The bad side…. and a self photo challenge!

A while back I wrote a post, Be Nice. Basically I was asking everyone to step back and take a moment before you comment/speak mean or hurtful thoughts. 99.9999% of the comments I get here at my blog home are so sweet and nice and encouraging. But, there are still times I get the meanies commenting. Most recently I’ve had a couple of comments about my looks. And, the most recent was about how big my nose was. While I can say, “Pfft, whatever. They are just stupid/lame/losers with nothing to do but pick on people. They can’t hurt me.” it still did bother me. After I got the nose comment I actually caught myself checking it’s size in the mirror. What? My brain was letting them win. I love my nose. I’ve always loved my nose. I nose (hee hee) it’s larger than “normal” but, I like it. It’s my nose. It matches my brother’s nose. I would never change it.

So, instead of letting the mean commenter win…. I can step back and say, “whoa, why am I letting this anonymous troll commenter hurt me?” and, move on.

Recently my VERY beautiful friend, Mandy, wrote about the importance of sharing photos of yourself on your own blog. I truly believe that your readers will connect with you more if you share a photo of you! We all have our issues (even Mandy talks about her “bad side”…. which, is just as beautiful as the other side. Seriously.). For me: I am usually uncomfortable with the double chin that ALWAYS appears when someone pulls out a camera. I swear…. you pull out a camera and ::poof:: double chin.

Another great post is by my other friend, Moorea… the Red Lipstick Challenge. Like her… I was always afraid of wearing bright red lipstick because it would attract too much attention to my face (I’m a wee bit shy and in HS I had really crooked teeth before my braces at 21). So, I avoided it. But, now Moorea is challenging her readers/friends to try it. For her she says that wearing red lipstick is a reminder of her confidence… just like it has been for me since I started wearing it in the past 2 months. I love it!

So, why am I sharing all this with you? Every once in a while I like to challenge myself to take more self portraits. I don’t usually love all of them… but, since I have control over the camera I can take the photo the way I want. We are coming up on Valentine’s Day and this is the time I usually have a Valentine’s Photo challenge. BUT, this year I want to do something different (don’t worry… there’s still a fabulous prize to win!)…

My challenge to you:

Take a self portrait (no need to be a fancy photographer or own a fancy camera…taking a photo with your phone works too. I love self cell phone pics) and blog about it! Blog about you. I love the Currently posts that Danielle from Sometimes Sweet does…. so, this would be a great way for you to share some fun current goodies about you! With your beautiful self portrait!

What can you win? How about $100 shop credit from me to put towards a custom family portrait (check out my family portrait info here).

My self portrait and info:

Obsessing over…

All the inspiration and amazing/talented people I met while I was at Alt Design Summit! I’m so full of ideas and things I want to do I’m about to burst!

Working on…

Drawing! Drawing… drawing… drawing. I have a couple orders I’m finishing before Valentine’s day and a couple more I need to finish ASAP. Lots of work. BUT, I do love it. PLUS, working on getting my buns in gear to get more of my drawings on to fabric!

Thinking about…

All the fun things I have planned for this next year! In my life… for my business… Potty training my kid… <— that one is not one of my favorites.


So much. So much. My sister and 2 of my best buds are getting married this summer so I’m crazy helping them with that and so excited! Excited for my sister to be home from New Zealand for a couple months.

Listening to…

The She and Him Pandora channel. It’s my favorite channel. So much freaking variety. P.S. the She and Him Holiday channel was my favorite over Christmas time too.


Well, right now I’m drinking my favorite Earl Grey Tazo tea :::cafffeeeeiiiine::: and I did eat a slice of pizza for lunch. Hee.


Wishing I could live closer to all my blog friends I’ve been meeting. All of them! We should all just move onto a farm and start some weird cult or something.



– To enter, link up your blog post to my linky below. (Please don’t link FB pages. I can’t view those usually).

– Post must include a self photo of you. It can be an old photo if you’d like… but, why not take a new one?

– Please link back to my blog on your post. You can copy and paste this link if you’d like: ” Linking up with The Paper Mama for her Self Photo Challenge!

– Share what is currently going on in your life following Danielle’s “Currently” prompt (see my self photo and info example above).

– PG please.

– One entry per person.

– Winner will be chosen at random from on February 13th 2012.

– Have fun!


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  • Jessica on said:

    This is an amazing idea! I have just recently gotten to a point in my life where I love me for me no matter how much I weigh or how bad my skin gets :0) I am so sorry that you get those horrible comments; some people just never grow up from being the “mean girls” from middle/high school. I think what you are doing with your blog and with this challange is very inspiring for all types of people and I hope that it can change a few of those meanies out in the world!

  • Pingback: Currently … Me « Ampersand

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  • JennyRain on said:

    I love that you are doing this Chelsea… so many of us togs are so afraid to turn the camera on ourselves. I finally sucked up the courage and did a self-portrait last week – after 18 months of fighting over the project at Jill Samter's blog (the I am beautiful project)… I finally did it.

  • JennyRain on said:

    I love that you are doing this Chelsea… so many of us togs are so afraid to turn the camera on ourselves. I finally sucked up the courage and did a self-portrait last week – after 18 months of fighting over the project at Jill Samter's blog (the I am beautiful project)… I finally did it.

    And I'm with everyone else, I think you are beautiful just as you are and your nose is absolutely adorable!

  • Pingback: a self-portrait in the name of self-love (and new friends) | lucille in the sky

  • Pingback: now | Sluiter Nation

  • Pingback: Self Photo Challenge | xox, Bubbles

  • fiona on said:

    Um. I will like to punch the person who wrote that in their nose. 🙁 You are beautiful! Don't let the turds bother you.

  • Pingback: The Self Photo Challenge. « Faute De Mieux

  • stephany on said:

    thanks for the challenge.

    i have been stumped on blog posts this week.

    this felt right…

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  • megan maguire on said:

    I am totally loving this! I am blogging about it as we speak :)))) I put my own little twist on it! But thank you for inspiring me to love myself :))) God Bless beautiful woman!!!!

  • imlivinginadream on said:

    I love this challenge & I'm so glad I found your blog just in time to join in! I think I'll link up tomorrow 🙂 It's SO hard not to let negative comments get to you- I mean, we're girls & we're self conscious, no matter how hard we try not to be. The important thing is that you take those comments with a grain of salt and learn to move on (and then post awesome challenges like this one). It's a reminder to every girl out there to embrace every bit of themselves and push past the crappy comments that occasional come our way.

    Thanks for being so honest!

  • Pingback: Gah! A Self Portrait | the fish epic

  • kate on said:

    love this!!!!! i think your gorgeous!

  • Danielle on said:

    I linked up with a previously written post. It isn’t in the exact same form as yours – meaning it isn’t really what I am currently doing/thinking, but I think it still applies…

    this is my shortlink 🙂

  • Pingback: Self Photo Challenge « Reasonably So

  • Pingback: Randomly Me Monday: Self Portrait and Currently « Girl Meets Bulgaria

  • Pingback: Take a Picture. It*ll Last Longer | Kisses & Chaos

  • Brianne Renwick on said:

    You have such a great attitude about meanies! For the record I think you're beautiful inside and out!

    I love this challenge and even though I was a little hesitant to enter I did it anyway. 🙂 I did a quick pic of myself on my iPhone but it's inspired me to try out a self portrait on my DSLR. It's one thing I haven't tried!

  • joleenenaylor on said:

    I found this through Ang's blog 🙂

    I think your photo is lovely and no, you don't have a "big nose". People can be nasty sometimes for no reason!

    that said, I gave it a try 🙂 (now to see if I can post the link properly!)

  • Pingback: Self Photo Challenge « Joleene Naylor's

  • Ashley Sisk on said:

    Oh I will be entering – just need to find the right picture!

  • Sofia Bee on said:

    I've been walking around, thinking about this post since the day you wrote me.
    It irritates the hell out of me that there's people out there, cowardly internet-people, who can't see what an absolutely beautiful person you are, inside and out, and only care about hurting your feelings or trying to get you down.
    Well SCREW THEM.

    I think you're AWESOME.

  • Pingback: Self Portrait Challenge | Mermaid Eyes

  • Mandy Jo on said:

    This is an amazing idea! Kudos to you for creating such a wonderful challenge.

  • lariatsandlavender on said:

    I love this, Chelsey! I'm a new follower and therefore a total stranger, so forgive me but: YOUR NOSE IS ADORABLE! I think
    that troll was jealous. 😉 Good on you for letting silly comments not distract you from what's important: yourself!

  • lindsay on said:

    I just did a "currently" post on my blog 🙂 I'm doing it once a month at the end of the month. I love the idea too. I can't believe people write comments like that. I've experienced it some on instagram but it's ridiculous! I love personal pictures + stories. Haters are always going to hate 😉 haha.

  • Mandi on said:

    Oh, I love this idea! I'm going to try to remember to do self portrait, hehe.

  • Heather B on said:

    Fe. 13th is my dad's birthday!!!

  • Danielle on said:

    I think this is a great challenge and I will be participating. Once I post mine I will definitely link up.

    Earl Grey tazo tea is so yummy…
    PS. I LOVE your nose!

  • Pingback: Before the Baby Wakes

  • Pingback: accepting the challenge. | the mom diggity

  • Emily on said:

    Oops, thought the first link screwed up and redid it only to find it worked the first time (# 83, 84). Sorry momma I'm prob the least tech savvy chick around! And your nose btw is what high fashion supermodels dream of.:)

  • Molly on said:

    What a bunch of BS! I love your nose. Isn't it these differences that make everyone unique and beautiful in their own way? I will take a self-portrait soon just for you!

  • Pingback: Currently…

  • heather on said:

    Chelsey I think you are gorgeous. Its sad that someone has to be so immature to turn to someone else and call them names or make fun of a body part. For someone to sit here and post bad comments on someones blog needs to find something better to do. Its shame some people can't grow up.

  • Ronni on said:

    YOUR NOSE IS NOT BIG. Now MY nose on the other hand….

    A long time ago, someone actually commented "You could be pretty if your nose wasn't so d*** big." Hated it until my I met my husband, who calls me "cutenose."

    I'll have to do this challenge. 😀

  • Jess on said:

    You're so pretty!! 🙂

    Just entered! 😀

  • Chelsey on said:

    Hey I'm a new blog stalker! My name is also Chelsey. Also I'm jealous of your awesome glasses.

  • Claudia on said:

    I fell in love with this post. I love it because it´s real, and I feel it speaks out to so many of us. It´s a shame we can´t filter mean-ness, I mean, we can spam, erase, but, like you said, it somehow seems to seep through to those unconscious and insecure corners of our mind we all have. I for one think YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. I´m half italian and was raised to consider our noses to be a sign of beauty and personality. I have a family of proud, big noses behind me backing me up on this one!

    I´ll be linking to this beautiful challenge of your tomorrow, make-up-less and wondering if I should, then just going for it, cause we´re about so much more than that aren´t we…?!



  • kim on said:

    i love you, youre beautiful inside and out. love reading and following your blog always. xoxo Kim*

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Thanks Kim! I think you have been following my blogging life more than anyone (besides my sister). ;D

  • MommaExpat on said:

    I stumbled upon your page & I am so glad that I did. I bought red lipstick this weekend and cried when my family kind of laughed at me. And to the silly nose-hater… insecure much? Thank you for creating this challenge.

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Just keep wearing the lipstick if you love it. They'll get used to it. 🙂

  • Pingback: Self. | HJ Underway

  • Anne Marie on said:

    I can not believe people! You are freaking gorgeous! Why do people go through all the trouble of leaving a mean comment? I guess some people are just jerks. I am loving this idea and will be linking up!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      I'm glad you will be linking up! And, thank you. 😀

  • tamalita on said:

    I think people with noticeable features make for good photos, one of the reasons I don't like photos of myself is that I feel I have no distinctive features lol. But – been thinking about doing a photo of myself for various reasons, so maybe this will spur me on.

  • Jamie on said:

    I can't believe some anonymous coward would say something like that to you!!! You have a super cute nose and an awesome sense of style. You inspire the more timid fashion minded people (like myself) to wear red lipstick and step outside our comfort zones 🙂 Thank you for your blog and your honest posts and also for posting them at 4:30 am when my son wakes up to nurse lol.

    ps. I also love She and Him 🙂

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Ha ha ha! You're welcome for posting so early. ;D Thanks for the kind words too!

  • Pingback: Self-Portrait Challenge « motherAWESOME

  • Delia on said:

    thank you so much for this wonderful and encouraging post!! I have always been very insecure about myself since I was younger–but its gotten even worse now that I'm overweight. I hate taking pictures and even worse pictures when I'm by myself. Its always nice to know that I'm not alone in my insecurities and most importantly that I can be confident! Everyone's different and I should love learn to love myself so I can be a good example for my kids!:)

  • Nicole on said:

    What the… I am always thinking about what a beautiful sister I have! I always look at your blog photos like "Wow, Chelsey is really beautiful." Although, as someone who posts her music everywhere on the web- I know what its like having people react negatively. People are not afraid to share what they feel when you are a public figure. Even to your face. I've had people tell me to my face that my music needs to be happier. My response: my music is what it is. Don't listen if you don't like it.

  • Summer Crosbie on said:

    I will never understand what gives people the right to think its ok to be mean to someone else, even on the internet! You are beautiful Chelsey!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Thank you mama! I will never understand either. 🙂

  • KerANDuh on said:

    i love your nose! i'm in the "big nose club" too and it's taken me forever to love it especially because people always point it out. rock it girl!!

  • Pingback: Self Photo Challenge

  • Katlyn on said:

    Uhm.. Don't know why mine posted twice.
    I'm very sorry!

  • dumb mom on said:

    Love that picture, and this post, and your nose! I really don't understand people who take time out of their day to leave mean/hurtful comments on blogs. I mean, I barely have time to write things I really want people to know! Great idea by the way!

  • Melissa on said:

    Totally in on this! Wednesday's post for sure!

  • Brenda on said:

    It's awesome that you can turn this one person's negative comment into such a positive thing. Looking forward to participating in this photo challenge.

    PS. Your nose is great!

  • AlyGatr on said:

    That just plain makes me sad. I never get why anyone would go out of their way to mean to anyone, especially someone as sweet as you. It's like kicking a cute little puppy just because it's there (not that I'm comparing you to a puppy, unless you like puppies then I guess it's OK…hee hee). To take the time to come over to YOUR space and say "Oh, hi, dropped by to let you know what sucks about you" is such a useless waste of energy. Really, really don't get people sometimes.

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      I LOVE puppies. 😉 Being mean is a terrible waste of energy!

  • Rochelle on said:

    You are so pretty! I hate it that you got mean comments.

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      I don't get many. Just the random few. They are lame.

  • Mandy on said:

    You are GORGEOUS! I think you have a lovely nose! Not only do are you beautiful, but you also have a really lovely unique look that makes me think you should have been an actress. Those meanie commenters can stick it where the sun don’t shine.

  • erica on said:

    you don't even have a big nose!! what the heck?

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Hee, thank you. I do know I wouldn't be the same person without my nose. I love it. 😀

  • Meghan on said:

    I really don't get the mean commenting. What ridiculousness! Besides, you're so totally adorable. : )

  • Katie on said:

    Seriously? What is wrong with people?! I think you're absolutely adorable!! I get the double chin thing, too. What is UP with that? I don't have a blog, but I do Project Life, and today I snapped a few (kind of awful) shots of myself to go in as today's photo. Here's the big winner: It's good to have a reminder to photograph myself sometimes. I realized my 2011 PL features my face about 5 times. It's like I wasn't even there!!

  • Nikki on said:

    Who are they? Give me their names… 😉 I'm self concious about my nose too…ever since my boyfriend in 5th grade called it my beak. I always say I would get a nose job before a boob job but then I just wouldn't look like me anymore. And red lipstick…I bought 2 tubes and my coworkers freaked out. But I kept on sporting it and eventually they came around. It's almost like wearing diamond earrings it just dresses up your face! Great post, thanks for sharing!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Silly how those sort of comments stay with you! I hope you join in!

  • the grumbles on said:

    i'm not huge on self portraits but i really should do it more. i guess. i mean, if you say so. meh.

  • erika on said:

    you are a beautiful soul- inside & out. this is a wonderful challenge and i will join. <3

  • BeautifulMessyLife on said:

    you are beautiful. it really blows my mind that people can just show up in your space and criticize for absolutely no reason. this might be a good first photo challenge for me.
    and ps- my friends and i fantasized about creating a commune long long ago 🙂

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Ha ha ha! So, I'm not the only one with that dream.

  • Mandy Chiappini on said:

    What an awesome idea. I think we all really need to challenge ourselves. I always have a double chin, too. I'm really paranoid about it but I'm trying to just do better about accepting it. But it's hard. And as far as that mean troll goes- I've already said this but they're lame. You are beautiful and I love your nose. In fact, do you want to trade?? lol

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Yes! I love a good challenge. P.s. your nose is amazing.

  • Andrea on said:

    It's crazy how people feel like they have the right to outright judge someone or say mean things like that. I bet 99% of them wouldn't feel that way if they weren't behind their computer. I love your confidence {and your nose!}. Screw the idiots. You are amazing.

  • April on said:

    I really needed to read this today. One – you have a FABULOUS nose. I hate self-portraits. Hate them. I rarely feel pretty enough to ever be in front of the camera. I feel too large, too large and sharp of a nose and chin. I am not dainty. So, perhaps I should take this challenge. I could at least learn how to position myself in an angle that makes me think, "Hey, this could work!"

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Yes! Enjoy it! I think you're beautiful by the way.

  • jordan shutt on said:

    I really am glad you posted this. I sometimes will post the most unflattering photos of myself because hey, that's whats real, and then I will get a less than nice comment about my paleness or something and I get all butt hurt about it. It's hard to not let stuff like that get to you! I appreciate the advice and I will never change my pale skin for anyone!

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Im sorry you got some mean comments. But, I do think you look lovely. 🙂

  • kristin on said:

    such a beautiful photo!! i love it!!

  • Claudia on said:

    kudos to you Chelsey! i can't believe some nasty "troll" said that about your nose. i think a face is supposed to have character. if we all had small noses and lookes alike, we might as well be packaged in matel boxes and be put up in the shelves of toys r us.

  • Calie on said:

    I mean this in the nicest way possible…whoever makes negative comments about you is an idiot. You are beautiful and nice and creative and it boggels..boggles?…flabbergasts me that anyone would say something mean about you. Why go through the effort of commenting for something like that? Stupid people.

    You're amazing. It's a fact.

    • The Paper Mama on said:

      Thank you! I really just think people say those things in comments because they are bored and feel like being mean. It's ridiculous.

  • Amy H. on said:

    I hate and love this post all at the same time. I hate how mean people are BUT I love how out of their hate you can love yourself more. I hate how it bring ups bad memories of growing up being picked on for my own nose BUT love how it reminds me that my nose was given to me by my family, and that makes me a part of them….thanks love for sharing. I will be back to link up!


  • Danni Meyers on said:

    Sounds awesome. I will have to try to remember to do this tomorrow. I already have a scheduled post that went up today.

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