Floral Drink Umbrella Stirrers

Drink Umbrella Stirrer // thepapermama.com

Drink Umbrella Stirrer // thepapermama.com

Do you remember my umbrella drink stirrers? Well I had a few emails asking if I could provide a blank umbrella so they could be customized for any party you have. I made 3 new umbrellas for today’s post. A blank umbrella, an uncolored flower umbrella, and a colored floral drink umbrella stirrers. The blank umbrellas are a fun for kids to color! My daughter colored a couple flower umbrellas, and I made a “Happy Birthday” umbrella with some crayons.

These umbrellas are perfect for any occasion: bridal or baby shower, birthdays, weddings, and Tuesdays.



  • Print out the umbrella printables. If you print out the blank sheet, color and decorate your umbrellas.

  • Cut out the umbrella shape (make sure you don’t cut off the tab).

  • Fold each line of the umbrella down.
  • Punch a hole in the center of the umbrella.
  • Hot glue the umbrella to the top of the wooden skewer (glue the umbrella on the uncolored side to the skewer), leaving a 1/4″ of the skewer sticking out over the umbrella printout. Tip: you could also glue these umbrellas to straws!
  • Trim the skewer to the desired length and decorate your favorite drink.

Drink Umbrella Stirrer // thepapermama.com

Drink Umbrella Stirrer // thepapermama.com

If you want to download my original rainbow umbrellas, head on over to this post.

– Chelsey

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