I totally forgot I took these photos! Probably because a couple days after I took them I found out I was pregnant and then began the 24/7 nausea through 16 weeks… ugh… 🙂
{Angus= at 3 years old}
So, I had purchased a photo light tent for my Etsy shop (totally a wonderful purchase by the way… here’s the one I bought… and make sure you get “daylight” fluorescent bulbs.) and Angus is so tiny he fit in it. And, since I’m such a good puppy mommy I thought he should get his photo taken in it. 🙂
He didn’t really like it, but I got some cute photos. 🙂
Heeee, so cute!! I'll have to show these pictures to Charlie tomorrow. Puppy dogs are his very favorite things (next to trucks and cars, and drive driving). He'll be in LOVE with the computer screen.
Ohhhmyyy, I am gong to have to get a tent just to put my cat in there! TOoo cute!!
Is that a dog or a rat?? …. Just kiddin!;)
What an adorable doggie!!
Those are darling! What a cute pup you have.
Light tent…sigh. I want one 🙂 I tried making one and it was a total failure. Of course, I also need a better camera and some lights!Angus is a cutey. It looks like he made himself pretty comfy!
Cute kid AND a cute dog! You have such a charmed like girlfriend! This is just too sweet! And I'm loving your new look over here:)
Aw he's so cute!
Gosh, Iove all the shots:)
aww. I especially love the ast one 🙂
Those are some GREAT shots! I especially love the 4th one – where he is looking at the camera. I'd have to enlarge and canvas the crap out of that one! 🙂