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When I was in 2nd grade, in maybe 1991, I decided I wanted to cut my hair short. But, what I didn’t understand is that I would have to style it if I wanted it to look good. Oh well. Everyone else loved my hair short. I remember hating it. 😀
{Chelsey in 1991}
Flashback with us:

I don't think I ever understood, that I'd need to put effort into styling my hair, in order to get it to look how I wanted it to look. My hair always looked horrible. I didn't learn how to curl/straighten/do anything to it at all, until well after hich school.
Hi! I'm visiting you through Flashback Friday! I think you looked absolutely adorable with the short hair. At least it wasn't like what I had going on as a kid – Mushroom Head. Seriously… my mom's hair was in the same style for a while too. Why would anyone want their head to look like a mushroom?!?! PS I love your blog 🙂
It's adorable, and you can totally rock it. My mom had our hair long and always put GIGANTIC bows in. In spite of it, I chopped it off that short when I got into highschool, and dyed it black. lol. I'm so glad I got out of that stage. I now have long blonde hair that I contemplate cutting every now and then, but as you mentioned.. it's the having to style it part that changes my mind.
I can totally relate as I had the EXACT same hair style with the exception that you look absolutly cute in your do! 🙂
I remember having hair that short at the same age. I hated it because I loved it long and my mom insisted on chopping it short. I'd cry because the other kids would say I looked like a boy. Still, you still look SO sweet in your pretty dress 🙂
I had a similar do in the late 80s. It was trendy!
Come on.That's so dang cute. 🙂
I still think you look adorable. I had my hair short for the longest time. I sometimes want to cut it short again, but I can't imagine it right now.
That hair is just too cute! Seriously, what an adoarble pic…you look like your daughter in that shot!
why do we have like the same kid picture? i swear, that reminds me of me when i was in 2nd grade. i too had short hair. and we did the "book it" program in school where you read a bunch of books and earn free personal pan pizzas. well, you would get a girl or boy sticker for every book you read, depending on your gender… and for some reason the pizza hut girl would always give me a boy sticker.
I LOVE your blog. I love your photography. I am hoping I can learn something from you. YOu have a new follower!
LOVE IT! you were so adorable 🙂 this photo is just so perfect 🙂 hahah also, tag your it :)……
Omgosh look how cute you are. You even have the sweet pose down!!
What a cutie patootie!
Still have the same smile as in this pictures! So pretty
I love the dress more then the hair.
When I was a kid my best friend got a Dorothy Hamill haircut and I was so jealous. You looked adorable!
You look cute with short hair! I used to have hair down to my butt when I was that age, and I would never let anyone brush it and it was a big ball of tangled curls, so my mom had it all chopped off into a pixie cut, with big feathered bangs (it was the 90's!) Anyways, it was quite the tramatic experience and I'm jealous I couldn't rock the cute cropped hair like you did 🙂
AH that's adorable!
Too cute! 🙂
AWW!! You are so cute!!