Last week I was making dinner in the kitchen as Henry was playing with his toys in the other room. It’s nice when babies reach the age where they can keep themselves entertained for semi-long periods of time, you know? After a while I noticed the absence of babble coming from the living room so I said, “Henry?” No response. “Henry?” Again, nothing. I turned the burner down and went into the living room where there was a pile of toys…no baby. I started searching the house all over, getting more frantic with each baby-free room. What if he fell down the stairs? What if he was stuck in the toilet? And then from the corner of my bedroom came a thumping of baby feet stomping the hardwood floors. Out from the curtains came a giggling Henry, so proud of himself for discovering such a great hiding spot. It was at this moment that I realized just how much Henry has grown up. Babies seem so little for a stretch of time and then they do something like play hide&seek and it catches you off guard. How do they learn these things without you even noticing? How do they manage to surprise you when you’ve been watching them the entire time? Henry is quickly becoming his own little person and it’s really fun to watch but seriously? Babies are the trick masters and speeding up time is their specialty!
♡ Guest blogger: Allie