It’s been over a month since our chick eggs have hatched. Our little chicks have grown from sweet little puffs to super awkward preteens. After these little birds hatched out of their eggs, I decided I wanted to take weekly photos of them. I’ve done this for the first 4 weeks and it’s amazing to see how much chicks grow in just the first month. Just check out the photos below. Just in case I have a chicken nerd reading, here are the breeds I think I have here (all mixes):Β The two yellow babes are Serama/Bantam Frizzle Cochin mix, a couple are Ameraucana/Leghorn Mix, and the last two are Maran mixes. I’m unsure which eggs the four big ones are (since it was hard to tell as they were hatching). I guess we will find out as they lay eggs.
Isn’t that neat? Is my nerd showing? We still aren’t 100% sure which ones are roosters, but I have a strong feeling that the dark black chicken and brown chicken are boys. Which means they will have to go. I don’t think we will really know for sure until they start crowing or their comb (the red on their heads) grows like crazy. Ha! It’s really been a fun adventure for me and the kiddo.
I think I will continue with taking the chick photos, but maybe every 2 weeks instead.
– Chelsey
Wow! They are the cutest little chicks ever!!! π That totally made my day!!!
Oh my gosh! So much fluffy adorableness!
Awww how cute! And geez they grow fast!!
Ahhh! I love this. Chicks are so so cute. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to get a little chicken coop going. I haven't had chickens since I was younger, so I really look forward to following (and learning from) your journey. I'd love to see pics of your coop!
The coop pics will come later. We have some gardening to do around it. π The husband built it and it's pretty great.
Ahhh! I love this. Chicks are so so cute. We just bought our first house and I can't wait to get a little chicken coop going. I haven't had chickens since I was younger, so I really look forward to following (and learning from) your journey. I'd love to see pics of your coop!
xoxo Kerrie