Day 13: Tree Plus Heart Garland

Tree Plus Heart Garland //

Day 13 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Tree Plus Heart Garland. I know we still have a bit of time before Thanksgiving, but I’m ready for Christmas decorations! This last weekend I made a Tree Plus Heart Garland. It may or may not be going up in my house this weekend. Yay!


– 5 sheets of green felt

– 2 sheets of red/pink felt

– bakers twine

– hot glue

– scissors


– Trace out a tree and heart shape on paper. Cut out those shapes. These will be your patterns. Note: I made my trees about 3 inches high.

Tree Plus Heart Garland //

– Cut out 16 trees and 17 hearts.

Tree Plus Heart Garland //

– Hot glue the back of the trees + hearts onto the bakers twine.

Tree Plus Heart Garland //

Hang and enjoy!

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out the DIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

Day 12: Painted Silhouette Kid Craft

Painted Silhouette Kid Craft //

Day 12 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Painted Silhouette Kid Craft! It’s a fantastic present for the grandparents (or aunts/uncles/friends). I love my daughter’s artwork… so much, but I wanted to created something for my mom that she’d love to hang up in her living room (not to say that she doesn’t love my kiddo’s drawings, but those all end up on the fridge). This is one of my mom’s (the kiddo’s grandma) gifts this Christmas. I’m betting she’ll love it, especially since my daughter is so proud of it! Want to make one for someone special in your life? Well, it’s easy. Follow the directions below.


– One piece of small birch or oak plywood

Contact paper

– Acrylic paint

– Scissors or X-acto knife

– Printer + computer + camera/phone with camera

– Someone to take a photo of


Painted Silhouette Kid Craft //

– Put your kiddo (or whoever… cat … dog … husband … chicken) in front of a bright window. Using a camera (the camera on your phone will work), focus on the background of the image (outside). This will make the person in front of the window look dark. Perfect for a silhouette!

– Print out your photo. Following the outline, cut out your silhouette shape. Note: if your subject has messy hair (like my kiddo) you can just cut a smooth line over that messy part. 

Painted Silhouette Kid Craft //

– Trace the cut out silhouette shape onto a piece of contact paper. Cut out the traced shape with your scissors. If you’d like to get more detailed with the cutting, I suggest using an X-acto knife.

– Peel back the paper portion from the contact paper.  Press the outer portion of the cut out silhouette onto your plywood. Be sure to press down the edges VERY well. The more the contact paper is pressed down, the better chance you won’t have paint leaking under the contact paper. Note: if there are any portions of the plywood that are still showing (and you don’t want painted), cover with painters tape. My kiddo is crazy with the paint and I wanted to make sure she only painted the silhouette portion. 

– Set your kiddo up to paint! Since this is a gift for my mom, I gave her paint that I know would look good in my mom’s home. Some blues and gold. Let them go to town!

– When they are done painting, let the silhouette dry for about 24 hours. Carefully peel off the contact paper. I suggest tracing your X-acto knife along the silhouette edge to separate the paint from the contact paper.

Optional: use E6000 to glue on a picture hanger to the back, OR use some temporary Scotch wall hangers to hang. 

Painted Silhouette Kid Craft //

– You could be done here, or there’s one more step… Since we used some light paint the silhouette blended into the wood color. I used a pencil to trace the edge.

– Done.

Wrap up this sweet thing and give to a favorite person… OR keep for yourself. Hee.

Painted Silhouette Kid Craft //

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

For another AWESOME silhouette DIY, check out our ebook (comes with free printables):

Make Your Day //

Day 11: Homemade Air Freshener

Homemade Air Freshener //

Day 11 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: The Homemade Air Freshener DIY I created for Better Homes and Gardens. I’m sorta cheap. I can’t get myself to spend $5+ dollars on store bought air scents. I can’t. I can create my own with some products I have around my home! Check out the original post to see how you can make this. P.S. if you want to get super Christmas-y with this… one of the commenters on the original post suggested adding a mini tree to the jar. Cute!

Homemade Air Freshener //

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

Day 10: Wolf Mittens

Wolf Mittens //

Day 10 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Wolf Mittens. Woof! I made these for my kiddo. It’s getting colder and we gotta keep those little hands warm. Instead of boring little grey gloves, my daughter needed something a bit cuter. The cost of this project was $1. These would be the most adorable gift! Here’s how I made it:


– One pair of mittens

– 2 different colors of felt

– Embroidery thread

– Needle

Optional: hot glue


–  On a piece of paper, trace a line around one of your mittens. Cut this shape out.

Wolf Mittens //

– Draw on the muzzle, thumb bit, triangle nose, and a couple triangle ears.

Wolf Mittens //

– Cut out your drawn on face bits. Trace those patterns onto your felt. Cut out the traced felt pieces.

Optional: Use a couple dots of hot glue to position the felt pieces onto the glove (this will help with the embroidery part).

– Embroider on the felt pieces. Embroider on the black eyes.

Wolf Mittens //

– Optional: Cut out a felt heart. Cut it in half and stitch it on the palm side of the mittens.

Wolf Mittens //

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

Day 9: Painted Feather Ornament

Painted Feather Ornament //

Day 9 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: Painted Feather Ornaments. I’ve got feathers everywhere. My chickens drop them like crazy. It’s slowed down a bit since the weather got colder, but from the summer supply my daughter collected, I had enough to make a few painted feather ornaments. I think these little guys would look lovely on a holiday tree, or even a Christmas gift.

Painted Feather Ornament //


– Feather

– Acrylic paint

– Gold thread


– Gather your feathers from your chickens. If you DON’T have chickens, you can also find feathers at your local craft store.

– Figure out the design you’d like on your feather. I stuck to the simple stuff and did a basic blue block with a gold outline, then a gold block with black polka dots. The feathers were already beautiful, so I didn’t want to take too much away from the loveliness they already had.

– Let dry.

– Tie a knot + bow with your gold thread onto the end of your feather and hang on your beautiful Christmas tree! OR, use the feathers as a gift decor or door decor. Enjoy!

Painted Feather Ornament //

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

Join me this Sunday for an in-store Pinterest crafting at Michaels!

Michaels Pinterest Craft Party

This Sunday I’ll be at our local Michaels to help you craft some of your favorite Pinterest ideas! Show up and browse the Pinterest inspired ideas throughout the store, then head to the craft room to make them! You can buy some craft supplies, or bring your own.

I’ll be here from about 1pm – 4pm. Hope to see you there!

12255 N. Starlight Avenue

Portland, OR 37217-7845

Not in the Portland area? No worries. Bloggers all over the country are participating. Check out this link here and click on a city that works for you. Hope to see you there!

Come with a project in mind, get ideas from the new Pinterest-inspired displays or head over to Michaels Pinterest board to find more project inspiration.

– Chelsey

Day 8: Silhouette Wreath

Silhouette Wreath //

Day 8 of my 50 DIY Days of Christmas: The cute Silhouette Wreath I made for HP Create.

This is my modern take on the Christmas wreath. Printed paper Mod Podged onto a piece of plywood. Yeah, it’s that simple. To check out the full DIY and get the free printouts I included with this DIY, click here.

– Chelsey

To keep up with the series, click here or on the image below!

50 Diy Days of Christmas //

P.S. I do have a couple of spots open for the DIY Days, so if you think you have the perfect project to share send me an email. First, check out theDIY/Submission section in my FAQ’s for a bit of post submission info.  If you’d like to reminisce in the past 50 DIY Days of Christmas… here you are: 2011 & 2012.

I am a paid contributor for Hp Create

Categories: 50 DIY Days, HP