Kid Dinner Ideas

Kid Dinner Ideas

Kid Dinner Ideas

Kid Dinner Ideas

Kid Dinner Ideas

In the past month I’ve been changing up the kiddo’s dinner. I’ve known for a while that she’s more likely to eat a meal if I make it look like a face, but just adding eyes and a nose with raisins isn’t as exciting anymore. That’s why I’ve stepped up my kids dinner design. Ha! I stepped up the food design game with snack time, now she keeps asking for “a face” for dinner. So that’s what I make for her.

If you follow my Instagram, you have probably seen these. I thought I should also share them over here on the ‘ol blog. I’ve only done a few and it’s really quite difficult. Getting fancy with veggies/fruits/cheese.

Do you ever get crazy with your food designs? Hee.

– Chelsey

Around The World Living Room Inspiration

Around The World Living Room Decor Inspiration //

I’m a dreamer. I pin all the things and yeah… I still bookmark web pages that inspire me. Ha! I pin and bookmark pretty pictures to inspire any room or home updates. The other day I was wandering the blog world and saw this lovely home, that was featured on Design Sponge, and it inspired me to make up my own Around The World Living Room Inspiration board. I loved the feel and all the little bits and pieces of the home. I especially loved the living room.

I searched around and found some items that could help me create my own version of this lovely space. If you love it and need this for your home, I shared links to all the goods I gathered below. Enjoy!

1) Yellow Marquee Arrow 2) World Map Art Print 3) Peggy Sofa 4) Wood Pole Scholar Lighting 5) Wooden Top Side Table 6) Par Avion Pillow 7) Sky Pillow 8) Magical Thinking Handmade Rug

– Chelsey

14 Fabulous Decorating DIY Projects!

14 Fabulous Decorating DIY Projects! //

Images from: BHGNatty By DesignSarah M. Dorsey DesignsLemon Drop Life, and Vintage Revivals.

You guys. It’s so hot outside. The family and I have been hiding in our home to escape the heat, huddled around the small a/c. Ok it’s not that bad, but at least our living room is cool and we can hang out in there while we’re home. It’s really too warm to do too much outside past about noon, so that gives us time to come up with new home decorating ideas while we sit indoors. Today on the Better Homes and Gardens blog I shared 14 fabulous decorating DIY projects. The majority of them are quick and easy (the upholstered headboard may take some time), and all of them are a lovely way to add color and design to your home. There are quite a few talented people out there in the blog world. Head on over to the post to see all 14 ideas!

– Chelsey

P.S. I am a paid contributor for the Better Homes and Gardens Style Spotters Blog.

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

It’s summertime, a.k.a. fruit pie time! I love pie. I love the slightly salty crust with the sweet and tart fruit. Mmmmm, seriously so good. The thing with pies, it’s hard to tell what kind of pie you’re serving under that beautiful crust. A couple years ago I went to a wedding that served a variety of pies instead of a wedding cake. They had labels, but I think my little paper berry pie decorations would definitely get the job done. “Oh look, a cute strawberry is sitting on that pie. I bet that’s a strawberry pie!” Ta dah! Ha. Just in case you like crazy pies with more than a couple fruits, I’ve made a blank swirl printable. Enjoy all the pie you’ll be decorating!

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)



Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

  • Print out the pie decor printables.

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

  • Cut out the fruit or swirl shapes. Tape a toothpick to the back of each piece of fruit or tag.

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

  • If you use the swirl pie decor tags, use a pen to write out what’s in the pie filling.

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

  • Decorate your pie. Eat the pie. Done.

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

Paper Berry Pie Decorations (with free printables)

Hey, how’s your summer going so far? Too hot?

– Chelsey

P.S. I didn’t make these yummy treats. These delicious desserts were made at the Baker and Spice, a local Portland bakery. Yum.

Fruity Mod Podge Planter DIY

Fruity Mod Podge Planter DIY //

Do you love indoor herb gardens? Well, I made this Fruity Mod Podge Planter DIY for the HP Create blog and I love the pop of color it’s added to my kitchen. My husband (the cook in this family) uses rosemary in most of our meals, so I figured this would be the perfect herb to keep in the home. If it get’s too large, we’ll just transplant it outside. Random fact alert: Rosemary can repel bugs in chicken coops, so we mix rosemary clippings into our coop shavings. We currently have 5 rosemary plants growing. Hee.

Fruity Mod Podge Planter DIY //

If you want to make this planter for your home, you can head over to the this post to get the full DIY. The cute fruit illustrations are free for you to use! Have a lovely Tuesday.

– Chelsey

I am a paid contributor for the HP Create blog


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Categories: diy, For The Outdoors, HP

11 things: Part 4

11 Things //

Another 6 months have passed, and that means it’s time for another 11 things! I love doing these every few months. Just a break from the usual blog post. You can find my past 11 things here: part 1, part 2, and part 3. I love wandering back through my past answers and I also love it when my readers participate! I always encourage you to join in on the fun. You can answer the same questions I answered below, or answer the new questions I made at the bottom of the post (or make your own). If you DO participate in my 11 things game, please share a link to your blog post in the comments below. I’d love to check them out. So much fun.

My answers: 

1. Are you a cat or dog person?

I am equally dog and cat person, but the numbers can shift depending on the day. If I see a cute cat video (like the vid below) and my dog rolls in something gross outside…. I am definitely a cat person at that moment.

On the other hand, if I see a silly dog vid (like the one below) and my cat barfs on the couch/rug/bed/in shoes/anywhere…. I am suddenly a dog person. Ha!

2. What was your favorite food as a kid? Is it the same, or has it changed as an adult?

There are soooo many things that are just not the same as when I was a kiddo. I try them now and wonder how I enjoyed if as a kid. A few that really stick out in my mind:

– Spaghetti-o’s: OMG. How did I ever eat this stuff? I tried it again in college and couldn’t finish it.
-Pixie-stiks: this doesn’t exactly fit under an actual “food” category, but I ate it. I ate tubes of flavored sugar. I can’t even imagine doing that today. So grainy and way too sweet. Kids are weird.

3. What is your favorite hobby?

I have too many hobbies, I just like making stuff. If sitting around and staring at walls could be a hobby, that’s my favorite.

4. If you HAD to move to a different state (or country) where would it be?

No. I don’t want to. I guess if I HAD to, it would be Washington. It’s pretty darn close to Oregon.

5. Are you a winter or summer person?

Between the two: winter. My favorite season is definitely fall. It’s just starting to get chilly and you get to wear cozy sweaters!

6. What makes you happy?

This is totally a mom answer, but my kiddo really makes me happy. This little creature can be like an emotional roller coaster teenager and frustrate the heck out of me, but then she laughs or smiles and she wins me over. I just love her so much.

7. What is the weirdest question you’ve ever been asked?

I was asked if I was pregnant when I was 9 months pregnant. First, never ask a lady if she’s pregnant. Second, it looked like I was carrying the biggest basketball ever in my belly. So obviously preggo. Ha!

8. If you had to go on an adventure, with elves, dwarves, or hobbits, who would you take and why (question found here)?

I’m leaning towards elves because they are pretty awesome, but hobbits love to eat. Sooooo, hobbits.

9. You are at a rural retreat lodge somewhere deep in Wisconsin or Canada. You are approached by a taxidermist who hands you a stuffed badger and asks you to put it in your lap. What do you do next?

I guess I should probably name the thing. Jerry.

10. What was your first job?

I worked at a pizza place. Godfather’s pizza. It smelled like dough and bleach.

11. What is your favorite utensil?

Forks are nice. Very prongy.


My new questions for you:

1. What’s your favorite show on TV right now?

2. Could you ever be a contestant on the reality show: Naked and Afraid?

3. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

4. What’s your first thought when you wake up in the morning?

5. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?

6. What was the best trip you’ve ever taken?

7. Share your favorite meme of gif.

8. Your current favorite book and/or movie?

9. The most random fact about you…

10. What do you miss about childhood?

11. Share your favorite cell phone images you’ve taken in the last 12 months.

If you answer any of these questions on your blog, be sure to share the link in the comments below. I would love to wander over and read them! Have a wonderful Monday.

– Chelsey


Categories: about me

Plastic Travel Envelope Purse DIY

Plastic Travel Envelope Purse DIY //

Plastic Travel Envelope Purse DIY //

I travel quite a bit and I feel like every time I go to the airport… I suddenly can’t find ANYthing I need. Where’s my ID? Where did I put my phone? I even lose track of my tickets. It’s a mess, so that’s why I made this cute plastic travel envelope purse DIY for HP Create! I put all the items I KNOW I’ll need for my travel day right into this little guy. Phone, ID, Tickets, some lipgloss, maybe a cute photo of the kiddo, and whatever essential small travel item I need. It fits easily into my purse, or it has straps so I can carry it around my shoulder like a purse. It’s so convenient. You can find the full tutorial here.

– Chelsey

P.S. I am a paid contributor for the HP Create site