Our Growing Baby Chicks

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

It’s been over a month since our chick eggs have hatched. Our little chicks have grown from sweet little puffs to super awkward preteens. After these little birds hatched out of their eggs, I decided I wanted to take weekly photos of them. I’ve done this for the first 4 weeks and it’s amazing to see how much chicks grow in just the first month. Just check out the photos below. Just in case I have a chicken nerd reading, here are the breeds I think I have here (all mixes):Β The two yellow babes are Serama/Bantam Frizzle Cochin mix, a couple are Ameraucana/Leghorn Mix, and the last two are Maran mixes. I’m unsure which eggs the four big ones are (since it was hard to tell as they were hatching). I guess we will find out as they lay eggs.

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Growing Baby Chicks // thepapermama.com

Isn’t that neat? Is my nerd showing? We still aren’t 100% sure which ones are roosters, but I have a strong feeling that the dark black chicken and brown chicken are boys. Which means they will have to go. I don’t think we will really know for sure until they start crowing or their comb (the red on their heads) grows like crazy. Ha! It’s really been a fun adventure for me and the kiddo.

I think I will continue with taking the chick photos, but maybe every 2 weeks instead.

– Chelsey


  • Jana on said:

    Wow! They are the cutest little chicks ever!!! πŸ™‚ That totally made my day!!!

  • Jessica H. on said:

    Oh my gosh! So much fluffy adorableness!

  • Anni on said:

    Awww how cute! And geez they grow fast!!

  • Kerrie on said:

    Ahhh! I love this. Chicks are so so cute. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to get a little chicken coop going. I haven't had chickens since I was younger, so I really look forward to following (and learning from) your journey. I'd love to see pics of your coop!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      The coop pics will come later. We have some gardening to do around it. πŸ™‚ The husband built it and it's pretty great.

  • Kerrie on said:

    Ahhh! I love this. Chicks are so so cute. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to get a little chicken coop going. I haven't had chickens since I was younger, so I really look forward to following (and learning from) your journey. I'd love to see pics of your coop!
    xoxo Kerrie

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