Living Healthy: Continuing my 30 Day Shred challenge…

Yup… I’m sharing my 30 Day Shred before and after again. 😉 I mentioned a couple posts ago that in the end of April I started the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. While I have not lost ANY weight… I have noticed a significant change in my appearance. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost inches. Yay! 

So, why am I bringing this up again? Other then me being super proud of myself… :D? … after I posted my before and after photos I got a LOT of response from people so excited in the quick change in my before and after! A lot of questions of who is Jillian Michael’s…. what was I eating… did I work out everyday… etc.

What I did:
– I VERY loosely followed what Mandy did here: Longest post ever about fud. I still ate dairy… but, not everyday and when I did it was a small amount. A sprinkle of blue cheese, feta, or parmesean here and there. I still used salt. Just less. And, I still treated myself to some goodies. Still do. 😀 I guess what I mostly did was scale down my portion size and ate more often. 
– I did the 30 Day Shred at least 6 times a week. Actually… I don’t think I ever did it 7 times a week. I always took Saturday or Sunday off. 🙂 I never used the weights… because I don’t have any. 😀 AND: my knees are pretty bad so I had to adjust a lot of the cardio so I wasn’t jumping so much. Killed my poor knees!
– Drank more water… when I remember. That seemed to be the hardest thing… and still is. 
– One more thing… places you can find 30 Day Shred: You can purchase it pretty much anywhere. I rent mine from Netflix (yup, I’ve had it for like 45 days. Bwa ha ha. :D). OR: I guess it’s available On Demand… so, if you have cable that’s a free option.

So, a few bloggers got together to start there own 30 Day Shred. Starting today! I’m on about day 40 something… but, I want to keep it going. I’m only on level 2 (there are 3 levels of difficulty) and I want to see if I can get to Level 3! Plus: I’m not in the shape I want to be in. I have a pair of pants that I fit in last summer and I want to fit in again! That’s my goal.

I believe some of the ladies are going to share their before photos…. I did take them! BUT: I didn’t want to share them until I fit into my pants I love so much. So, you’ll all just have to wait. 😉 If you’d like to join the challenge you can link up by clicking the button below.

Naptime Momtog

♡ Chelsey


BlogHer 2011!

Categories: Uncategorized

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