Day 42: Patterned Aztec Leggings

DAY 42 is brought to you by, the lovely Jess of IROCKSOWHATIt’s just not fair. It’s not fair that boys get jipped in the clothing department. To find awesome clothes for your boy means you’re gonna have to PAY for it. I’m sorry, if it’s not at Target or Old Navy (and sometimes The Gap clearance) Wyatt will probably not wear it. Thrift stores are okay, but with the cost of some of them nowadays, I mind as well just buy new.

There were pictures going around of some awesome Walmart aztec printed pants that EVERYONE got (I’ve seriously spent the last hour searching for these online and I can’t even find the specific ones I’m talking about). I too, tried to get those pants, but my Walmart was sold out. I set out to make Wyatt some cool patterned pants for himself, so I picked up some leggings from the girl’s department at Target and some fabric paint and got started (I chose girl’s leggings because I can never find fitted cotton pants for boys. Everything is baggy style.)

This was a crazy easy project and taping off my design gave me a little bit of confidence to not mess up (pro tip : use painters tape. I didn’t and I wish I had. It would have probably made cleaner lines and would have been easier to peel off). I’m not that awesome at painting. I did one coat, let it dry, and then went ahead and did another coat. I didn’t remove the tape until after everything dried. I let my pants sit over night to make sure they were super dry, and then I threw them in the wash and dried them (also, it’s best to work with pants/shirts that have washed and dried already). Also be sure to only use fabric paint (which I got at Michael’s). It’s made for fabrics. You can wash and dry it.

Perfect gift for your kiddo!



A very big THANK you to Jess for sharing this fantastic DIY. Please, be sure to give her blog home a visit.

To keep up with my 50 DIY Days, click here:


  • Ashley on said:

    This is so cool! I don't think I've ever seen triangles used like that in Aztec art. Could you point me in the right direction to find a cultural source for that pattern? I love learning new things about the Aztecs and current Mexican culture.

  • Summer Crosbie on said:

    Love these! Most of the time I find that leggings are just too girly.

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