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This weeks Thursday’s Three is in honor of Ruari now pooping 3 times a day. As I’m typing this, I can hear her pooing! For whatever reason she went from a once-a-day poo to 3 times a day. Hmmm… Almost overnight! Yay! {That was sarcasm}
So, on to my Thursday’s Three: Poo
1) Nature Babycare Diapers. The VERY diapers that Ruari JUST poo’d in! Mike and I have recently discussed possibly switching to cloth diapers… then we realized we barely get the laundry, that we already have, done. So, we use Nature Babycare. To my knowledge these diapers are the most biodegradable diapers available at this time. Here’s a nice little FAQ if you’d like to know more about them.
2) Pooped my pants onesie! Funny little onesie from Etsy. Please check out their shop for more creations!
3) Cute cute print from Ciela Design. Hee, it would look cute in Ruari’s room. I do wish one of those dogs looked a little more like Angus. 🙂
Alright, that’s it! Hope you have a lovely Thursday!
And, don’t forget to check out the Paper Lady’s Thursday’s Three: Crap.

LOL Cute Onesie!! I'll have to look into those Diapers. Thanks!
My son feels the need to poop often as well. I just take it as..Im glad everything's working inside!
i'm looking for awesome gift idea's for a friend's baby… and these are perfect.
Wow! Three poops a day! You definitely need to order that onesie! (So cute!) The pictures of her with the poop captions crack me up. She is so irresistible!
you should cloth diaper! it really is so easy, once you get in the swing of things. and it's fun :)if you want to try it, at a totally reasonable price this i an awesome way to go:…it's only $49 for the pack and that should be a whole days worth of diapers and a good amount to give you a chance to see if you like it. (you change just the inside and go through about two covers a day)and if you don't…you can turn around and sell them on craigslist for almost what you sis bought 3 of these packs and that is more that enough for her and she only spen $150 total and will never have to buy diapers again.but when you do get the hang of it 🙂 you can always start adding to your stash-it is a lot of fun finding diapers and deals! i think they say you want around 24 diapers/inserts to have enough to cut down on wear and, that was the longest comment ever…
Ugh I have no idea why but last week Isaiah went from pooping every 2-3 days to pooping almost every diaper change! Julian was on the same schedule and now is doing it almost every day. I think it might be their formula, it's for sensitive tummies but I think they're growing out of it and need to go back to the regular stuff.With 2 babies I'm getting SO TIRED of cleaning poopy diapers. And I've changed lots of diapers in my day but these guys' poop stinks SOO BAD. I'm over it!!
Cute onsie! I've always planned on cloth diapers, but I don't know if I could wash them myself. Where would you find the time?? We'll probably go with bum genius or a diaper service.WAIT what am I talking about? Yesterday I said I would never have kids. I can't keep up with my bipolar.
Oh my gosh, that onesie is so funny.And her face in the captioned pics? Haha!!
Any tips on how to find the best deals on these diapers? ;)I LOVE the onesie AND the print… Could you imagine what Ruari's room would look like if you actually purchased all of your Ruari's Room themed Thursday Threes? She'd have to have her own house! hah!