Mike and I headed over to Bellingham, WA to visit his family for a couple of days. We went to the farmer’s market, enjoyed Ski to Sea, and had a nice little break. Here’s an explosion of photos. Please feel free to link up your Memorial Day weekend post below. 🙂
{Angus and his treat}
{Baby (23 weeks) lounging at the farmer’s market}
{Organic veggies}
{Super tasty cupcakes}
{Looks a little like doo doo…. but, man it was tasty! Chocolate peanut butter.}
{Feeding herself}
{Some tasty coffee}
{New baby}
{Who’s there?}
{Got a picture of Mike!}
Mike’s aunt thought the bow headband I had on Ruari last time was WAY too girly. SO, she got her a little toddler Mariner’s hat. She looked so cute! But, I still love the girly bows!
How funny that you came to WA and I went to OR! I love her Mariner's hat!
omg @ the towering cupcake of chocolate goodness.