of granola will probably cook faster. This recipe made enough to fill two 24 ounce jars and one 12 ounce jar.

When you’re done, let the granola cool and then store in your favorite jar! OR, give these away as gifts for your buddies. You can also add raisins or other dried fruits to the mix, after it’s done cooking. My kid likes raisins and banana chips in the granola.

Homemade Granola

SO, my kiddo doesn’t like the big giant pieces of almonds and sunflower seeds (she’d eat around them). That’s why I like to process the nuts into small tiny pieces (just a bit smaller than the oats). She doesn’t even know she’s eating them…. bwa ha ha ha <——–evil laugh.

I’ve been eating this pretty much every morning with breakfast. I mix half plain yogurt and half applesauce…. and put a TON of granola in there. So yum.

UPDATE 12.2013: if you like your granola a little sweeter/crunchy… follow the recipe above then add 1 – 3 tablespoons of honey (blend really well). Bake on cookie sheets at 200 for 15 – 25 minutes (mixing granola every 10 minutes). Let cool. Done!


– Chelsey