Wednesday Goodies: Home Sweet Trailer free printable

A free printable for you today! It’s been QUITE a while since I’ve shared a free printable. Click here for the LARGE size of this image. This little trailer comes from my Paper Rainbow Terrarium DIY (yesterday’s post). Check it out!

Also: have you checked out this month’s giveaway? It’s rainbow themed. Enjoy! <3


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.

Over the Rainbow Paper Terrarium

Over the Rainbow Paper Terrarium

Do you remember my deer paper terrarium from last year? No? Well, here’s a link to my original post (plus check out the photo below).

I had that cute little set up for a year. I loved it (I still love it), but it’s time for a change. That’s why I’ve created my new paper terrarium: over the rainbow. No more deer this year. Time for rainbows, an air plant, and a little blue trailer. I am pretty good at keeping most of our house plants healthy, but if you have a hard time remembering to water: this DIY is for you. Have you ever tried air plants? They are very easy to keep alive. I just soak mine in water, for 20 minutes, once a month. Even when I forget to soak them they still stay alive!

Deer Terrarium

Even though the deer set up was so cute, I really love my over the rainbow terrarium. Here’s what you need to make your own:

Rainbow Paper Terrarium //



Step 1:

Prep your glass container. My glass container has a hole in the base. SO, I cut out a piece of cardboard and hot glued it to the inside of the hole (I don’t want the sand to sneak out).

Rainbow Paper Terrarium //

Step 2:

Cut out a small piece of floral foam to fit at the base of your container. My foam was about an inch thick. Just short enough to hide under the sand.

Rainbow Paper Terrarium //

– Pour in your sand. I had a 5 pound bag (from a local terrarium shop) of black glitter sand.

Rainbow Paper Terrarium //

Step 3:

Cut out your trailer, clouds, and rainbow. I included multiple sizes for you, so you can choose what works best for your jar. Hot glue your clouds to a bit of wire and all the trailer and rainbow to toothpicks.

Rainbow Paper Terrarium //

Step 4:

Arrange the paper terrarium pieces in your container. I added a teensy bit of moss (from the deer terrarium) to sit under the trailer. Once you’re happy with how it looks, place your air plant. I made sure to place my air plant in a spot I can easily grab it. Air plants require a spritz of water or a soaking in water about once a week, and water isn’t so great for paper rainbows and paper trailers.

Set your terrarium in a favorite spot and enjoy!

– Chelsey

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Over the Rainbow Paper Terrarium


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Categories: diy, For The Home

No asbestos for me!


Yes! Last week I mentioned my concern about the flooring UNDER my entryway tile. The ugly pink tile I see EVERY day I walk into my home. I want to tear that tile out of there! I’m tired of looking at it, but before I went crazy and tore up the floor I needed to make sure I wasn’t opening up a nest of asbestos. Yup. We have a 90 year old house and I just don’t know what’s under there.

SO, I sent in a sample of all layers of the entryway + samples of the 3 layers of vinyl (yeah, that’s 3 layers of vinyl) OVER hardwood in the kitchen (three layers of vinyl!) for some asbestos testing. It was the longest wait EVER. 4 days of waiting. I got the results of the tests on Friday…

No asbestos detected! Zip. Zero. Nada. OMG. What a weight off my shoulders!

I’m so happy. I just worried about it all week. Not only is it not safe… but it’s super expensive to get it safely and professionally removed. The husband and I had prepared for the worst. I wasn’t really worried about the entryway, but I was almost convinced that the kitchen had asbestos. 3 layers of vinyl with blackish glue… all signs pointed to yes. BUT, nope. We are good.

A few people were curious about where I sent in my samples. It’s a lab here in Oregon. They were very nice and a pretty great price. JSE Labs. I recommend them if you’d like to do some testing of your house. You can call them about all the pricing. The more days you wait for the results, the cheaper the price. They told me they will take samples from pretty much anywhere.

So yeah, I had a great weekend. No worries here! Anyone want to come over with a sledge hammer and take out my entryway floor? Ha! I’m ready to do this. How was your weekend?

– Chelsey

GIVEAWAY: Lucky charms rainbow of goodies!

It’s March 1st (I can’t believe it, this last month went by so fast) and that means it’s time for another giveaway! I really have fun putting these goodies together for you, I also wish I could win alllll of these. Gah. I want that Diana Instant Camera kit!

This months theme: rainbow. The group I’ve gathered for you has created a beautiful rainbow of awesomeness! You’re going to look awesome in your new lipstick and bow, taking instant photos while chatting on your new phone (with a custom Gelaskins cover), sporting a beautiful amethyst ring and crocheted lace collar, and you can carry your smaller goodies in the lovely blue leather pouch. You will be set. Ha!

Rainbow Giveaway //

– Red: Radiant Cosmetics… Your choice of lipstick

– Orange: Just Lovely Things… Pumpkin Velvety Bow

– Yellow: Gelaskins… $50 gift card

– Green: Susannah Bean… Crocheted Lace Collar

– Blue: Diana camera with flash + Diana instant camera back

– Indigo: Rouge and Whimsy… Blue Leather Clutch

– Violet: Moorea Seal… Amethyst Small Circle Ring

– Gold: HTC One X Phone!

How do you win?

How do you win this gift guide? Well, I’ll tell you. There will be one winner. The winner will be chosen by

Just use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. There are MULTIPLE ways you can enter… all the way from leaving a good ‘ol blog comment – to sharing this giveaway on instagram!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: All items (except for the Diana Camera + instant camera back) were provided for this sweepstakes. All other items were provided by, The Paper Mama was not paid for this give away. Last day to enter the giveaway is March 31st, 2013. 11:59 PST.  One winner will have 72 hours to get back to me, after I email them. Once the first winner chooses their prize, I will notify the 2nd winner (they will have 72 hours to get back to me). Good luck! Please click here for more prize rules and there are MORE prize details in the Rafflecopter fine print. This giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada residents only.

Wednesday Goodies: Top Mom Craft Blogs on Babble!


I found out a few days ago that I was included in the Top Mom Craft Blog list, by Babble. The list include a ton of fantastic talented people. If you need some crafty inspiration… Check out the list!

Ok. That’s all. Happy Wednesday!

– Chelsey


If you have a Wednesday post, please feel free to link it up below. And, feel free to link up to these blogs too… Parenting by DummiesProject AliciaJenni from the Blog, and Live and Love Outloud.

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Categories: announcement

Our old home.


I’ve mentioned before, we live in a 90-year-old home. Yup. Well…. I guess she’s 93. Built in 1920. It’s tiny and needs a lot of work is unique. The entry to our home is covered in the UGLIEST pink tile. There’s hardwood under there. I can see a sneak peak of the hardwood every time I come in the house… but we’ve never tried to pull the tile up and check it out.

Last night… I did it. I got tired of staring and decided to just check and see what’s under there. There are 2 layers of tile over the hardwood. I’m pretty sure the tile is glued to the hardwood… which sucks. BUT, anything is better than that pink tile. ALSO, things I didn’t think about before I messed with this bottom tile: asbestos. Oh yeah. that. It’s an old house, so I need to be safe. I have stopped messing with it for now… and plan to make a couple of calls tomorrow. I don’t think it’s asbestos, but I want to be safe.

Have you ever dealt with asbestos? Any advice with testing? Have you tried a home kit?

– Chelsey