{linked to black and white wednesday} |
{There she is. My sweet new tattoo. I’ve had the flowers on my shoulder for about three years now… and, have been scheming out my newest addition ever since then! I wanted it to sort of be a continuation of the shoulder tat. There’s a honey bee by my wrist… she represents Ruari for me… AND, I also added two bees on the front and back of my shoulder… these represent Mike and I.}
{I had planned to add more branches/touch up my original tat, but because of the surprise Angus butt surgery costs… I thought it was best to scale it down. 🙂 Maybe this fall I can add more? 🙂 And, I wont be filling it in. It’s done with grey ink and she just did some shading. Exactly how I wanted it. It will fade more and look as light as my shoulder in… I don’t know… 3 years? :D}
{Let’s talk about my amazing tattoo artists… Traci Manley from New Rose Tattoo in Portland, OR. She did the original… and then she did my addition. She’s so talented. Please check out her website and visit her portfolio. She’s awesome. AND… hey! If you’re in Portland and need a tat… why not schedule one real quick at New Rose Tattoo? Great idea!}
{via} |
{And, if you all get a moment….
I’d LOVE a vote! :D}
{If you have a Wordless{ish} Wednesday, please feel free to link it up below. BY the way: Shawntae from A Little King and I now share our Wednesday Linky’s. :D. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… 5 Minutes For Mom, Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, Supermom, And Then She Snapped, and Live and Love Outloud.}
{Hey! Don’t forget to check out my sponsor me button below! Yeah! Lots of great advertising deals!}
♡ Chelsey
I love your tattoos! So pretty. I have a black and gray one on my side … a cardinal and flowers in honor of my grandpa. I love gray tattoos. So beautiful. Love these.