Here’s some randoms for all you new lovely people!
- I LOVE paper. I tend to keep wrapping paper and other interesting papers to use later in some paper crown creations for my shop.
- I’m thinking of that ice cream that is in my freezer right now…
- I think about blogging at least 5 times a day. ;D
- My baby will have about 5 millions photos taken of her by the time she’s 20.
- I’m constantly doing something… The only time I’m not is when I’m sleeping…
- I wish that I could do a giant play group with all the mom bloggers I’ve met.
- Sometimes I comment on a blog in my head and forget to actually comment… then I thought I had commented… but, I hadn’t. Mom Brain.
- I blame a lot on Mom Brain. 🙂
- My Mom Brain is preventing me of thinking of any other randoms… Can’t wait to meet you all!
Just a little reminder…
Today is the last day: Current photo challenge: Talented!
Don’t forget to enter my giveaway: 5 winners!
Hello! Thanks for stopping by blog and for posting! I'm now following yout too!!Your blog is so lovely and your baby is too beautiful!!!!!!! Looking forward to reading more of your blog! Have a happy weekend!
Don't you just love that machine?! I actually still use it for dinners sometimes. Max loved when I made butternut squash with it! Acorn too! 🙂
Just love pics of babies eating! And the last one is hysterical. Nice mustache!
What a cute blog and super cute pics! I am now following you. Feel free to check me out too!~Lori@live,laugh,love,create :)paisleyinspirations.blogspot
haha, i love it. babies just look better with pink mustaches!
I'm visiting from Trendy Treehouse right now, but I think I'm already subscribed to your wonderful blog.I love all the photos of your daughter eating; she's a cutie pie!
go you for making her food! that's awesome. i sometimes do, but to be quite honest, i'm lazy and just buy organic baby food instead. I SUCK.
Love it!You are so cute!Happy new friends Friday!Following your blog and would love for you to say hi and do the same!Xo Frenchy
so i happened to be below you for new friend fridays, old friends count too right?
Oh so cute! She looks like she's crying at first and then loves it. I love their faces when they try out a new food or taste. Precious!heather